Intermadiate class Flashcards
have a lie-in
geç saatlere kadar yatmak
I often have a lie-in on Sunday
relative (n)
Tom is a close relative of mine.
have a quiet night in
sessiz / sakin bir gece geçirmek
tidy up (v)
tidy (adj)
V toplamak, çeki düzen vermek
I usually tidy up the flat before I go to work
Adj düzenli, derli toplu
She always keeps her room neat and tidy.
have people round for dinner
akşam yemeği daveti vermek
We are having Tom’s parents round for dinner on Saturday
religion (n)
din, inanç
He has a good knowledge of Japanese religion.
clever (adj)
syn = smart, intelligent
zeki, akıllı
He is cleverer than I.
happy (adj)
happiness (n)
n mutlu
adj mutluluk
The greatest happiness lies in freedom.
examine (v) = investigate, treat, cure, remedy
incelemek, tedavi etmek
Dentists take x-rays to examine your teeth.
search for (v) = look for, scout, seek, look up, try to found, hunt for (v)
research (n)
V - araştırmak
We don’t have time to search every room carefully.
N - araştırma
I have to do a little research.
attractive (adj)
çekici, cazibeli
You are very attractive in blue.
growing old (n)
yaşlanma, ihtiyarlama
intelligent (adj)
intelligence (n)
adj - akıllı, zeki
n akıl, zeka, istihbarat
Someone famous said that imagination is more important than intelligence.
She works for French intelligence.
bear (v)
dayanmak, katlanmak, taşımak, ayı (n)
The only thing we could do was to bear with it.
The ice on the lake is too thin to bear your weight.
A bear can climb a tree.
brilliant (adj)
great (adj)
wonderful (adj)
very good
awful (adj)
terrible (adj)
dreadful (adj)
very bad
phrase to say you love or like smthg
l (really) love…….
I’m (really / very / quite) interested in……
I (really) enjoy…..
I’m (really / very / quite) keen on…..
I think….. is/are great / brilliant/wonderful
phrase to say smthng is OK
I think …… is/are all right.
I don’t mind……
( benim için fark etmez)
pharese to say you don’t like smthng
I (really) hate….
I don’t like…… at all
I can’t stand ………..(really) get(s) on my nerves.
I can’t bear…….
I’m not (very) keen on……
…….drive(s) me crazy.
I think… awful/terrible/dreadful.
I can’t stand….
I can’t bear….
I hate…..
keen on (adj)
keen (v)
meraklı, düşkün, hevesli
He is not very keen on coming tomorrow.
V - düşkün olmak
drive crazy (v)
çıldırtmak, delirtmek
loads of
Çok, bir sürü
I buy loads of stuff at that store.
community (n)
topluluk, cemaat
I can’t bear community.
relaxed (adj)
rahatlamış, yumuşamış
Adela felt very relaxed after her holiday in Turkey
nervous about (adj) nervous of
sinirli, gergin, heyecanlı
nervous about something
Consumers are very nervous about the future.
nervous of somebody/something
The horse may be nervous of cars.
pleased with (adj) pleased (by, about)
syn = happy, satisfied, glad
memnun, hoşnut
I am pleased you like the present.
–pleased with somebody/something
She was very pleased with her exam results.
–pleased about something
You’re looking very pleased about something.
embarrassed by (about) (adj)
mahçup, utanmış
I felt so embarrassed when our son said he didn’t like the food.
–embarrassed about something
She’s embarrassed about her weight.
annoyed at (with, by) (adj)
Syn = irritated, a bit angry
I get annoyed when I have to wait in queues.
–annoyed at/about something
I was a little annoyed about the whole thing.
–annoyed with somebody
I was a bit annoyed with him.
fed up with (of) (adj)
Syn = annoyed, bored
bıkkın, sıkkın, yorgun
I’m fed up with working so hard.
disappointed (adj)
hayal kırıklığına uğramış
There were disappointed that only ten people came to their party.
stressed (adj)
worried and not able to relax
He’s very stressed about his new job.
calm (adj)
relaxed and peaceful
I always feel very calm after yoga.
upset about (by) (adj)
unhappy or worried because smthng bad has happened
She was very upset when she lost her job.
–upset about/at/over something
There’s no point getting upset about it.
scared of (by) (adj)
I’m really scared of spiders.
satisfied with (by) (adj)
syn = pleased, happy, glad
memnun, tatmin olmuş
She was very satisfied with her student’s work.
confused (adj)
can’t think clearly
kafası karışmış, şaşkın
Ali was confused and didn’t know what to do.
shocked (adj)
very suprised and upset
I was shocked by the news of his death.
glad (adj)
happy, pleased, satisfied
I’m glad you enjoyed the meal.
concerned about (by) (adj)
Syn = worried about
endişeli, ilgili
I’m very concerned about environment.
–concerned by something
Her parents are growing increasingly concerned by her erratic behaviour.
environment (n)
ortam, çevre
I’m concerned about the environment.
depressed (adj)
He became very depressed when he lost his job.
actual (adj)
gerçek, gerçekten, mevcut
reduce (v) = decrease
Düşürmek, eksiltmek
That store had to reduce their prices.
clap (v)
alkışlamak, el çırpmak
clap your hands
güçlendirmek, sağlamlaştırmak
strengthen your immune system
immune system (n)
bağışıklık sistemi
happy with,
happy about
“I am not happy about the new requirements.”
“I am trying to be happy for her.”
“She is happy with the way it turned out.”
good at (noun or Ving)
bir işte başarılı, bir işte iyi
Tom can play the guitar and is also good at singing.
Are you any good at languages?
V - be good at
bir şeyde başarılı olmak
interested in (adj)
….İle ilgili, meraklı
He is interested in buying more real estate.
bad at (noun or Ving)
bir şeyde kötü olmak
–bad at (doing) something
She is so bad at keeping secrets.
angry about (at) smthng angry with (at) someone
syn = fierce (adj), furious
–angry at/about something
I was so angry at the way I had been treated.
–angry with/at somebody
Please don’t be angry with me. It wasn’t my fault.
natural (adj)
doğal, doğuştan
We should respect animals and the natural environment, which is their home.
universal (adj, n)
evrensel, universal, genel olgu
treat (v)
treatment (n)
tedavi etmek, examine, cure, remedy
davranmak act, behave
n - tedavi, davranış
My parents still treat me like a child.
serious (adj)
syn = grave (adj), critical (adj)
respect (v, n) = look up to
saygı göstermek & saygı
honest (adj) = fair X dishonest
namuslu, dürüst X sahtekar, şerefsiz
Thank you for being so honest with me.
produce (v) = manufucture, make
üretmek, imal etmek
They still produce the same healthy chemicals.
exhausted (adj) = shatterred
very tired
yorgun, bitik, dermansız
The exhausted climbers were rescued by helicopter.
terrified (adj)
very frightened, afraid
dehşete düşmüş, korkmuş
You look absolutely terrified!
glee (n)
syn = delight
neşe, sevinç
He rubbed his hands in glee as he thought of all the money he would make.
suffer (v)
çekmek, acı çekmek
They often suffer jet lag and can become tired when flying through different time zones.
up to
- e bağlı
- e kalmış
They have lives of up to a few hundred passengers in their hands.
commercial (n)
There are many commercial firms in New York
in most cases
syn = generally, usually
common (adj)
yaygın, alışılmış
common mistake
at one point
bir keresinde, bir seferinde
moan (v)
syn = groan, complain (v)
inlemek, sızlanmak
I am tired of hearing you moan and groan.
pie (n)
börek, turta, tart, çember, börek
through (prep)
syn = by means of, with the help of, via, by use of, on account of, by way of
vasıtasıyla, yoluyla
She spoke through an interpreter.
fazla mesai, ek çalışma
I’m afraid you have to work overtime.
I have to work overtime tonight.
deadline (n)
son teslim tarihi
The deadline for this report is 9 a.m. tomorrow
have time to relax
dinlenecek vakti olmak
work long hours
uzun saatler çalışmak
work overtime
fazla mesai yapmak, mesaiye kalmak
be a workaholic
iş kolik olmak
meet deadline
teslim tarihlerine uymak
take time off work
işten izin almak
be under (a lot of) pressure at work
işte baskı altında olmak
spend a lot of time at work
iş yerinde çok zaman harcamak
have good working conditions
iyi çalışma koşullarına sahip olmak
set off (v) = set out
yola çıkmak, yolculuğa çıkmak
We set off for London just after ten.
utmost (adj)
en uzak, en fazla, en büyük, en yüksek, en çok, son derece
You should study this document with the utmost care.
peach (n)
pineapple (n)
fasulye, bakla, önemsiz şey
cucumber (n)
lettuce (n)
marul, salata
grill (n,v)
ızgara & ızgara yapmak
Tom is grilling meat.
peanut (n)
yer fıstığı, fıstık
Tom couldn’t eat peanuts when he was a child.
lamb (n)
kuzu eti, kuzu
Lamb is meat young sheep.
Right now, Tom is sleeping like a lamb.
beef (n)
sığır eti, et
Beef is meat from cows.
chilli (n)
kırmızı biber, biber
flour (n,v)
un, öğütmek, un haline getirmek
herb (n)
ot, bitki
Tom likes herbal tea.
spice (n)
sauce (n,v)
sos & soslamak
cream (n)
krem, kaymak, krema
noodle (n)
kesme makarna, şehriye
boil (n,v)
kaynama & haşlamak, kaynatmak
fry (v)
kızartmak, yağda tavada kızartmak
stir fry (v)
derin tavada (vogda) kızatmak
wok (n)
derin tava, kavurma tavası
sour (adj) = acrid
fall asleep (v) = be asleep
uykuya dalmak, uyuya kalmak
I was afraid I might fall asleep while driving.
Tom is about to fall asleep
wake up (v)
uyanmak, uyandırmak
I want to wake up early tomorrow morning.
Tom didin’t want to wake up the kids.
get (back ) to sleep (v)
uyumak, (tekrar uykuya dalmak, uykuya devam etmek)
-often with some diffuculty
Tom couldn’t get to sleep last night.
be wide awake (v)
uyanık olmak
I’m not wide awake yet.
be fast asleep (v)
derin uykuda olmak
My husband and daughter are fast asleep.
snore (n,v)
horlama & horlamak
Tom started to snore.
have trouble sleeping
uyku sorunu yaşamak, uykusuzluk çekmek
have work home
eve iş getirmek
have insomnia (v)
insomnia (n) = sleeplessness
uykusuzluk çekmek, uyuyamamak
What’s a good treatment for insomnia ?
nightmare (n)
have a nightmare
be a light sleeper
be someone who wakes up easily
be a heavy sleeper
be someone who doesn’t wake up easily
Carla’s a very heavy sleeper - nothing can wake her up.
have a nap
take a nap
go off (v)
çalmaya başlamak, gitmek
The alarm went off at seven and I went off to work feeling awful.
give up (v)
syn = stop, quit
vazgeçmek, bırakmak
I had to give up my plan.
It’s a brilliant job and I don’t want to give it up.
cure (n,v)
syn = examine, treat, remedy
tedavi, çare, iyileşme & tedavi etmek, iyileştirmek
Doctors did everything they could to cure him.
addict (n,v)
addicted (adj)
bağımlı & bağımlı yapmak
Stop playing video games. You’re addicted.
pill (n) = drag, medicine, medication
ilaç, hap, kıl, gıcık kimse
Tom takes a pill with vitamins and minerals every day.
freezing (adj)
very cold
brilliant (adj)
fantastic (adj)
- nefis, harikulade
- Fantastik, harika
very good
terrible (adj)
awful (adj)
-berbat, korkunç
very bad
exhausted (adj)
shattered (adj)
- yorgun, bitkin
- yorgun, bitkin
very tired
huge (adj)
syn = enormous, massive, giant, very big
iri, kocaman
very big
impossible (adj)
olanaksız, imkansız
very difficult
terrified (adj) = very afraid, very frightened
çok korkmuş, dehşete düşmüş
amaze (v)
amazed (adj), amazingly (adv)
şaşırtmak, hayrete düşürmek
(adj) very suprised
(adv) şaşırtıcı birşekilde
delicious (adj)
very tasty
tiny (adj)
very small
boiling (adj)
very hot
gorgeous (adj)
muhteşem, çok güzel
very beautiful
enormous (adj)
syn = huge (adj) massive, giant, very big
kocaman, muazzam, çok iri
fascinated (adj) = very interested
büyülenmiş, ağzı açık kalmış
furious (adj)
= fierce, very angry
öfkeli, kızgın
delighted (adj)
mutlu, keyifli
very happy
filthy (adj)
pis, çok pis
very dirty
amazing (adj),
excellent (adj),
fabulous (adj),
incredible (adj)
very good
Tom did a fabulous job.
marvellous (adj)-
superb (adj)-
terrific (adj)-
wonderful (adj)
very good
You’ve done a superb job.
I love living in this marvellous town.
extremely (adv)
çok, aşırı
You seem to be extremely lazy.
absolutely (adv)
Kesinlikle, mutlaka, tamamen
I agree with you absolutely.
incredibly (adv)
İnanılmaz şekilde
I was incredibly unlucky.
get around (v)
gezinmek, etrafı dolaşmak
It was almost impossible to get around on that street.
deal with (v) = handle, tackle, cope with
üstesinden gelmek, ilgilenmek, başa çıkmak
The situation was getting difficult to deal with.
check in / check out
giriş yapmak - çıkış yapmak, ayrılmak
see sb off (v) = send off
My parents came to see me off at the airport.
pick sb up (v)
gidip almak
Can you pick me up from the station ?
get back (v)
syn = come back, turn back, turn up
dönmek, geri gelmek
I have to get back to Boston.
put up with (v) = endure, stand, bear, tolerate, abide
katlanmak, tahammül etmek
We had no choice but to put up with it.
look after (v) = take care of, watch over, hold the fort, keen an eye on
göz kulak olmak, ilgilenmek
Tom has to look after his mother.
go away (v)
gitmek, uzaklaşmak, uzaklara gitmek
Tom doesn’t want to go away.
looking forward to + Ving
dört gözle beklemek, can atmak, beklemek
hike (v)
engebeli arazide yürüyüş yapmak
I like to hike in the mountains.
lone=lonely (adj), solitary (adj)
loneliness (n)
tek, yalnız, yapayalnız, ıssız
n- yanlızlık, ıssızlık
Mary was lonely because the other students didn’t talk to her.
(travel) on your own
kendi başınıza, kendi kendinize
(Kendi başına seyahat etmek)
I don’t like you going off on your own like this.
travel on your own
travel independently
travel fist/business/economy class
travel together/separatly
travel light
get into/out of a car—-
get back from somewhere—-
get here/there by(10.30)—-
get a taxi home/to work
go on a trip- go on a guided tour- go on a journey- go on a cruise- go on a package holiday
independently (adv)
bağımsız olarak
I don’t like package holiday.
I prefer travelling independently.
first class
birici sınıf
Famous people usually travel first class.
economy class
ekonomik sınıf
I don’t have much money so always fly economy class.
travel light
az eşya ile seyahat etmek
I always travel light. I only take hand luggage.
separete (n,v)
ayrı & ayırmak
It is not always easy to separate right from wrong.
together (adv)
birlikte, beraber
The family ate dinner together.
sort of (adj,adv)
tür, çeşit, gibi
Is there some sort of trick?
What sort of work does she do ?
founder (n)
kurmak, inşa etmek
n- kurucu
I haven’t found a good place to pitch our tent yet.
publish (v)
yayınlamak, yayımlamak
I have to publish my book.
tent (n)
turtle (n)
ambitious (adj)
hırslı, arzulu, iddialı
You’re not ambitious enough, Tom.
roast (v)
kızartmak, kavurmak
Dad uses fire to roast a chicken.
Roast chicken is one of my favorite dishes.
akvaryum balığı
bronzlaşmış ten & bronzlaşmak
You’ve got a good suntan.
I don’t want to get a suntan.
own (n,v)
kendi & sahip olmak
This is a picture of her own painting.
I’ve always wanted to own a sports car.
borrow (v)
ödünç almak, borç almak
My parents had to borrow a lot of money when they started their business.
That’s well worth seeing.
Bu görülmeye değer.
fill in (v)
doldurmak, form doldurmak
fill in an application form.
go for an interview (v)
mülakata/ görüşmeye gitmek
gradable adjectives
fairly, very, incredible
extremely, really( strong adj. ilede kullanılır.)
good, bad, tired
big, difficult, frightened
suprised, tasty
gradable adjectives
fairly, very, incredible
extremely, really( strong adj. ilede kullanılır.)
cold, hot, small
beautiful, big, interested
angry, happy, dirty
strong adjectives
absolutly, really (gradable adj. ilede kullanılır.)
brilliant, fantastic terrible, awful exhausted, shatterred huge, enormous impossible terrified
strong adjectives
absolutly, really (gradable adj. ilede kullanılır.)
amazed, delicious tiny, freezing boiling, gorgeous fascinated, furious, delighted, filthy
showing concern
ilgi göstermek
being surround
iç içe olmak
l love being sorrounded by nature.
surround (n,v)
çevirme, kuşatma & etrafını sarmak, çevrelemek
The soldiers surrounded the village.
measure (n,v)
ölçü & ölçmek
We want to measure your blood pressure.
patient (n,adj)
hasta & sabırlı
You have to be very patient.
-ness adj—->noun
kind (adj) kibar
sad (adj) üzgün
lazy (adj) tembel
-ness adj—->noun
kindness (n) kibarlık
sadness (n) üzüntü
laziness (n) tembellik
-ce adj—->noun
patient (adj) sabırlı
confident (adj) güvenli
important (adj) önemli
-ce adj—->noun
patience (n) sabır
confidence (n) güven
importance (n) önem
-y adj—->noun
difficult (adj) zor
honest (adj) dürst
modest (adj) alçak gönüllü
-y adj—->noun
difficulty (n) zorluk
honesty (n) dürüstlük
modesty (n) alçak gönüllülük
-ity adj—->noun
popular (adj) popüler
active (adj) aktif
possible (adj) olabilir
-ity adj—->noun
popularity (n) popülerlik
activity (n) aktivite
possiblity (n) olasılık
-ous noun—->adj
danger (n) tehlike
adventure (n) macera
fame (n) ün
-ous noun—->adj
dangerous (adj) tehlikeli
adventurous (adj) maceralı
famous (adj) ünlü
-able noun—->adj
comfort (n) rahatlık
knowledge (n) bilgi
fashion (n) moda
-able noun—->adj
comfortable (adj) rahat
knowledgeable (adj) bilgili
fashionable (adj) modaya uygun
-al noun—->adj
nature (n) doğa
tradition (n) gelenek
music (n) müzik
-al noun—->adj
natural (adj) doğal
traditinal (adj) geleneksel
musical (adj) müzikli
-y noun—->adj
health (n) sağlık
noise (n) ses
turist (n) tursit
-y noun—->adj
healthy (adj) sağlıklı
noisy (adj) sesli
turisty (adj) turistik
What else is worth seeing ?
Başka ne görülmeye değer?
don’t bother (Ving)
zahmet etmeyin
Don’t bother going to the museums.
boşuna müzelere gitmeyin.
trade (n)
Tom knows all the tricks of the trade.
It isn’t really worth visiting
Gerçekten ziyaret etmeye değmez.
tale (n)
öykü, masal, hikaye, dedikodu
It is a very sad tale.
explain (v)
explanation (n)
V- açıklamak
N - açıklama
release (v)
serbest bırakmak, albüm çıkartmak
I’m afraid you’re going to release Tom.
He’s planning to release a solo album.
encore (n,v)
N-bir konserin veya başka bir performansın sonunda verilen ekstra kısa performans
V- yeniden sahneye çağırmak
The audience called for an encore.
download a track onto my phone
stage (n,v)
sahne, etap & sahnelemek
onstage (n) be onstage (v)
n- sahne, sahnede
v- sahnede olmak
What time are the band onstage ?
audience (n)
seyirci, izleyici, dinleyici
The audience called for an encore.
live (v)
canlı izlemek
Have you ever seen the Rolling Stone play live ?
The World Cup final is shown live in over 160 countries.
venue (n)
buluşma yeri, mekan
There are lots of great venues in London.
souvenir (n) = memory, memorabilia,
keepsake, remembrance
hatıra, hatıra eşya
Now’s it’s my most valuable possession and a great souvenir of a fantastic gig.
violin (n,v)
keman & keman çalmak
My aunt gave me a violin for my birthday.
shake (n,v)
n- sarsıntı, sarsma, titreme
v- sallanmak, sallamak, titremek
I started shaking because I was so nervous!
proud (adj)
I noticed my parents in the audience. They both looked very proud!
talent (n)
talented (adj)= gifted, able
yetenek & yetenekli
He is talented writer.
sensible (adj)
sensitive (adj)
syn = emotional (adj)
hassas, duygusal
brave (adj)
Syn= bold, courageous (greycus), valiant, intrepid
All the soldiers are brave.
luckily (adv)
syn = fortunately
iyiki, allahtan, çok şükür, neyseki
determine (v) = decide
V- kararlaştırmak, belirlemek
adj- kararlı, azimli
Tom is determined and hard-working.
rely on(v)= trust, count on reliable (adj)
v- güvenmek, inanmak
adj- güvenilir
The weather forecast is not necessarily reliable.
organise (v)
organised (adj)
organize etmek, düzenlemek
adj- organize olmuş
stubborn (adj,v)
inatçı & inat etmek
You’ve become old and stubborn.
mean (adj)
pessimistic (adj) moody (adj)
pessimist (n)
jungle (n) = forest
The rain fell soundlessly upon the jungle.
expedition (n)
Who was the leader of the expedition ?
insect (n)
böcek, haşere
repel (v)
repellent (n,adj) = repulsive (adj)
v- püskürtmek, defetmek, uzaklaştırmak
n, adj- itici, kovucu, püskürtücü
Their political ideas are repellent to most people.
ant (n)
wasp (n)
eşek arısı
I don’t think this is a wasp
scorpion (n)
sting (n,v)
arı sokması & sokmak(arı), tahrik etmek
A bee sting is a painful thing.
episode of (n)
perde, kısım, bölüm
What is the first episode of Acun’s new TV series about ?
resign (v) = quit
istifa etmek, teslim olmak, çekilmek
He has no choice but to resign.
by the time
önce, nceye kadar, -e kadar
fabulous (adj)
thief (n)
hırsız, çalınma
escape (n,v)
kaçış, firar & kaçmak
wander (n,v)
amaçsız gezinme & başıboş dolaşmak, gezinmek
Have you ever wandered around an art gallery?
well-known (adj) = famous, legendary
meşhur, ünlü
bizarre (adj) = odd, strange, weird
garip, tuhaf
Nothing is too bizarre for this museum.
highlight (n)
en ilginç bölümü, en ilginç noktası/yanı
The highlight of this museum is Imelda Marcos’s massive shoe collection.
appear (v) = seem
görünmek, çıkmak (tv)
I lost my only chance to appear on TV.
carriage (n)
She wanted to enter the carriage.
set up (v)
syn = found, establish, install, constitute, create, organize
The museum was set up by a man.
check out (v)
görmek, gözden geçirmek
You should check out The Museum of Bad Art.
massive (adj)= huge, enormous, giant, very big
This is the most massive structure I have ever seen.
display (n,v)
ekran, görüntü & sergilemek
50 pairs are now displayed in the museum.
sculpture (n) = monument, statue
The children made sculpture out of wire.
breathtaking (adj)
nefes kesen, olağan üstü
Climbing a mountain is a breathtaking challenge.
track (n)
yol, iz
miniature (adj) = tiny, teeny weeny, very small
küçük, minyatür
impress (v) = fascinate
impressive (adj)
V- etkilemek
adj- etkileyici
Even though the idea sounds silly, the results are impressive.
at times (adv)
zaman zaman
At times, he suffered from a painful headache.
on the whole = generally speaking
genellikle, genel anlamda
generally speaking, men are stronger than women.
tend to + V1
tendency (adj)
v- eğilim göstermek, eğilimli olmak
adj- eğilim
he has a tendency to be pessimistic.
ridiculous (adj)
gülünç, saçma
Don’t be ridiculous.
surreal (adj)
gerçek üstü
syn = scenery, view, vista, spectacle, backdrops, scenes
heel (n)
heeled (adj)
topuk, ökçe
Adj- topuklu, paralı
coast (n)
sahil, kıyı
concrete (n)
beton, somut
sight (n)
görünüş, görüntü, görme yeteneği
We lost sight of the man in the crowd.
trial (n)
be on trial (v)
duruşma, yargılama, deneme, test
v— yargılamak
The trial went on day after day.
cheat (n, v)
aldatma, hile & kopya çekmek
Students always cheat in exams
optimistic (adj)
optimist (n)
waterfront (n)
su kenarına yakın arsa, liman bölgesi
sell out (v)
satmak, tüm malı satmak, hepsini satmak
swing (v)
savurmak (sopa, baston, yumruk), sallamak
This area is as big as a football pitch.
native (n, adj)
yerli, yerel
take out (v)
take me out to the ball game
acrid (n) = sour
obliging (adj)
syn = polite, kind, friendly, considerate
nazik, kibar
weird (adj)
syn = odd, bizarre, extraordinary, strange, inordinate, curious, unheard of, monstrous
garip, tuhaf
cottage (n) (katıç)
The man living in the cottage is blind.
detached house (n)
detached (adj)
n- müstakil ev, villa
adj- ayrık, bağımsız
terraced house (n)
bitişik villa
loft (n)
çatıkatı, tavan arası
country (n)
syn = farming area, rural area, countryside
kırsal, taşra
attitude (n)
syn = approach, manner
tavır, tutum, yaklaşım
suburb (n)
varoş, kenar mahalle
They lived in a suburb of NY.
neighbourhood (n)
mahalle, çevre
I live in a quite neighbourhood.
residantial area (n)
yerleşim bölgesi, meskun mahal
My parents live in a residential area just outside the city centre.
lively (adj)
canlı, hareketli
We live in a very lively neighbourhood.
clear something out (v)
I am going to clear out the garrage this weekend.
sort something out (v)
syn = solve
sınıflandırmak çözmek (solve)
I need to sort out my notes
I can’t find anything!
give something away (v)
syn= donate (v)
başkasına vermek, bağışlamak
I did not need my old TV so I gave it away.
throw sth away / out
syn = get rid of, dispose of
atmak, kurtulmak
What should I do with this lamp ?
Throw it away/out, it’s broken
take sth out (v)
yerden almak
Can you take the rubbish out for me, please?
tidy sth up (v)
toplamak, çeki düzen vermek
I always tidy up before I go to bed.
put sth away (v)
syn = put aside, set aside, store, keep, hold
kaldırmak, yerine koymak
Don’t leave your clothes on the floor- put them away.
come back (v)
syn = return, turn back, go back, get back, turn up
He is coming back tomorrow afternoon.
go through sth (v)
syn = look for, rewiev, revise for
gözden geçirmek, incelemek
I went through everthing in these boxes and threw away a lot of junk.
stuff (n)
junk (n)
syn = trash, rubbish, garbage, litter
hurda, atılacak eşya
cupboard (n)
syn = wardrobe, closet, cabinet
keep (v)
tutmak, saklamak
wool (n)
rubber (n)
cardboard (n)
tin (n)
teneke, konserve kutusu
candle (n)
shine (v)
parıldamak, parlamak
reveal (v)
syn = show
ortaya/ meydana çıkartmak, göstermek
seaweed (n)
blindfold (v)
gözlerini bağlamak
stick (n,v)
n- sopa, çubuk, değnek
v- yapıştırmak
to cut a long story short
uzun lafın kısası
He wanted to be a doctor but, to cut a long story short, he ended up as a pharmacist.
stain (n,v)
syn (n) = mark
leke & lekelemek
ear muffs (n)
kulaklık (soğuk hava için)
cope with (v)
syn = deal with, overcome, tackle with, handle
üstesinden gelmek, baş etmek
needle (n)
igne & iğnelemek
shelf (n)
escalator (n)
yürüyen merdiven
make up your mind
syn = make a decision
kararını ver
I can’t make up my mind where to go on holiday
mend (n,v)
syn = repair, fix
tamir & tamir etmek
It took me several hours to mend it.
mess (n)
messy (adj)
opp = neat, tidy
N- dağınıklık
Adj- dağınık
mainly (adv)
çoğunlukla, başlıca
spare (n)
Tom is making spare parts in a car factory.
glue (n,v)
syn = stick (v), paste, attach, agglutinate
tutkal & yapıştırmak
It’ll be difficult to glue the two pieces together.
mention (v)
mentioned (adj)
V- değinmek, bahsetmek, söz etmek
Adj- bahsedilmiş, değinilmiş, sözü geçen
Nobody wanted to mention my country.
consistent (adj)
tutarlı, istikrarlı
Our company decided for consistent fees.
leapling (n)
Someone born on a 29th of February
Doğum günü 29 Şubat olan kişi
do over (v)
syn = redo, remake, start over, repeat
tekrar yapmak, tekrar etmek
clue (n,v)
ipucu & aydınlatmak, bilgi vermek
The police didn’t find any clues.
make money (v)
para kazanmak
He will do anything to make money.
make friend (v)
dostluk kurmak
make dinner
syn = prepare dinner
akşam yemeği yapmak
make progress (v)
ilerletmek, yürütmek
We haven’t finished yet, but we’re making good progress.
make an appointment (v)
randevu almak/ vermek, sözleşmek
I’ve made an appointment to see the doctor.
appoint (v) = assign
appointment (n)
syn = assignment (n)
V- atamak, görevlendirmek
N- atama, görevlendirme, randevu
make a mess of something (v)
bir şeyi berbat etmek
I made a mess of my exam. I only got 23%.
do the washing up (v)
bulaşıkları yıkamak
do the washing (v)
çamaşırları yıkamak
do someone a favour (v)
birisine iyilik yapmak
Could you do me a favour and help me with my hw.
pick (v)
syn = choose, select, discerner
satisfied (adj)
syn = content, pleased, glad
act (v)
syn = behave, treat
spot (v)
syn = notice, discern, realize
farketmek, farkına varmak
accidentally (adv)
syn = by chance, by coincidence, incidentally
certain (adj)
syn = sure, confident
emin, kesin
make an excuse
bahane üretmek / uydurmak
make sb do sth
let sb do sth
help sb do sth
help sb to do sth
tell sb to do sth
ask sb to do sth
allow sb to do sth
teach sb to do sth
play sb to do sth
help sb do sth
help sb to do sth
want sb to do sth
would like sb to do sth
syn = if not
olmazsa, -mezse, -mazsa
in case
takdirde, -sı durumunda
Shall I keep some chicken salad for your brother in case he’s hungry when he gets here?
fear (n,v)
korku & korkmak
I grew up, but I have not stopped fearing the dark.
make an effort to do sth
put a lot of efford into sth
gayret etmek, çabalamak, güç harcamak
praise (n,v)
övgü & övmek, metetmek
counsellor (n)
syn = lawyer, attorney
danışman, avukat
encourage (v)
cesaretlendirmek, yüreklendirmek, teşvik etmek
We have to encourage each other.
work out (v)
(problem) çözmek, egzersiz yapmak
It’s almost impossible to work out this problem.
superstition (n)
batıl inanç
take up (v)
yer kaplamak, yeni bir hobiye başlamak(edinmek)
My new desk won’t take up much space.
take a new hobby
get in way (v)
syn = frustrate, obstruct
engel olmak, mani olmak
What about that bed?
It’s going to get in your way.
city hall (n)
shooting star (n)
yıldız kayması
ladder (n)
lucky charm (n)
crop (n)
ekin, mahsul
fertility (n)
doğurganlık, verimlilik
good spirit (n)
iyi ruh
evil spirit (n)
kötü ruh
vice versa (adv)
karşılıklı olarak, tersine
intuition (n)
sezgi, önsezi
Don’t be afraid to trust your intuition.
concerned (adj)
syn = worried (adj)
have a go at doing (v) = have a go ( at sth)
syn = try to do
brilliant (adj)
syn = worderful (adj)
harika, mükemmel
involve sb in sth (v)
birisini birşeye bulaştırmak / karıştırmak
raffle (n)
stall (n)
syn = counter
achieve (v)
achievement (n)
V- elde etmek, başarmak
N- başarı
I want to achieve something great
achieve a goal (v)
bir amaca ulaşmak
If you work hard, you will achieve your goals.
do best (v)
elinden geleni yapmak
if you want to win, just try to do your best.
have an/the opportunity (v)
karşısına fırsat çıkmak
Ali was very happy to have an opportunity to work in Hollywood.
mess sth up (v)
birşeyi berbat etmek
I really messed up that job interview.
dream of sth (v)
birşeyi hayal etmek, hayalini kurmak
I’ve always dreamed of living on a beautiful island.
take part in (v)
syn = participate in, join
Katılmak, dahil olmak
All the children took part in the competition.
make the most of sth (v)
birşeyden yararlanmak/faydalanmak
It is a beautiful day, let’s make the most of it.
go wrong (v)
işlerin ters gitmesi, aksamak, hata yapmak
Whatever I try to do, it always goes wrong.
be quite/very/really good at (noun or Ving)
bir işte oldukça/çok/gerçekten iyi olmak
She is very good at encouraging people.
know how (to do sth)
he knows how to do some really amazing tricks.
find sth quite/very/really easy (to do)
I found some of the tricks quite easy to learn.
manage to (do sth) (v)
syn = run
işlemek, yapmak, yönetmek, üstesinden gelmek
I managed to do all the tricks without messing them up.
not have a clue how (to do)
hiç bir fikri olmamak
I didn’t have a clue how to sing opera.
find sth impossible (to do)
imkansız gözüyle bakmak
I found it impossible to breath and sing at the same time.
be useless at (noun or Ving)
işe yaramamak, yapamamak
I was useless at learning languages at school.
have no idea how (to do sth)
fikri olmamak
I had no idea how to do any magic tricks.
install software (onto a computer) (v)
yazılım yüklemek/kurmak
back sth up (v)
store (n,v)
depo & depolamak, saklamak
hard drive (n)
syn = hard disk
sabit disk, hard disk
memory stick (n)
flash bellek
spam (n)
internette birçok kullanıcıya gönderilen uygun olmayan ya da istenmeyen mesajlar, çöp
attachment (n)
crash (v)
çökmek, çarpışmak
forward sth to sb
contestant (n)
syn = opponent, competitor
yarışmacı, rakip
My father was a contestant in a cooking contest and won first prize.
apart from
syn= except, out of, outside of
dışında, haricinde
misdirection (n)
yanlış/hatalı yönlendirme
unfortunately (adv)
malesef, ne yazıkki
be brilliant/great/excellent/not bad at (noun or Ving)
be hopeless/bad/terrible/awful/rubbish at (noun or Ving)
social networking site (n)
sosyal paylaşım sitesi
update status (n)
syn = update page, status update
durum güncellemesi
message board (n)
syn = forum
post a comment (n)
yorum yapmak/göndermek
tweet (n,v)
tweet & tweet atmak
network (n,v)
ağ & ağı bağlamak
bullying (n)
Tom has been bullying other kids at school.
society (n)
Twelve musicians constitute the society.
bununla birlikte, yinede
partly (adv)
confirm (v)
onaylamak, doğrulamak, tastik etmek
I don’t have to confirm anything.
to illustrate (adv)
syn = for example, for instance, such as
a third of people at university
üniversitedeki insanların 3 te 1 i
long-lasting (adj)
uzun ömürlü, dayanıklı
indifferent (adj)
ilgisiz, umursamaz
Too many people are indifferent to politics
hilarious (adj)
eğlendirici, gürültülü ve neşeli
Tom thought Mary’s joke was hilarious.
unique (adj)
emsalsiz, benzersiz, biricik, eşsiz
What makes it so unique?
His technique was unique and absolutely amazing.
backgammon (n)
anxious (adj)
syn = concerned, worried
We are anxious about her health.
neat (adj)
syn = tidy (adj)
fierce (adj)
angry, furious
manufacture (v)
produce, make
abide (v)
put up with, tolerate, bear, stand, endure
modesty (n)
modest (adj)
n- alçak gönüllülük
adj- alçak gönüllü
bite (v)
discern (v)
pick, choose, select