Upper İntermadiate Flashcards
bilingual (adj)
be bilingual in (v)
Adj—iki dil bilen, iki dilli
V— iki dil bilmek
Spoken or written in two different languages:
reasonably (adv)
syn = plausibly, logically
makul, mantıklı
to quite a good level
Tom was reasonably certain that Mary had stolen his grandfather’s gold watch.
get by (v)
idare etmek, yapabilmek
know just enough of a language for simple communication
get by (in a language)
rusty (adj)
paslı, körelmiş
not as good at a language as you used to be because you haven’t used it for a long time
pick up (v)
kulaktan kapmak
pick up (a language)
learn a language by practising it, rather than by learning it in a class
outnumber (v)
sayıca fazla olmak
non-native speakers now greatly outnumber native speakers.
whereas (conj)
oysa, iken, -ken
I am poor, whereas my brothers are very rich.
dominant (adj)
baskın, hakim
correspond (v)
correspondance (n)
haberleşmek, mektuplaşmak
yazışma, mektuplaşma
Also, about 75% of the world’s correspondence is written in English
by far (adv)
çok daha fazla
This novel is by far more interesting than that one.
majority (n)
the majority of people = most of the people = most people
interaction (n)
by far the majority of interactions in English now take place between non-native speakers.
pretend not to V1 (v)
numara yapmak, yapar gibi görünmek
a student was pretending to be the film star Orlando Bloom to the obvious amusement of his classmates.
amuse (v) = entertain
amusement (n) = entertainment
eğlendirmek, eğlence
A student was pretending to be the film star Orlando Bloom to the obvious amusement of his classmates.
so what (expr.)
ne yani, -e nolmuş
So what happens to a language when it becomes a world language?
phenomenon (n)
phenomenal (adj)
n–fenomen, olay
adj— olağanüstü
former (n,adj)
syn = previous, earlier
executive (n)
yönetici, idareci, hükümet
association (n)
birlik, dernek
access (n,v)
erişim,giriş & erişmek, girmek
The police restricted access to the road.
artificial intelligence (n)
yapay zeka
advance (n,v)
terfi, ilerleme & terfi etmek, ilerlemek
Medical science has made a dramatic advance.
breakthrough (n)
ilerleme, başarı
That was a huge breakthrough.
constant (adj)
sabit, değişmez, daimi
The blood stream is usually constant and continuous.
contaminate (v)
syn = pollute
kirletmek, bulaştırmak
I don’t want to contaminate the clean glasses by taking them out of the dishwasher.
dilemma (n)
I am in a terrible dilemma.
empirical (adj)
syn = experimental
As of yet there has been no empirical research done on this subject.
innovative (adj)
yenilikçi, yaratıcı
Do you have an innovative idea?
amend (v)
düzeltmek, değiştirmek
Some people want to amend the constitution(anayasa).
undergo (v)
geçirmek(hastalık), görmek, -e uğramak
He underwent surgery last year.
virtual (adj)
Have you ever tried using a virtual reality headset?
negotiable (adj)
görüşülebilir, devredilebilir, satılabilir
salary negotiable
cave (n)
tramp (n)
I saw a tramp at the station.
fare (n)
bilet ücreti
How much is the fare on the bus?
coal (n)
Sleeping with a coal stove running may result in death.
reasonable (adj)
makul, mantıklı
the service is fast and the prices are reasonable.
comprehensive (adj)
kapsamlı, etraflı, geniş
She started her education at a local school and then moved to a large, modern comprehensive school in another part of the city.
fortnight (n)
2 hafta, 15 gün
half board (n)
yarım pansiyon
supplement (n,v)
ilave, ek & ilave etmek, eklemek
No supplements for singles
courier (n)
rehber, kurye
Spectacular (adj)
syn = magnificent, superb, gorgeous
I want to show you a spectacular view.
excursion (n)
syn = trip, ride, airing, stroll, outing
gezinti, farklılık
blend of (n)
vibrant (adj)
titreşimli, canlı, enerjik
vibrant towns and cities
extrovert (adj,n)
dışa dönük
Egypt - superb climate, friendly extrovert people
wealth (n)
varlık, zenginlik, servet, bolluk
There is a wealth of interesting places to visit nearby
bracing (s)
canlandırıcı, zindeleştirici
The combination of bracing sea air and energetic activities makes for healthy appetites!
supervision (n)
gözetim, denetim, nezaret
situation (n)
situate (v)
situated (adj)
n—- durum, vaziyet
V—- yerleştirmek
adj— yerleşmiş, bulunan
The school is situated in a beautiful town 55 kms from London.
nurture (n,v)
terbiye & büyütmek
She wants to stay at home and nurture her children.
willing (adj)
istekli, gönüllü
My sponsor was willing to agree to my suggestion.
eloquence (n)
etkili konuşma
speech defect (n)
konuşma bozukluğu
at the time (adv) = at that time
o anda
custom (n)
gelenek, görenek
In Japan it is not customary to tip for good service.
jugding from
-e bakılırsa
just because (conj.)
sırf öyle diye
We can’t hire that girl just because she is your friend’s daughter.
prospective (adj)
müstakbel, muhtemel
The company invited their prospective customers to the party.
facilities (n)
olanaklar, tesisler
Our town has excellent sports facilities.
recreational (n,adj)
syn = amusement (n)
eğlence, eğlenceli
recreational activities
diminish (v)
azalmak, eksiltmek
The population of this country is gradually diminishing.
wise (adj)
bilgili, akıllı
She never went to school, but she is a very wise woman.
inherite (v)
Miras kalmak
Her father died when Hetty was 30 years old and she inherited $1 million.
fortune (n)
talih, şans, servet
When she herself died, her two children received a fortune of more than $100 million.
stocks and shares (n)
Menkul kıymetler, hisse senedi
She sat in the bank and ate her sandwiches while she bought stocks and shares.
revenge (n,v)
intikam, öç & intikam almak, öç almak
But in the end Ned got his revenge.
wealthy (adj)
wealth (n)
syn = rich
varlıklı, zengin
The doctor knew that Hetty was wealthy and asked for money.
fascinating (adj)
syn = impressive
I found it fascinating what you were saying about global warming.
dowry (n)
A beautiful face is half of the dowry.
broaden (v,adj)
broaden my horizons / viewpoint (1)
genişletmek & genişletilmiş
(1) ufukunu genişletmek / bakış açısını genişletmek
I also hope to connect to the Internet at home to broaden my horizons,
hesidate (v)
tereddüt etmek, duraksamak
When she told her parents that she wanted a computer for her dowry, they didn’t hesitate to buy her one.
rural (n)
kırsal, taşra
In the past, rural people lived in fairly harsh conditions.
harsh (adj)
haşin, sert
In the past, rural people lived in fairly harsh conditions.
grain (n)
they usually provided grain and clothing for daughters who would soon be married. This showed their desire to protect them from hunger and cold.
desire (v)
arzulamak, istemek
they usually provided grain and clothing for daughters who would soon be married. This showed their desire to protect them from hunger and cold.
pond (n)
gölcük, gölet
People looked at themselves in lakes, ponds and rivers because they believed that by looking at their reflection in the water.
rough (adj)
opp = calm
kaba saba, kaba, pürüzlü
if the water was rough, or not calm, and the reflection was distorted and hard to see.
seer (n)
You could go to a seer, a person with special powers, and have him or her tell you what your future would be.
soul (n)
syn = spirits
ruh, can
Ancient people had the idea that a person’s reflection was actually the person’s soul and that the soul existed outside the body in the reflection.
crocodile (n)
The Basutos people believed that crocodiles could drag a person’s reflection under water and kill it.
evil (n, adj)
fenalık, kötülük & fena, kötü
Chinese people believed that a well-placed mirror could protect you from evil.
brass (n)
brass mirrors were often placed in the bedrooms to scare evil spirits. They were supposed to protect people while they were sleeping.
dwell in (v)
syn = reside in
Yaşamak, ikamet etmek
They dwell in boats that are tied close to each other by the shore.
shore (n)
syn = seaside, coast, beach
They dwell in boats that are tied close to each other by the shore.
futuristic (adj)
Geleceğe ait olan
These architects are working on several futuristic designs for oceanic cities.
inspire (v)
ilham vermek
This idea inspired many architects who are working keenly on several futuristic designs for oceanic cities.
shipwreck (n)
gemi enkazı
Sailors, for example, wore a gold earring. If they were shipwrecked, they could exchange it to get home again.
tomb (n)
syn = grave
The gold of the Pharaohs was stolen from their tombs in the Pyramids.
civilization (n)
uygarlık, medeniyet
Will our civilization collapse one day?
chicken pox (n)
su çiçeği
black death (n)
proportion (n)
syn = rate
oran, orantı
The proportion of gold is shown in carats.
seed (n)
Tom planted some flower seeds in his garden.
beetle (n)
syn = insect, bug