DFF Vocabulary - 2 Flashcards
import (n,v)
ithal, ithal etmek
The great success started with the import of Beetles to Holland in 1947.
remain (v)
Today, it is almost impossible to see the Beetle in the streets, but the owners of the few remaining Beetle models still try to keep their small cars in the best possible condition
invent (v)
icat etmek, bulmak
He wrote in Italian using a special kind of shorthand that he invented himself.
puzzle (v)
People who study his notebooks have long been puzzled by something else.
logical (adj)
mantıklı, makul
intend (v)
niyet etmek
Mary intends not to give birth to more than two children.
church (n)
manuscript (n)
el yazısı
This manuscript is illegible.
treatise (n)
bilimser eser, tez
promote (v)
teşvik etmek, terfi etmek
Color therapy is the use of color in a variety of ways to promote health and healing.
heal (n,v)
şifa, iyileşme & iyileşmek, şifa bulmak
Color therapy is the use of color in a variety of ways to promote health and healing.
involve (v)
kapsamak, içermek
Investing in stocks involves risk.
exposure (n)
maruz kalma
Get as much exposure to a new language as you can.
interest in (v)
ilgilisini çekmek/uyandırmak
He has no interest in politics.
inspire (v)
ilham vermek
this work continues to inspire many color therapists today.
conduct (v)
yönetmek, yürütmek, idare etmek
Ahmet was conducting a series of experiments to show how color can affect the nervous system.
stimulate (v)
Knowledge of foreign languages stimulates brain activity.
consequently (adv)
sonuç olarak, haliyle
agricultural (adj)
tarım, zirai
We have begun to obtain some of the vast mineral and agricultural wealth of the oceans.
immense (adj)
harika, uçsuz bucaksız, çok büyük
Brazil is very rich; its richness is immense; coffee is one of its greatest riches.
sewage (n)
Sewage often pollutes the ocean.
tuxedo (n)
be decked out (idiom)
giyinmek, süslenmek
pass with flying colors (idiom)
sınavdan yüksek not almak
drop out of school (idiom)
okuldan ayrılmak
up in the air (idiom)
syn = undecide
karar verilmemiş
repute (n)
syn = fame, reputation
ün, şöhret, nam, saygı
scholorship (n)
hectic (adj)
very busy
çok meşgul, yoğun
land a job (v)
iş bulmak, işe girmek
work (one’s) way through (school) (v)
çalışarak okumak
a walking encyclopedia (idiom)
herşeyi biliyor gibi görünen birisi
have the right staff (idiom)
doğru şeylere sahip olmak
school expenses (n)
okul giderleri
set aside (v)
ayırmak (zaman, para)
Plan to set aside three or four hours to see the museum.
tough (adj)
hard, stiff, difficult
zor, zorlu, çetin
burn the candle at both ends (idiom)
fazla çalışmak
work one’s tail off (idiom)
çok sıkı çalışmak
misfortune (adj)
bad luck
talihsizlik, şanssızlık
illegible (adj)
Your writing is very illegible.
base on (v)
-e dayanmak
Storyline is base on actual historical events.
priority (n)
syn = precedence
intrigue (n,v) entrik
entrika, hile & ilgisini çekmek, kandırmak
This is a story full of intrigue, love, and secrets.
infinite (n)
syn = endless, eternal, eon
sonsuz, sonsuzluk
dawn (n,v)
şafak, şafak vakti
şafak sökmek, ışımak
The enemy attack ended at dawn.
collapse (v)
çökmek, yıkılmak
This building is about to collapse.
banner (n)
pankart, afiş
There was a banner on the wall that said Happy Birthday.
negotiate (v)
Tom doesn’t want to negotiate.
detain (v)
göz altına almak, alıkoymak
My boss detained me more than 30 minutes.
fort (n)
hisar, kale
ruins (n)
syn = remnant, residual
The Stone Age ruins were discovered.