Abdominal wall vasculature Flashcards
Identify 25
What are its branches?

- Celiac trunk
- Left hepatic, common hepatic a, splenic
* L1 vertebral level*
* just below aortic hiatus*
* celiac means belly in greek*
- Identify
- What are its branches?
- Does it have anatasomses?

- Left gastric artery
- caridoesophageal, ventral, dorsal
- right gastric artery, short gastric arteries
- Identify
- What are its branches?

- common hepatic artery
- right gastric, gastroduodenal, proper hepatic
what are its branches?
what does it supply?

gastroduodenal artery
branches: pyloric vessels, panreatic vessels, duodenal vessels, right gastroepiploic artery, superior pancreaticoudoenal atery
what does it supply: upper duodenum, upper part of head of pancreas; greater curvature of stomach on right
- goes behind the first part of the duodenum in front of the pancreas*
- *its origina is highly variable.. can come from the left, right, or middle hepatic artery, or celicac trunk or the sma*
what are its branches?

the proper hepatic artery
What is this artery?
What does it usually branch from>

cystic artery
right hepatic artery
- identify
- where does it supply blood to?

left hepatic artery
the left and caudate lobes
- identify
- what does it branch of of?
- does it have any anastomoses?

- right gastroepoic
- gastroduodenal, *branch of common hepatic a.
- left gastroeploic
- iudentify
- what does it supply?
- does it anatomsoe with anything
- what does it branch off of?

- Superior Pancreaticoduodenal Artery
* typically the terminal branch of the gastroduodenal* - head an unicate processes of the pancreas
- anastomoses with the inferior pancreaticoudeonal artery
- gastroduodenal *branch of common heaptic
- identify
- what ligament does it enter?
- what are its branches and what do they sypply?

- splenic artery
* passes to the left, probably leargest of celiac branches* - iliorenal ligament,
- pancreatic branches - neck body tail of pancreas
left gastroepiploic - greater curvature of the stomach and greater ommentum
short gastric arteries - fundus and cardiac regions of the stomach
splenic branches - the spleen
- identify
- where does it branch from
- does it have any anastamoses
- what ligament does it travel in eventually?

- Left Gastroepiploic Artery
- Splenic artery
- Yes, the right gastroepiplpoic
- left gastrosplenic ligament to stomach
- identify
- what supplies blood to this organ?

- pancreas
- neck, body, and tail - pancreatic branches *of splenic
superior pancreaticoduodenal - head and unicate process of pancreas
inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery *of SMA - head of pancreas
- identify this artery
- what is the dermatome for referred pain of structures supplied by this artery

- T8-T12
- Identify
- What spinal level does it come out of

- L1
- identify
- what does it supply?
- does it have any anastomoses?

- middle colic
- transverse colon
- right anatomoses with the right colic artery
left anatomoses with the left colic artery
- identify
- what does it supply blood to?
- what does it anatomose with if anything?

- Right colic artery
- ascending colon, hepatic flexure, part of transverse
- anatomoses with middle colic and superior branch of ilocolic
- identify

- Inferior Mesenteric Artery
about 4 cm about bifurcation itno common iliac, close to horizontal part of duodenum
sits in front, then elft of aorta
- identify
- what does it supply blood to?
- what does it anatomsoe wuth>

- left colic
- descending colon, part of transverse colon
- middle colic
- what artery is this?
- any anstomases?
- what does it supply?
- Sigmoid Arteries
- anastomes:
superior sigmoidal: anastomoses with left colic artery
inferior sigmoidal: anastomoses with superior rectal artery
3. Supplies: caudal part of descending colon, sigmoid colon, and often a small segment of the upper rectum
- identify
- where does it brnahc from?
- what does it supply?
- Superior Rectal Artery
cross left common iliac
- both sides of rectum
- what is this structure??
- why is it important?
- what is it composed of?
- where is its weakest part?

- marginal arerty of drummond
- connection between IMA and SMA
- i: the ascending branch of the ileocolic artery
the descending and ascending branches of the right colic artery
the right and left branches of the middle colic artery
iv: the ascending, descending and sigmoidal branches of the left colic artery v: the sigmoidal branches of the inferior mesenteric and the superior rectal artery
- weakest part is between the ileocolic and right colic arteries
- identify
- where does it carry blood from
- what does it specifically carry?
- what is it formed by?
- how much of blood supply to the liver does it supply?

- hepatic protal vein
- abdominopelivc portion of gastrointestinal tract
- oxygen poor blood but rich in nutrients and toxins
- union of splenic vein and SMV
- 75%
- identify
- what does it combine with to form the strcture being point at with the probe?

splenic vein
joins the smv to form the portal vein
- identify
- tumors from this vein go where?
- at what spinal level does it join with the splenic vein?

- superiro mesenteric vein
- to the right lobe of the liver
- L1
- identifiy
- where does it branch off of?
- tumors from here go where in the liver?

- inferior mesenteric vein
- splenic vein
- Tumors and infections carried to the hepatic portal vein from the IMV and splenic vein typically go to the left lobe of the liver.
- what lobe of the liver is this?
- from what does it get blood from?
- what arteries are on it?
- caudate lobe
- left and right branches of the portal vein
- also has branches from right gastric artery
- identify
- where does it lie between?
- it is part of what functional lobe?
- what atery innervates it?
- receives blood from what portal vein?
- quadrate lobe
- gallbladder and ligamentum teres
- left function lobe
- branches from middle colic a.
- left branch of the portal vein
- identify
- what functional lboe is it a part of ?

- right anatomical liver
- right lobe
- identify

- left lobe of the liver
smaller than the anatomical liver but same functional capacity
- what parts of liver are on the left functional lobe?
- what parts of the liver are on the right functional lobe?
- why is there a need to make a dystinction between anaotmical and fucntional lobes?

- left lobe and quadate lobe and 1/2 audate lobe
- right and 1/2 cadudate
- right branches of triad supply right functional and left branches of the triad supply the left functional
- identify
- what type of valve is in here? what is its function

- cystic duct
- cystic duct is kept open by a spiral valve in the distal part of the neck, thereby allowing bile to flow back intohe gallbladder if the distal end of the bile duct is closed (due to action of the sphincter of the bile duct).
- identify
- what ducts is it attached to?
- where does it enter the duodenum?

- common bile duct
* to anatomical right of hepatic artery which is almost always in the middle*
* enters the duodenum* - attaches to the cystic duct and the pancreatic duct
- joins with pnacreatic duct and enters descending duodneum and forms the hepatopancreatic amupulla
what is the difference between celiac ganglia and celiac plexus?
what is in the celiac plexus?
what synapses here?
what are the fiber components
where is it distributed to>

*located on nthe abdominal aorta near the celiac trunk
plexus: - (2) celiac ganglia (greater splanchnic from T5-T9),
- (1) superior mesenteric ganglia (lesser splanchnic from T10-T11)
- (1) paired aorticorenal ganglia (least splanchnic from T12)
what synapses here?: all the throacic splanchnics
components: post gang. sympp, pregang, visceral afferent pain, parasympathetic from vagus, visceral afferent montiring
distributed to: branches of celiac trunk (anterior gastric to stomach
and liver), superior mesenteric (posterior gastric to spleen and
pancreas), renal, and gonadal arteries
what is the nerve innervate of the Stomach, liver, pancreas, small bowel, cecum, ascending and transverse colon, kidneys
Sympathetic from: thoracic splanchnic (greater, lesser, least)
b. Parasympathetics from: anterior and posterior gastric nerves (from celiac ganglia)
c. Visceral afferent pain: follow thoracic splanchnics
d. Visceral afferent monitoring: follow gastric nerve
what is the nerve innvervation from Descending and sigmoid colon, rectum, bladder, reproductive organs
Sympathetics from: lumbar splanchnic nerves
b. Parasympathetics from: pelvic splanchnics
c. Visceral afferent pain: follow lumbar splanchnics
d. Visceral afferent monitoring: follow pelvic splanchnics
what is this?
what spina level does it arise from?
what is the first branch from it?
structures supplied by this artery..where is the referred pain?

*1 cm below celiac trunk.. goes behind the neck of the pancreas
nferior Pancreaticoduodenal Artery is the first brnach
what is this?
wehre is referred pain from structures supplied to this go?
what are the structures supplied by the ima and its branches

going more towards left before birfucation of the abdominal aorta
descending colon and left part of transverse colon
caudal part of descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum
what is this?
at what spinal level do they come off?
which side is higher and shorter?

- renal arteries
- l1-l2
- left side is higher on aorta and shorter
how may pairs of lumbar arteries are there?
what do they supply?

4-5 pairs
*about between level of renal arteries to bifurcation of the aorta
supply the lumbar vertebrae, the back muscles and the posterior
abdominal wall.
what is this?
what does it secrete?
which is larger in shape: right or left?
what are the parts of this? whats the embryologicla origin of each part?
where do the lympathics for these glands drain
where do left and right suprarenal veins drain?

suprarenal gland
secrete corticosteroids,
androgens, epinephrine and norepinephrine.
left is larger
cortex: from mesoderm (and make cortiocsteroids and androgens)
medulla: from neural crest *great splanchnics synapse on here
drains into lumbar splanchnics
right into IVC and left suprarenal vein into left renal vien
what is this?
what may drain intO?

cisterina cyli
*about L2 so look below renal artiers on the aorta but above ima
drains some of the lympathics from liver, all of intestinal and lumbar lymphatics
what is this?
what do they drain into?
is it longer/higher than left?
where does it get blood from

right renal vein
the left is longer and higher
blood from: he left gonadal vein and left suprarenal vein, as well as
other area

left suprarenal vein

right gonadal vein (OFF OF THE IVC)
what is this?
what is its clinical importance

left gonadal vein (*GOING INTO LEFT RENAL VEIN)
testicular variocele is more common on left becasue testicular vein is attached to renal vein.. if renal vein becomes blocked
what is this?
what are inside its renal columns?

renal cortex
projects between the medullary pyramids as renal columns
glomeruli and some portions of renal tubules
what is this??
what is contained in pyramids?

renal medulla
*the innermost part of kidney
forms 10-15 medullary pyramids
inside each pyamid: collecting ducts and and protions of renal tubules (renal tubules in both cortex and medulla)
what is this?
what contains it?

renal pelvis
it is contianed by the RENAL SINUS… a expansion behind the hilum and contains the renal pelvis, calyxes, and the major renal vessel
what is this? where does it collect urine from?

minor calyases
collects urine from papilla (or tip) of medullary pyramid
what is this?
what is it formed by?
where does it drain urine to?

major calyx
formed by 2 or more minor calyxes
drains urine to renal pelvis
what is this?
where is it the thinnest?

The ureters are naturally/physiologically narrow in three places:
i. Uretero-pelvic junction
ii. As the ureter passes over the iliac vessels, at the pelvic brim
iii. At junction with the urinary bladder