Larynx and Pharynx Flashcards

opening of auditory tube

Pharyngeal Recess

Genioglossus Muscle
allows you to stick out your tongue
this muscle be relaxed with leision of hyoglossal

the depression the probe is going in

the ventricle
above the ventricle

false vocal cords
between the thyroid and
arytenoid cartilages
ensure complete closure of the airway

true vocal cords

levator palati muscle
more superifical and posterioly located

levator palati muscle
innervated by vagus

Tensor Palati Muscle
anterior and more deep than levator palti muscle
innervated by mandibular n. of trigem

innervated by vagus
going to posterior 1/3 of the tounge
what are the component fibers?

glossopharyngeal nerve
general visceral afferent, special visceral afferent
muscle defined extent of tonsilar bed

Palatoglossal Fold or Arch

Palatoglossal Fold or Arch

between the soft palate and pharynx

Palatopharyngeal Fold or Arch

tonsilar bed
glossopharyngeal is located here

vestibular folds

true vocal cords

cricoid cartilage anteriorly

circoid cartilage posterioly


piriform recess
on posterior surface of larynx

Posterior Cricoarytenoid Muscle
abducts the vocal cords
****allow more or less air to go down into the trachea
innervated by recurrent laryngeal n.

soft palate
from the secondary palate

Torus Tubarius
base of the cartilaginous portion of the eustachian tube
What are 5 and 6?

5 = torus tubarius; 6 = salpingopharyngeal fold

salpingopharyngeal fold
Torus Tubarius
what three muscles is the torus tuberis a landmark for

Tensor Palati Muscle
Levator Palati Muscle

pirform recess

sulcus teminalis
V-shaped groove which marks the separation between the anterior two-thirds and posterior third of the tongue.

inferior laryngeal nerve
general visceral efferent
Motor fibers to the intrinsic muscles of the larynx
nerve of the 6th pharyngeal arch.
What is this and what is its functions?

involved in the opening and closing of rima glottidis
and in the production of vocal sounds

Aryepiglottic Fold

what nerve is running with the superior laryngeal artery here?

internal laryngeal n.
has GSA
if thiis was peirced, cause loss of cough reflex.