Bony landmarks of the skull Flashcards

ramus of mandible

angle of mandible

body of mandible

Symphysis Menti
What is this and what goes through here

mental foramen
mental nerve of v3 (mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve) it is GSA

mandibular foramen
contents: terminal sensory branches mandibualr nerve (V3 of trigem), mandibualr a., mandibualr vein.
opening in the ramus
What is the dotted blue line and what runs in it

manidublar canal

External Occipital Protuberance

Foramen Magnum

Hypoglossal Canal
transmits the hypoglossal nerve

parietal bone

supraorbital notch
supraorbital nerve (branch of opthlamic of trigem), artery, and vein

orbital plate of frontal bone

temporal bone

splenoid bone

occipital bone

Juglular Foramen
ansmits the internal jugular vein along with the vagus, glossopharyngeal, and accessory nerves.

Frontal Air Sinus

Squamous portion of temporal bone

pterous portion of temporal bone

jugular foramen
CN 9, 10, 11
Posterior menigneal artery

Zygomatic Process

Mastoid process of temporal bone

Holes in the mastoid process

mastoid air cells

Styloid Process

styoidmastoid foramen
facial nerve and stylomastoid artery.

carotid canal
carotid artery and carotid sympathetic nerve plexus
jugular formane is closest to the foramen magnum on the posterior side and the caroitd is directly above it

carotid canal
carotid artery and carotid sympathetic nerve plexus
jugular formane is closest to the foramen magnum on the posterior side and the caroitd is directly above it

External Acoustic Meatus

internal acoustic meatus
facial nerve and vestibular cochlear n.
third hole from the formaen magnum

Hypophyseal Fossa

hypoheaseal fossa
two holes in the middle

splenoid air sinuses

lesser wing of splenoid

Optic Canal splenoid bone
hole going under there

superior orbital fissure
oculomotor nerve (III);
the trochlear nerve (IV);
the lacrimal, frontal, and nasocillary branches of the ophthalmic nerve (V);
and divisions of the ophthalmic vein
above the Foramen Rotundum and Foramen Ovale

greater wing of splenoid

greater wing of splenoid

foramen rotundum
maxillary nerve

superior orbital fissure
oculomotor nerve
trocholear nerve
lacrimal, frontal, nasocilary branches of opthlamic, abducent nerve,
superior ophthalmicvien

foramen ovale
mandibular nerve
accessory mendingeal artery
lesser petrosal n.

foramen ovale
mandibular nerve
accessory meningeala rtery
lesser petrosal nerve

foramen spinosum
middle mengineal artery and vein
mingeal branch of mandibular nerve

foramen spinosum
middle mengineal artery and vein
mingeal branch of mandibular nerve

Medial Pterygoid Plate
What is J

Lateral Pterygoid Plate
(Medial Pterygoid Plate is B)

lateral Pterygoid Plate

hammulus of Medial Pterygoid Plate
(posterior view)
what hole is this nerve going in

foramen rotundum
maxillary nerve v2
what hole is this going in

foramen ovale