Inguinal region Flashcards
what is it?
what spinal level does it from from?

iliohypogastric nerve
comes from psoas major muscle
what is this?
what spinal level does it leave?
what fibers does it have and what do they do?
how does it leave inguional region?

ilioinguinal nerve
motor: 3 abdominal muscles
sensory: pubic region, root of clitoris/penis, anterior wall of labia/scortum
leaves through the superifical ring
What is blue? What is red?
What spinal level does blue come from
What fibers does it have and what does it supply?

Red is iliacus muscle
Blue Lateral Cutaneous nerve of the Thigh
comes off psoas major muscle and crosses of iliacus muscle..
sensory information from the parietal peritoneum of the iliac fossa, the skin on the anterior and lateral thigh and the patellar plexus.
What nerve is this?
WHat spinal levels does it coem from?
What fibers does it have? What do they do?

Femoral nerve
comes from lateral psoas major surface.. goes to its anterior surface
motor fibers to the muscles in the anterior thigh compartment and
conveys sensory information from skin over the
anterior thigh.
What nerve is this?
WHat spinal levels does it coem from?
What fare its branches? What fibers do they have?
Genitofemoral nerve
peirces psoas major and emerges on anterior surface
Genital branch motor to cremaster muscle
femoral branch sensory from small arera on the anterior thigh
What nerve is this?
WHat spinal levels does it coem from?
What fibers does it have? What do they do?

obturatory nerve
l2-l4 *like femoral nerve
motor fibers to the muscles in the medial thigh compartment and conveys sensory information from a small area of skin over the medial thigh.
What is this?
What muscle fibers is it made from?
What reflex is it involved in? What nerves accomplish this?
How can this reflex be elicted manually?

Cremaster muscle
Internal abdominal olbqiue
genital branch of gentifemoral nerve draws cremaster up when cold, pulling the testes into the scrotum
stroke skin of inner thigh -> femoral afferent fibers to itnerneurons to genital genitofemoral nerve
What makes the external spermatic fascia?
the aponeurotic fibers of the external abdominal oblqies

vas defrens
the most posterior part of spermatic cord
What is this?
What is it covering?

Pampiniform plexsus
Testicular artery
What is this artery? What does it branch off of?

Testicular artery
covered by the pampiniform plexus until it gets to the scrotum
comes off of the abdominal aorta

Inguinal nerve
goes on anterior surface of exterior spermatic fascia
External spermatic fascia
What is the conjoint tendon made from?
derived from fusion of the aponeuroses of the transversus abdominis and internal oblique muscles.
What is this?
to what part of the hip does it attach?

Conjoint tendon
the pubic crest

transversus abdominis wall

transversis abdominis wall
what is this muscle?
what fascia covers it?

quadratus lumborum muscle
lateral arcuate ligament
what is this muscle
describe its course
whats its clincial significane?
what is its function

psoas major muscle
passes under the medial arcuate ligament of the diaphragm and leaves the pelvic region by passing under the inguinal ligament
psoas abcess often msitaken for an inguinal hernia
serves as a great flexor of hip joint
what are both of these?
where does the blue one come from>
what is the action of the blue? what is its signfiicance?

yellow: psoas major
red: psoas minor
*anterior to psoas major
from T12-L1
assists in flexing lumbar vertebrae