Neck Flashcards

; innervated by CN XI (accessory nerve) and
sensory fibers from C3 ventral ram

External Jugular Vein
what is e

Hyoid Bone about t3
what are 1 and 2

Laryngeal Prominence of the Thyroid Cartilages and Circoid

The median cricothyroid ligament is the site that is pierced when performing an emergency tracheotomy.

blue - Cricoid Cartilage
green - Cricothyroid Ligament/

Thyroid Gland

The superior thyroid artery, a branch of the external carotid artery, supplies blood to the superior part of the gland.
what is 2?

superior laryngeal
he superior thyroid artery gives off the superior laryngeal artery which runs with the internal laryngeal nerve to pierce the thyrohyoid membrane.
traveling with internal laryngela nerve

iInternal Laryngeal Nerve

TheTHYROHYOID MUSCLE, as the name implies runs from the thyroid cartilage to the hyoid bone.

Internal Jugular Vein
enters posteiroyl from tehe jaw to the brain
between cartoid and internal jugular

vagus nerve
then passes into the carotid sheath between the internal carotid artery and the internal jugular vein down below the head,

Common carotid

Internal and External Carotd
hypoglossal nerve is around here

Hypoglossal Nerve
near internal and external common carotid

facial artery
branch of external carotid
goes above chin and to inner part of nose
first artery from external cartoid going towards ear instead of face

The OCCIPITAL ARTERY arises from the posterior aspect of the external carotid artery. This artery runs superiorly and, shortly after arising from the external carotid artery, gives a muscular branch to the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
irst posterior branch, trvels to the occpital love

artery off external carotid not going over mandible

The LINGUAL ARTERY arises from the external carotid artery, just behind the greater horn of the hyoid bone, and passes along the inferior border of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle to reach the tongue.

Stylohyoid Musc
Digastric muscle

big nerve thing between internal jugular and common carotid

Superior Cervical Ganglion (of Sympathetic Chain)
first artery going up from subclavian artery

vertebral artery. It passes superiorly in the triangular-shaped region between the longus colei muscle medially and the scalenus anterior muscle laterally
crossing over vertebral artery coming off of the subclavian artery

Thyrocervical Trunk

inferior thyroid artery off of the thyrocervical trunk
supples thyroid
coming off of inferior thyroid artery

The ascending cervical artery
It anastomoses with the ascending pharyngeal and occipital arteries.
branches off thyrocervical trunk and goes backwards

Transverse Cervical Artery
anastomoses with the descending occipital artery
goes to the shoulder

Suprascapular Artery
At first, it passes downward and laterally across the scalenus anterior and phrenic nerve, being covered by the sternocleidomastoid muscle
branching off of thyrocervical trunk

suprascapaular artery
what is the red?


stylohyoid muscle
nerve to stylohyoid (branch of facial nerve)

internal cartoid artery

vertebral artery
comming off of inferior thyroid artery

e ascending cervical artery

cricoid muscle

cricoid cartilage
at c6
nerve going through thyohyoid membrane with the superior laryngeal artery

superior laryngeal nerve
general sesnsory afferent
nerve you can see between the external and internal carotid

hypoglossal nerve

superior laryngeal artery
nerve runnign up near the internal carotid

vagus nerve

superior thyroid artery

thyrohyoid membrane

Platysma Muscle
innervated by facial nerve

laryngeal prominence
about c4

cricoid thyroid membrane

cricoid membrane