Abdominal wall vasculature Flashcards
Identify 25
What are its branches?
- Celiac trunk
- Left hepatic, common hepatic a, splenic
* L1 vertebral level*
* just below aortic hiatus*
* celiac means belly in greek*
- Identify
- What are its branches?
- Does it have anatasomses?
- Left gastric artery
- caridoesophageal, ventral, dorsal
- right gastric artery, short gastric arteries
- Identify
- What are its branches?
- common hepatic artery
- right gastric, gastroduodenal, proper hepatic
what are its branches?
what does it supply?
gastroduodenal artery
branches: pyloric vessels, panreatic vessels, duodenal vessels, right gastroepiploic artery, superior pancreaticoudoenal atery
what does it supply: upper duodenum, upper part of head of pancreas; greater curvature of stomach on right
- goes behind the first part of the duodenum in front of the pancreas*
- *its origina is highly variable.. can come from the left, right, or middle hepatic artery, or celicac trunk or the sma*
what are its branches?
the proper hepatic artery
What is this artery?
What does it usually branch from>
cystic artery
right hepatic artery
- identify
- where does it supply blood to?
left hepatic artery
the left and caudate lobes
- identify
- what does it branch of of?
- does it have any anastomoses?
- right gastroepoic
- gastroduodenal, *branch of common hepatic a.
- left gastroeploic
- iudentify
- what does it supply?
- does it anatomsoe with anything
- what does it branch off of?
- Superior Pancreaticoduodenal Artery
* typically the terminal branch of the gastroduodenal* - head an unicate processes of the pancreas
- anastomoses with the inferior pancreaticoudeonal artery
- gastroduodenal *branch of common heaptic
- identify
- what ligament does it enter?
- what are its branches and what do they sypply?
- splenic artery
* passes to the left, probably leargest of celiac branches* - iliorenal ligament,
- pancreatic branches - neck body tail of pancreas
left gastroepiploic - greater curvature of the stomach and greater ommentum
short gastric arteries - fundus and cardiac regions of the stomach
splenic branches - the spleen
- identify
- where does it branch from
- does it have any anastamoses
- what ligament does it travel in eventually?
- Left Gastroepiploic Artery
- Splenic artery
- Yes, the right gastroepiplpoic
- left gastrosplenic ligament to stomach
- identify
- what supplies blood to this organ?
- pancreas
- neck, body, and tail - pancreatic branches *of splenic
superior pancreaticoduodenal - head and unicate process of pancreas
inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery *of SMA - head of pancreas
- identify this artery
- what is the dermatome for referred pain of structures supplied by this artery
- T8-T12
- Identify
- What spinal level does it come out of
- L1
- identify
- what does it supply?
- does it have any anastomoses?
- middle colic
- transverse colon
- right anatomoses with the right colic artery
left anatomoses with the left colic artery
- identify
- what does it supply blood to?
- what does it anatomose with if anything?
- Right colic artery
- ascending colon, hepatic flexure, part of transverse
- anatomoses with middle colic and superior branch of ilocolic
- identify
- Inferior Mesenteric Artery
about 4 cm about bifurcation itno common iliac, close to horizontal part of duodenum
sits in front, then elft of aorta
- identify
- what does it supply blood to?
- what does it anatomsoe wuth>
- left colic
- descending colon, part of transverse colon
- middle colic
- what artery is this?
- any anstomases?
- what does it supply?
- Sigmoid Arteries
- anastomes:
superior sigmoidal: anastomoses with left colic artery
inferior sigmoidal: anastomoses with superior rectal artery
3. Supplies: caudal part of descending colon, sigmoid colon, and often a small segment of the upper rectum
- identify
- where does it brnahc from?
- what does it supply?
- Superior Rectal Artery
cross left common iliac
- both sides of rectum