intermediate Class 8-12 Flashcards
storm (n) = very bad weather with lots of rain, snow, wind
stormy (adj)
Adj- fırtınalı
It was very stormy in the afternoon.
thunder (n) = thunderstorm
gök gürültüsü
Lightning is usually followed by thunder.
lightning (n)
şimşek, yıldırım
There was thunder and lightning last night.
gale (n) = very strong wind
Please be careful of gales and large waves.
hurricane (n)
syn = typhoon, cyclone
Hurricanes are violent storms.
tornado (n)
Where do you think the safest place in your house would be during a tornado?
heat wave (n)
sıcak hava dalgası
Tom lost his appetite due to the heat wave.
blizzard (n)
kar fırtınası
We’ll never find Tom in this blizzard.
drought (n)
kuraklık, kıtlık
Many peasants died during the drought.
peasant (n)
Many peasants died during the drought.
landslide (n)
heyelan, toprak kayması
Traffic was blocked by a landslide.
prevent (v)
syn = frustrate, hinder, get in way
önlemek, engel olmak
We have to take steps to prevent air pollution.
melt (v)
erimek, eritmek
This truck puts salt on the road to melt the ice.
deep (n,adj)
derin, derinlik
Tom’s boots sank deep into the snow.
erupt (v)
patlamak, püskürtmek
Mary looked like a volcano about to erupt.
evaporate (v)
evaporation (n)
V- buharlaşmak, buharlaştırmak
N- buharlaşma, buhar
predict (v)
syn = forecast, estimate
tahmit etmek, ön görmek
Tom predicted Mary would win the race.
ranger (n)
korucu, komando
Tom is a park ranger.
evidence (n)
kanıt, delil
The evidence was against me.
decade (n)
on yıl
Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.
accurate (adj)
Kesin syn= certain, exact, definite, precise
Doğru syn= true, right, correct, truth
occasion (adj)
syn = opportunity, chance,break
fırsat, vesile, durum
This was the perfect occasion.
toenail (n)
ayak tırnağı
eyebrow (n)
ancient (adj)
very old
antika, eski, çok eski
This ancient table is still in use.
legendary (adj)
efsanevi, ünlü
very famous and popular for a long time
Tom is a legendary ice skater.
successor (n)
it introduced the IE’s successor Edge.
revolutionary (n,adj)
devrimci, devrim niteliğinde
At the time it was a revolutionary browser
market share (n)
pazar payı
diehard (n)
sıkı, eskiden yana olma
Edge will still have a special mode for diehard IE fans.
a bottle of
bir şişe
a bottle of milk, beer, olive oil, lemonade
a bag of
bir torba
a bag of sweets, potatoes, crisps
a tin of
bir konserve kutusu
we usually use a tin for food
a tin of tuna, cat food, beans
tuna (n)
ton balığı
a box of
bir kutu
a box of chocolates, tissues
a can of
bir kutu
we usually use a can for drink
a can of cola, beer, lemonade
a carton of
bir kutu
a carton of milk, orange juice,
a jar of
bir kavanoz
a jar of honey, jam, marmalade
a packet of
bir paket
a packet of biscuits, sweets, crisps
crisps (n)
recycle (v)
recycling (n)
V-geri dönüştürmek, değerlendirmek
Are there any recycling laws in your country ?
hardly any
neredeyse hiç
several (adj) = a few
bir kaç
a bit of = a little
az, biraz
plenty of = heaps of, tons of, loads of, a load of
bol miktarca, bir sürü
cycle lane (n)
bisiklet yolu
estimate (v)
syn = predict, forecast
tahmin etmek, ön görmek
harm (n,v)
syn = damage, detriment
zarar & zarar vermek
It can harm your eyes to read in the sun’s light.
conscious (adj)
bilinçli, bilinci açık
He was breathing with difficulty, but he was conscious.
battle (n)
syn = war, warfare, combat, fight
usual (adj) X unusual
olağan X olağan dışı
loyal (adj) X disloyal
sadık, bağlı X sadakatsiz
do (v) X undo
undo (v) telafi etmek, yaptığını geri almak
apparently (adv)
görünüşe göre, görünüşte, belliki
Tom is apparently dating a girl named Mary.
underestimate (v)
syn = look down on
küçümsemek, hafife almak
underpay (v)
underpaid (adj)
V- hak ettiğin maaştan az vermek
Adj- düşük ücretli, az maaşlı
undercharge (v)
değerinden az para/fiyat istemek
V- az kullanmak
N- az kullanılmış
remarry (v)
yeniden evlenmek
overcharge (v)
kazıklamak, fiyatı fazla yükseltmek
pain (n)
painful (adj)
n- ağrı, sızı, sancı
adj- ağrılı, sancılı
hope (v)
hopeful (adj)
V- umut etmek, ummak, ümit etmek
adj - umutlu, ümitli
Tom doesn’t look very hopeful.
care (v)
önemsemek, önem vermek
careful (adj)
playful (adj)
oyuncu, oynak
rucksack (n)
sırt çantası
compass (n)
Compasses point north.
or else (adv)
syn = otherwise
aksi taktirde, aksi halde
Put the rubber boots on, or else you will get your feet wet!
torch (n)
Tom was carrying a torch.
whale (n)
Tom says he has never tried eating whale meat.
surgeon (n)
Tom is qualified to be a heart surgeon.
operating theatre (n)
specialist (n)
I’m not a specialist.
the A&E department (n)
Accident and Emergency
kaza ve acil servis bölümü
ward (n)
koğuş, hasta odası
surgery (n)
muayenehane & ameliyat
general practitioner (n) = GP
pratisyen hekim
prescription (n)
prescribe (v)
reçete & reçete yazmak
I’ll give you a prescription.
infection (n)
omit (v)
syn = leave out
dahil etmemek, atlamak
allergic to (adj)
fast (n,v)
oruç & oruç tutmak
Ali fasted for three days, only drinking water.
toxin (n)
zehir, toksin
digest (v)
sindirmek, hazmetmek
Cheese doesn’t digest easily.
retreat center (n)
bir kimsenin dinlenip rahatlayabileceği sessiz sakin merkez
get healthy (v)
sağlığını yeniden kazanmak
carrot (n)
havuç & kızıl saçlı kimse
as if
-mış, -miş gibi
I had an awful headache and felt as if I was getting a cold.
pay off (v)
borcu kapatmak
A lot of countries are finding it hard to pay off their debts.
debt (n) = loan
be in debt (v)
The company has huge debts.
demonstration (n)
gösteri, miting
30.000 people took part in the demonstration.
protest against (v)
protesto etmek, itiraz etmek, karşı çıkmak
A large crowd were protesting against the war.
target (n)
hedef, amaç
The company has already met its sales target for the year.
reject (v)
syn = refuse, deny
opp = accept
The workers rejected the pay offer.
call off (v)
syn = cancel
iptal etmek, son vermek
The match was called off because of bad weather.
postpone (v)
syn = put off, delay
We’ll have to postpone the game.
summit (n)
syn = peak, top, zenith
The mountaineer set off for the summit.
treasure (n)
hazine, servet
The panda is China’s national treasure.
sell-out (n)
kapalı gişe
sell-out tour
cry (n,v)
ağlama & ağlamak
Her eyes were red from crying.
laugh (n,v)
gülme & gülmek
smile (n,v)
gülümseme & gülümsemek
yawn (n,v)
esneme & esnemek
I couldn’t stop myself from yawning.
wave (n,v)
el sallama, dalga & el sallamak
Mary and Tom came to wave us good-bye at the train station.
shiver (n,v)
titreme & titremek
Tom started to shiver.
blush (n,v)
yüz kızarması & kızarmak
Tom couldn’t help but blush.
stretch (n,v)
gerilme & gerilmek
I want to get out of the car and stretch.
crawl (n,v)
emekleme & emeklemek, sürünmek
I had to crawl under the fence.
frown (adj,v)
asık & kaş çatmak, somurtmak, alın çatmak
scratch (n,v)
syn = itch
kaşıma & kaşınmak
I want to scratch my nose.
sweat (n,v)
ter & terlemek
I’m so sick of being sweaty.
evolve (v)
syn = develop, improve, work up
gelişmek, geliştirmek