Bony landmarks of the skull Flashcards
ramus of mandible
angle of mandible
body of mandible
Symphysis Menti
What is this and what goes through here
mental foramen
mental nerve of v3 (mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve) it is GSA
mandibular foramen
contents: terminal sensory branches mandibualr nerve (V3 of trigem), mandibualr a., mandibualr vein.
opening in the ramus
What is the dotted blue line and what runs in it
manidublar canal
External Occipital Protuberance
Foramen Magnum
Hypoglossal Canal
transmits the hypoglossal nerve
parietal bone
supraorbital notch
supraorbital nerve (branch of opthlamic of trigem), artery, and vein
orbital plate of frontal bone
temporal bone
splenoid bone
occipital bone
Juglular Foramen
ansmits the internal jugular vein along with the vagus, glossopharyngeal, and accessory nerves.
Frontal Air Sinus
Squamous portion of temporal bone
pterous portion of temporal bone