Skeletal System Pathologies 4 (Neoplastic Disease) Flashcards
The most common benign bone tumor, which arises from the growth zone between the epiphysis and diaphysis of long bones, also called the metaphysis.
Most commonly it involves the lower femur or upper tibia and is capped by growing cartilage. Many times ______ are asymptomatic unless the affected long bone is traumatized, which results in a pathologic fracture of the diseased bone.
A fairly rare growth most commonly located in the skull. These lesions are composed of very dense, well-circumscribe, normal bone tissue that usually projects into the orbits or paranasal sinuses.
Another term associated with osteoma of the skull
Hyperostosis frontalis interna
Other term for Osteochondroma
Malignant transformation of Osteochondroma
A slow-growing benign tumor composed of cartilage. It grows in the marrow space and most commonly affects the small bones of the hands and feet in individuals between the ages of 10 and 30 years.
Multiple growths for endochondroma is termed as
Malignant transformation for endochondroma
Other term for endochondroma
Ollier’s syndrome
It is a wall of fibrous tissue filled with fluid. These frequently occur in the long bones of children, most commonly in the humerus and knee. The cyst is usually first noticed when the patient presents with pain caused by the increased tumor growth or as a result of a pathologic fracture.
Simple bone cyst
Another common benign tumor of the skeletal system is
Osteoid osteoma
These fibrous tumors occur twice as often in males compared with females and almost always develop before the age of 30 years.
Osteoid osteoma
Osteoid osteomas are most commonly found in the _________ of the young adult.
or spine
Refers to a group of tumors characterized by the presence of numerous, multinucleated, osteoclastic giant cells. This neoplasms affects the sexes equally and is found in individuals between the ages of 20 to 30 years.
Osteoclastoma (Giant Cell Tumor)
Anatomically this disease tends to affect the ends of epiphyses of long bones, especially the lower femur, upper tibia, and lower radius
Osteoclastoma (Giant Cell Tumor)
Clinical signs and symptoms of an osteoclastoma are
non-specific and include pain,
an occasional palpable ass,
or an occasional pathologic fracture
Except for myeloma, the most common primary malignancy of the skeleton is the ______, which arises from osteoblasts.
Osteosarcoma (Osteogenic Sarcoma)
This neoplasm is most frequently found in the metaphyses of long bones, with approximately 50% affecting the knee. This can occur at any age but predominantly affects young males between the ages of 10 to 20 years and is rarely seen after the age of 50 years.
Osteosarcoma (Osteogenic Sarcoma)
A highly malignant disease with a poor prognosis because lung metastasis almost always occurs via blood stream.
Osteosarcoma (Osteogenic Sarcoma)
Another primary malignant bone tumor is ________
Ewing’s Sarcoma
This neoplasm occurs at a younger age than any other primary malignant bone neoplasm, usually between the ages of 5 to 15 years and rarely occurs after the age of 30 years.
Ewing’s Sarcoma
Arises from the medullary canal and involves the bone more diffusely, giving rise to uniform thickening of the bone.
Ewing’s Sarcoma
Does not begin at the end of a long bone. It does however tend to affect the extremities and pelvis.
Ewing’s Sarcoma