Quadriceps (A) Flashcards
What is the position of the quadriceps?
Anterior compartment of upper leg
Describe the morphology of the quadriceps
Rectus femoris: bipennate, spindle shaped, thick tendon attaches to upper border of patellae then forms ligamentum patellae, deep surface is tendinitis and smooth allowing movement over vastus intermedialis
Vastus lateralis: fusiform, distal tendon inserts with rec fem, lateral side of patella and ITB
Vastus intermedialis: very deep, blends with VL in mid portion and VM distally
Vastus medialis: upper fibres run downwards, lower fibres run horizontally to form vastus medialis oblique
What is the nerve supply for the nerve supply?
Femoral nerve
What are the origins of the quadriceps?
Rectus femoris: AIIS, area above acetabulum
VM: Femur, intertrochanteric line, shaft of femur
VI: Femur, shaft of femur (medial+lateral)
VL: Femue, greater trochanter, intertrochanteric line, gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera
What is the insertion for the quadriceps?
Tibial tuberosity via patella tendon
What are the actions for the quadriceps?
Hip flexion
Knee extension
What is the function of the quadriceps?
Sit to stand