Upper limb sheet 4 Flashcards
Ask your model to demonstrate a tight grip in the hand
Name the joints of Hand involved in the movement. What movement is occurring at the 1st CMC joint?
Interphalangeal, metacarpophalangeal, carpometacarpal,
Flexion occurs at the 1st CMC joint
Now, list all other movements of 1st CMC joint. Name the muscles responsible for flexion at the 1st CMC joint.
Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, opposition
Flexor pollicis longus/ brevis
In which planes and axis does wrist flexion & extension and radial and ulnar deviation movement occur.
Flex/ ext = sagittal, mediolateral axis
Rad/ ulnar deviation = frontal, anteroposterior axis
Explain a Helping/True neutraliser with example(s) in the upper limb / lower limb
True - counters movement of agonist, doesn’t contribute to wanted movement
Helping - counters unwanted movement of agonist, helps with wanted movement
e.g. bicep brachii does elbow flexion, pronator teres = helping neutraliser, pronator quadratus = true netraliser
Classify the wrist joint. Explain articulating surfaces.
Name the carpal bones. Identify ligaments associated with the wrist.
Synovial ellipsoid joint
Allows flex/ext and radial/ ulnar deviation
Articulation of proximal carpal bones with distal radius
Ligaments = dorsal radiocarpal, palmar radiocarpal (intracapsular)
Radial collateral, ulnar collateral (extracapsular)
Proximal carpals = Scaphoid, luante, triquetrum, pisiform
Distal carpals = Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
Explain the attachments, morphology and actions of Teres minor. Name the nerve supply.
thick, flat, fusiform, rectangular muscle
Origin: Upper 2/3 of lateral border of scapula
Insertion: Inferior facet of greater tubercle of humerus
Actions: External rotation, adduction, extension
Nerve supply: axillary nerve
Explain the attachments, morphology and actions of Subscapularis. Name the nerve supply.
Large, triangular shaped muscle located under the scapula
Origin: Medial 2/3 of subscapular fossa
Insertion: Lesser tubercle of humerus, front of shoulder capsule
Actions: Internal rotation, abduction and extension in certain positions
Nerve: Upper/ lower subscapular nerves from brachial plexus
Explain the attachments, morphology and actions of Pec Major. Name the nerve supply.
Thick, large superior muscle of chest wall, clavicular and sternocostal fibres.
Origin: medial 1/2 clavicle, manubrium, sternum, upper 6 costal cartilages and aponeurosis of external oblique
Insertion: Lateral lip of intertubercular groove of humerus, crest of greater tubercle of humerus
Action: Flexion of shoulder, adduction, medial rotation, some extension if arm is flexed
Nerve: clavicular fibres = lateral pectoral nerve, sternocostal fibres = medial pectoral nerve
What is the root value of Sciatic nerve. Outline the course and and name the muscles supplied by the nerve?
Supplies hamstrings (apart from short head of biceps femoris), adductor magnus
Derived from lumbosacral plexus to apex of popliteal fossa
Name two muscles that flex or extend or side flex or rotate the cervical spine.
Extensors = erector spinae, trapezius, semispinalis cervicis/ capitis, levator scapulae
Flexors = sternocleidomastoid, longus colli/ capitis
Side flexors = sternocleidomastoid, trapezius, scalenes, levator scapulae
Rotators = sternocleidomastoid, semispinalis, splenius
Name muscles/ ligaments attaching at greater tubercle, lesser tubercle, corocoid process
Greater tubercle = Teres minor
Lesser tubercle = subscapularis
Corocoid process = Biceps