Upper limb sheet 5 Flashcards
Ask your model to demonstrate eating an apple
What movement is occurring at the wrist joint? Identify planes and axes for each movement. Explain which muscles are producing this movement.
Flexion then extension as wrist moves away
Sagittal plane, mediolateral axis
Flexors = flexor carpi ulnaris/ radialis, flexor digitorum (profundus + deep), flexor pollicis longus
Extensors = extensor carpi radialis (longus/ brevis), extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor indicis, pollicis (longus/ brevis) , digitorum
Explain local and global stabiliser with example( s)in the upper limb or lower limb
Local = stabilises one atatchment to allow movement of required muscle
Global = stabilises body position rather than muscle
E.G. lev scap wants to side flex and elevate scapula, lower fibres of trap fix scapula to allow for efficient side flexion
Explain the attachments, morphology and actions of Latissimus Dorsi. Name the nerve supply.
Large flat muscle with a spiralized tendon
Origin: Spinous process of T6-T12, posterior iliac crest, lumbar vertebrae via thoracodorsal fascia
Insertion: Intertubercle groove of humerus
Actions: Depression of scapula, shoulder ext, medial rotation and adduction
Nerve: thoracodorsal nerve
Explain the attachments, morphology and actions of Supraspinatus. Name the nerve supply.
Smallest of the rotator cuff muscles, travels under acromion
Origin: Supraspinatus fossa of scapula
Insertion: Greater tuberosity of humerus, superior facet
Actions: Abduction (0-15), then assists deltoid further, stabilises humerus
Nerve: suprascapular nerve
Classify the 1st Carpometacarpal joint of the thumb and articular surfaces. Identify two ligaments associated with the joints of Thumb or fingers.
Synovial saddle joint
Proximal joint facet of 1st metacarpal and distal trapezium bone
dorsal/ palmar carpometacarpal ligaments
What is the root value of Axillary nerve and which muscles group does it supply? What is the course of this nerve?
Deltoid, teres minor
Brachial plexus to posterior shoulder
Identify and where possible palpate the olecranon process or medial epicondyle and lateral epicondyle. Name the muscle that attaches here.
Olecranon - tricep insertion
Medial epicondlye - pronator teres origin
Lateral epicondyle - extensor carpi radialis brevis
List the muscles responsible for flexion/extension at the Elbow.
Flexors = brachialis, brachioradialis, pronator teres, biceps brachii
Extensors = triceps, anconeus
Explain common flexor origin and identify the contraction
Common origin of wirst flexors, from the common flexor tendon