Upper limb Flashcards
What is this?
what triangle is it a part of?

trapezius muscle
part of the posterior triangle

What is this nerve?
what is its clinical importance?
What does it innervate?

spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)
general visceral efferent
clinical importance:
lies relatively superficial and lateral to
the sternocleidomastoid muscle it is prone to injury by blows to the neck,
falls or radical neck dissection
innervates: trapezoid and sternocleidomastoid

Latissimus Dorsi Muscle
origin: inferior angle of scapula, all the way down to iliac crest, and goes to crest of lessser tubersotiy of the humerus

Levator Scapulae Muscle
goes from medial boarder of scalpula to about c1

Rhomboid major Muscle
medial part of calcuplua to T2-t5

Deltoid Muscle
about the medial part of the humerous to 1/3 of the clavicle and spne of the scapula

Supraspinatus Muscle
greater tubercle of the humerus , supraspinaous fossa of salpula *sits in the scapula almost
action: abduction of the arm
nerve supply: suprascupalr nerve
blood supply: suprasacuplar artery

Infraspinatus Muscle
goes to greater tubercle of the humerus to the medial line of the scapula, there teres muscles are coming from the inferior border of the scapula
nerve and blood supply: suprascrapular

teres minor
proximal to the teres major, attaches to the lateral part of the scapula, goes to the greater tubercle of the humerus
nerve: axillary nerve
arterial supply: circumflex scapula artery

teres major muscle
lesser tubercle of the humerus, to the inferior lateral part of scapula
nerve: lower subscapular nerve and posterior cord of brachial plexus
arterial supply: circumflex scapular artery

Triceps Brachii Muscle

triceps brachii long head: insets on the sacpula
triceps brachii lateral head: attaches to the humerus
tracieps brachii tendon would inset into the elbow
nerve: radial nerve
arterial supply
deep brachial artery

Axillary Nerve
perceives the deltoid muscle, comes out between the infraspinatus and the teres minor almost
branch of the posterior cord of the brachial plexus
detloid, teres minor, and skin of upper lateral arm
what is this artery running with the axillary nerve?

posterior circumflex humeral artery
supplies: deltoid arm muscles near the neck of the humerus
**anastamoses with the anterior cricumflex humeral artery
What is thisnerve? What does it pass

Suprascapular nerve
passes UNDERNEATH the Superior transverse scapular ligament (navy under bridge)
supplies supraspinatus, infraspinatus
What is this artery in the posterior triangle of the neck (made by sternomasticoid, trapezius, and clavicle?)

Suprascapular artery
passes ABOVE the superior transverse scapular ligament “army over the bridge, navy under the bridge”
supplies the supraspinatus, infraspinatus muscles
What is this?
When is it commonly injured?

radial nerve between long and lateral head of triceps brachi
could be injured with a humerous fracture results in WRIST DROP
• Borders:
o superiorly - teres major muscle,
o medially - triceps muscle (the long head),
o laterally - humerus

deep brachial artery
*next to the radius in the triangular interval
supplies the posterior arm
what is this?
what sx of a tear?

The glenoid labrum (glenoid ligament) is a fibrocartilaginous rim attached around the margin of the glenoid cavity in the shoulder blade.
Most labral tears are the result of an injury to the shoulder. A tear in the labrum can
cause pain and a catching sensation of the shoulder.
what is the blue?

The Coracoacromial Ligament is a strong triangular band, extending between the coracoid process and the acromion.

Acromioclavicular Ligament

Coracoclavicular Ligaments
connects the coratoid process with the clavicle
attaches the clavicle with the coracoid
process of the scapula. This ligament has two parts:
oconoid (medial) ligament
otrapezoid (lateral) ligament
only ligament attached to base of thumb

abductor pollicis longus
radius to the to the 1st metacarpal (base)
ESTENSOR and ABDUCTION of the thumb
innervated by the RADIAL NERVE

Extensor Pollicis Brevis
- *starts on radius and more medial than the extensor pollicis longus*
- * brevis is BETWEEN 2 LONGUS*
- closer to wrist than abbudctor longus*
inserts on the THUMB
innvervated by radial nerve

Extensor Pollicis Longus Muscle
to base of the thumb
origin is the ulna (on the posterior surface when palms up)
Posterior interosseous nerve of radius

extensor capri radius longus
extension and abduciton if the wristm weak flexion of the elbow
radial nerve

attaches to Middle finger (being brief with someone)

Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
more medial than the extensor carpi radiliaus longus, goes from humerous to middle finger on the posterior side of the hand
Posterior interosseous nerve

Extensor Digitorum Muscle
attaches to four digits of hand from lateral humerous
Posterior interosseous nerve

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
more medial than the extensor digitorum
Posterior interosseous nerve
artery: ulnar artery

Brachioradialis (PALMS UP SIDE!!)
lateral, from humerous to lateral radius on the posterior side
action: flexing the elbow, supination and pronation of the forearm
nerve: radial nerve
arterial supply: radial recurrent artery

pronator teres
goes from humerus to RADIUS but cross UNDER THE BRACHIORADIUS
action: weak flexion of the elow joint, pronator of the forearm
median nerve
artery: ulnar artery and the anterior ulnar trecurrent artery

suponator muscle
humerus to radius (ON SAME SIDE AS THUMB)
supinatoion of the forearm
nerve: posterior itnerossei nerve
artery: recurrent interosseous artery

superificial radial nerve
travels along the radius
about the wrist pops up to top of hand and supplies first three fingers

median nerve
nerve on thumbs side when palms up
carpal tunnel syndrome (sine it passes through the carpal tunnel)
provides the flexor muscles of the forearms and the skin of the radial half of the palm and lateral digits

large artery that is on the “up” side of the forearm

brachial artery
terminates at the level of the elbow (where it divides into radial and ulnar)
branches into deep brachial;, superior ulnar colaltera, infeiror ulnar collateral, radial, and ulnar arteries

radial artery
supplies: posterior eblow, forearm, and hand
also the palmar side of the hand and thumb
e radial artery ends by anastomosing with the deep branch of the
ulnar artery to form: the deep palmar arch

Ulnar Artery
*branch of bracial artery
supplies medial side of the anterior forearm, posterior forearm, superficial palm and fingers
lateral to the superifical flexor digitorum

Flexor Carpi Radialis
. between second and third fingers
posterior side

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
posteritor side of ulnus to the pinky finger base on PALMS UP SIDE
palms up side

flexor digitorium superficialis
has 2 heads.. one on humerus and one on radius goes to all fingers on thumbs up side except the thumb
flexion of wrist, and f2-5th digits
nerve supply: median nerve
arterial supply: ulnar nerve

Flexor Digitorum Profundus
bewlow the flexor digioturm superficialis
nerve: median and ulnar nerve
action: flexion of the wrist and fingers
atery: ulnar and anterior interosseous artery
same level as the flexor digitorum profundus

Flexor Pollicis Longus
goes to the palmer side of the thumb
actionL: adbuction of wrist, flexion of the joints of the thumb
nerve; median nerve
arterial: anterior interosseous artery

Pronator Quadratus
band that stretches from the ulna to the radius at above the wrist
what is this?
what fracture could damage this?

ulnar nerve in the hand
Medial epicondyle fracture could damage this

radial collateral ligament

Ulnar Collateral Ligament
The ulnar collateral ligament is often torn, and an associated fracture of the
head of the radius, coronoid process or olecranon process of the ulna may occur.


long head of biceps brachi

goes from pinky side on dorsum to palmar side

pronator quadratus

short head of biceps brachi
musculocutaneous nerve and the brahcial plexus c5-c6

triceps brachi
radial nerve

extensor carpi radilasi
