Nasal cavity Flashcards

inferior concha
a bone by itself (not a part of ethmoid)

superior concha
part of ethmoid bone

middle concha
part of ethmoid bone

superior meatus
posterior group of ethmoid sinuses, splneoid sinus

middle meatus
maxillary sinus, frontal sinus via fronto nasal duct, middle group of ethmoidal sinuses

inferior meatus

Sphenoid Sinus

Sphenoethmoidal Recess

where the eustachian tube goes into the nasopharnyx
where are the forceps going into the frontal sinus?

traveling through the frontoasal ductinto the middle meatus
wjat is this protrusion near the below frontal sinus and on the ehtmoid bone?

Ethmoidal Bulla
what is this slit alongside the ethmoid bulla?

Hiatus Semilunaris
what is draining in where the metallic pin is?

frontonasal duct

Opening of the Maxillary Sinus

Opening of the Maxillary Sinus
what is curved hook going to?

Opening of the Nasolacrimal Duct