Posterior mediastinum Flashcards
what is this?
what fibers from vagus leave form here?
what fibers are here?
Left and Right Vagus Nerves forming the Esophageal Nerve Plexus
vagal fibers of the esophageal plexus separate into the anterior and posterior gastric nerves
fibers: pregangilionic parasym. from vagus
postganglionic sym. from symapthetic trunk
visceral montirong from vagus
visceral pain from esophagus
what is this?
where does it empty into?
at what spinal level does it arch over?
where does it originate from?
what does it receive venous return from?
azygos vein
its on the right side!
empties into superior vena cava
arches over root of right lung at T4 to go to SVC
originates from: right acending lumbar and subcostal veins
veinout reutnr from: posterior intercostal veins, the hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos veins as well as the right superior intercostal vein.
what are the two probes touching?
what involves the azygos sytem with the spread of infection?
posterior intercostal veins and azygos intercostal
how azygos can spread infection: via its tributaries from the posterior intercostal veins, the azygos system communicates with both the external and internal vertebral venous plexi
if the IVC is blocked, what could supply collateral blood flow? why?
azygos because it tutually maintains a connection from embryological origin
what is this?
what nerve is it innervated by?
pectoralis minor
innervated by medial pectoral nerve
what is this?
what nerve is it innervated by
pectoralis major
innervated by medial and lateral pectoral nerves
what is this?
at what level does it cross over into azygos?
what is it formed by?
where does it drain from
cross at T9
formed by left ascending lumbar and subcostal veins
lower four posterior intercostal veins (drains most of posterior intercostals on the left(
what is this?
what is it formed by?
where does it join the azygos vein
accessory hemiazygos vein
formed by union of the 5th through 8th posterior intercostal veins
terminiates in the azygos vein at t8
what is this?
where in the diaphragm does it pierce?
what trunks drain into it?
thoracic duct
posterior to the esophagus.. between azygos and descending abdominal aorta
in the aortic hiatus
drains the left bronchomediastinal, jugular and subclavian trunks.
what is this?
where does this start?
where does this terminant?
thoracic duct
cisterna cyli
left jugular and subclavian vein
how far down does the entire sympathetic chain go?
are gray rami its entire length?
are white rami its entire length?
all the way down the entire length of the spinal cord (about l1-l2)
gray rami are entire length of sympathetic chain
white rami only T1-L2
what are these
whats the difference between these two fibers
gray rami: postganglionic sympathetics
white rami: preganglionic sympathetics, visceral afferent pain fibers
what is thsi?
what are the compoennt fibers?
what do they supply?
posterior intercostal nerve (ventral rami)
*mixed fiber nerrve
somatic sensory, somatic motor, postgang. sympathetic,
bones, muscles and skin of the anterior thoracic and abdominal walls and extremities.
***the postgnaglionc symp vasoconstrcit smooth muscle in hair shafts and stimulate sweat gland secretion
what is this?
where is it arising from?
where does it synapse?
greater splanchnic
branches of t5-t9
synapses in celiac plexus OR **directly to adrenal medulla
preganglionic sym. and visceral pain afferents