Skeletal System Pathologies 2 Flashcards
defined as inflammation of the joints
Commonly called Pyogenic Arthritis caused by staphylocci, streptococci and gonococci. Symptoms are pain, redness, swelling of the affected joint accompanied by fever.
Acute Arthritis
- chronic inflammatory disorder affecting the synovial joints.
- common in women aged 20 to 50.
- it is manifested as having pain, swelling, stiffness, fatigue,
weight-loss, fever,anorexia, etc.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
- a progressive form of arthritis that is a chronic condition affecting the spine and sacroiliac joints of males aged 10 to 30 years.
Ankylosing Spondylitis
- it leads to rigidity and fixation making the spine a rigid block of bone referred to as bamboo spine resulting in bone fusion (ankylosis)
Ankylosing Spondylitis
the most common type of arthritis known for as degenerative joint disease.
- affects male and female equally resulting from a non-inflammatory deterioration of the joint cartilage that occurs with the normal wear and tear of aging.
- it is also secondary to bone stress associated with trauma.
- This condition affects mainly the large, weight-bearing joints and interphalangeal joints of the fingers.
radiographically, presence of bone spurs or known as osteophytes are seen visible which is due to the loss of articular cartilage.
Inflammation of Associated Joint Structures
inflammation of the tendons (connective tissues attaching the muscles to the bones, enclosed in a sheath)
inherited metabolic disorder with excess amounts of uric acid.
Gouty Arthritis
- common in males affecting the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe.
- its complication leads to kidney stone formation due to increase excretion of uric acid by the kidneys.
Gouty Arthritis
A metabolic bone disorder common in women past menopause. There is an abnormal decrease in bone density. In postmenopausal women, hormone estrogen is decreased or lost causing the bones to become “porous”. Its severity leads to a compression fracture. Treatment includes increase in intake of calcium, vitamin D and sex hormone supplements.
Metabolic condition due to lack of calcium in the tissues and a failure of bone to calcify. Results from inadequate intake of calcium, phosphorus,or vitamin D.
It is caused by vitamin D deficiency in children.
It is the most common in elderly of unknown etiology. Affects the pelvis, spine, skull and the long bones. Complications may lead to hearing and vision disturbances and even to a malignant neoplastic disease of the skeletal system
Paget’s Disease
malignant neoplastic disease of the skeletal system
A fairly common disease of the endocrine system, often very mild and may go undetected for a long time, Since the skeletal system is involved in balancing calcium and phosphorus levels, such condition disrupts the normal calcium-phosphorus ratio leading to bone destruction.
Also an endocrine disorder due to disturbance of the PITUITARY GLAND. It is a slowly progressive disease in which there is an increase in growth of the hormone that will thicken and make the bone coarse because of the epiphyses closing and bone that does not grow in length anymore.
- Radiographically, it will show an increase in size of SELLA TURCICA and some changes in the skull
- People with acromegaly present forehead & jaw, widened teeth, and a large spade-like hand.
A discontinuity of bone caused by mechanical forces either applied to the bone or transmitted directly along the line of a bone
Classification of Fractures
- Open or Compound fracture
- Closed Fracture
- Complete, Non comminuted Fracture
- Incomplete
one in which the bone has penetrate the skin.
Open or Compound fracture