Pre-intermediate Flashcards
go for an interwiew
benefit (n,v)
syn = profit, advantage
yarar, fayda & yararlanmak
terrified (adj)
syn = afraid (adj)
dehşete düşmüş, korkmuş
dealing with (n)
yaklaşım, davranış
hunt (v)
avlamak, araştırmak
Lions sometimes hunt alone.
At that time I had been job-hunting for six months.
apply (v)
application (n)
başvurmak, uygulamak
(n) başvuru, uygulama
earn (v)
get nowhere (v)
tamamen başarısız olmak, ilerleme kaydetmemek
We discussed it all morning but got nowhere.
frustrate (v)
syn = thwart (v)
engellemek, yıldırmak, set çekmek
The rescue attempt was frustrated by bad weather.
temporary (adj)
opp = permanent (adj)
They had to move into temporary accommodation.
improve (v)
geliştirmek, ilerletmek
I want to improve my English.
examine (v)
muayene etmek, incelemek, sorgulamak
This important issue must be carefully examined.
argue (v) = discuss, dispute, fall out, have a row
My brothers are always arguing.
employ (v)
işe almak
discuss (v) = argue, dispute
görüşmek, tartışmak, ele almak
traffic warden
trafik polisi, park görevlisi
steal (v)
parrot (n,v)
papağan, papağan gibi tekrar etmek
fine (n,v)
ceza & ceza kesmek
parking fine
complain (v)
yakınmak, şikayet etmek
shipbuilding (n)
gemi yapımı
urgent (adj)
ivedi, acil
client (n)
syn = customer (n)
müvekkil, müşteri
reason (n)
Sebep, neden
tıpkısı, aynısı
westen (n)
kovboy filmi, batı
realise (v)
farkına varmak, gerçekleştirmek, anlamak
resemble (v)
syn = take after, look like (v)
The girl resembles her mother.
by the way
buarada, sırası gelmişken
By the way, how many of you keep diaries?
blue (n)
mavi, efkarlı müzik
Cable or satellite TV
Kablo veya uydu TV
The information was sent via a satellite link.
turn on & turn off
elektronik eşyayı açmak & kapatmak
You turn on the TV when you want to watch something.
You turn off the TV when you’ve finished watching something.
remote control (n)
uzaktan kumanda
You hold the remote control in your hand and
use it to control the TV.
remote (n, adj) = far away (adj)
uzak, mesafeli, sapa
Avoid walking alone in remote locations.
chat show = talk show
sohbet programı
On a chat show (US: a talk show) a presenter interviews people.
documentary (n, adj)
belgesel, belgesel filmi
I’m goning to watch a documentary.
reality tv programme
gerçek hayattaki sıradan insanların hikayelerini içeren tv programları
A reality TV programme has ordinary people in it, not actors.
game show
yarışma programı
On a game show people try to win prizes or money by answering questions or
doing unusual things.
current affairs programme
güncel haber programı
A current affairs programme has reports and discussions about things that are
happening in the news.
sitcom (n)
komedi programı
A sitcom (situation comedy) is a comedy programme with the same characters every week
telly (n)
syn = TV
addict (adj)
bağımlılık, müptela
Many young boys become computer addicts.
flatmate (n)
ev arkadaşı
aim at (v)
syn = target (v)
hedeflemek, amaçlamak, nişan almak
He has always aimed high.
It is wrong to aim at fame only.
violence (n)
şiddet, zorlama
crime of violence.
murder (n, v)
syn = homicide
cinayet, öldürme & cinayet işlemek, öldürmek
He was found guilty of murder.
fee (n, v)
syn = pay (n,v)
ücret, sınav harcı & ödemek, ücretini vermek
The school fees are expected to rise again next year.
afford (v)
parası yetmek, gücü yetmek
Can we afford a new car?
loan (n,v)
syn = lend (v), debt (n)
borç & borç vermek
The bank is happy to loan money to small businesses.
debt (n)
syn = loan (n)
borç, verecek, alacak
planet (n)
wild syn = ferocious (adj), savage (adj)
vahşi yaşam
produce (v)
syn = manufacture, make
üretmek, imal etmek
The local factory produces electronic components.
cause (n,v)
sebep, neden & sebep olmak, neden olmak
Doctors say her condition is causing some concern.
pollution (n)
pollute (v)
n- kirlilik
v- kirletmek
Many athletes feel the effects of air pollution during outdoor exercise
the exhaust fumes that are polluting our cities.
global warming
küresel ısınma
population (n) = inhabitants
populate (v) = inhabit
world population
V-yaşamak, oturmak
The island is populated largely by sheep.
cost of living
geçim gideri, yaşam maliyeti
prediction (n) = forecast = estimate
tahmin, ön görü
Let me get your predictions on the final score.
ambition (n)
şiddetle isteme, hırs yapma
His burning ambition was to study medicine.
species (n)
tür, cins
a rare species of bird
extinct (adj)
nesli yok olmuş, soyu tükenmiş
an extinct species
organisation (n)
kuruluş, örgüt
hear 'about' something spend money 'on' something 'spend' time 'with' somebody fly 'to' a place 'pay' an amount of money 'for' something
'look for' something you want to find 'take' photos 'of' somebody or something 'go on' a trip 'to' a place 'go back' 'to' the place where you started talk 'about' a topic
humid (n)
nemli, rutubetli, yaş
path (n)
syn = route
pist, yol
destroy (v)
yıkmak, tahrip etmek, mahvetmek
The building was completely destroyed by fire.
messy (adj)
syn = dirty, untidy (adj)
dağınık, pis
built (v)
inşa etmek
His plan is to build a bridge over that river.
watch out (v)
syn = be careful (v)
dikkat etmek
scavenge (v)
V-Çöpü karıştırmak
N-çöpçü, çöpü karıştıran kimse
scavenger hunt
catch (v)
yakalamak, yetişmek
Nick hurried to catch the bus.
statue (n)stacu
syn = sculpture, monument
Statue of liberty
liberty (n)
The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of America.
Statue of Liberty
declare (v)
declaration (n)
ilan etmek, bildirmek, deklere etmek
n- beyan, bildiri
Use the video to declare your love!
independence (n)
independency (n)
İndependant (adj)
Cuba gained independence from Spain in 1898.
ındependence Day
bright (adj)
parlak, zeki, neşeli
That small star is the brightest.
considerate (adj)
consider (v)
adj- düşünceli, saygılı, nazik
very kind and helpful.
v- düşünmek, dikkate almak, göz önünde bulundurmak
Not everyone is as considirate as you are.
easy going (adj)
people are very relaxed and don’t
worry about things. RAHAT
Tom used to be easygoing.
helpful (adj)
yardım sever, faydalı, yararlı
mature (adj,v)
olgun & olgunlaşmak, erişmek
moody (adj) = pessimistic
karamsar, aksi, dengesiz
Tom has been moody since this morning.
rude (adj)
kaba, nezaketsiz
selfish (adj)
bencil, çıkarcı
uncle (n)
amca, dayı, enişte
aunt (n)
hala, teyze, yenge
niece (n)
kız yeğen, kardeş çocuğu
nephew (n)
erkek yeğen
cousin (n)
close friend (n)
yakın arkadaş
ex-girlfriend (n)
eski sevgili
neighbour (n,v)
komşu & komşu olmak
stepfather (n)
üvey baba
grandmother (n)
twin brohter or sister (n)
ikiz kardeş
colleague (n)
meslektaş, arkadaş
great grandfather (n)
büyük dede
employ (v)
employee (n1)
employer (n2)
v- iş almak, iş vermek, çalıştırmak
n1- işçi, eleman
n2- iş veren, patron
sister-in-law (n)
görümce, elti, baldız
relationship (n)
ilişki, bağlantı
criminal (n, adj) = guilty (adj)
opp = innocent of, blameless
suçlu, sabıkalı
Adjectives and prefix -un
unreliable, unemployed, unhelpful
unselfish, unhappy, unintelligent
Adjectives and prefix un-
unambitious, unfriendly, unattractive
unsure, unhealthy
Adjectives beginning with c usually take the prefix in
Adjectives beginning with p usually take the prefix im-
Adjectives and prefix dis-
We can use un- to make opposites of some verbs
argue (v) = discuss, dispute, fall out, have a row
argument (n)
v- tartışmak
n- tartışma
arrest (n,v)
n- tutuklama
v- tutuklamak
Tom was afraid that the police might want to arrest him.
landline (n)
sabit hat
How often do you use your mobile or landline every day ?
arrange (v) = plan
arrangement (n)
v- ayarlamak, düzenlemek
n- ayarlama, düzenleme
I have to arrange my hair.
abroad (n, adv) = foreign, overseas
adv- yurtdışında
n- yurtdışı
particular (n, adj) = especial (n)
particularly (adv) = especially (adv)
n- özel
adj- özgü
adv- özellikle
I don’t think Tom is particularly handsome.
overnight (v)
camp overnight by the river.
swimming trunks (n)
erkek mayo
swimming costume (n)
kadın mayo
shave (n,v)
tıraş & tıraş olmak
I shave almost every day.
razor (n,v)
tıraş bıcağı & ustura ile kesmek, tıraş olmak
make up (n,v)
makyaj & makyaj yapmak, barışmak
towel (n)
botanic (adj)
raft (n)
rafting (n)
ırmakta sal ile ilerleme
volcano (n)
yanardağ, volkan
hostel (n) = cheap hotel
pansiyon, han, yurt
waterfall (n)
prison cell (n)
hapishane hücresi
snowboarding (n)
kar kayağı
castle (n)
There was a castle here many years ago.
magic (n)
magical (adj)
magician (n)
n- sihir, büyü, sihirbazlık
adj- büyülü, sihirli
n- sihirbaz
We use go + activity (verb+ing)
go fishing, go swimming, go sailing
go rafting, go camping, go sightseeing
We use go to + place
go to the beach,
go to an exhibition,
go to the museum
We use go with + person
go with an excellent guide,
go with some friends
go with family
We use go for + activity (noun)
go for a walk,
go for a run,
go for a drink
We use go on + travel words
go on holiday,
go on a journey,
go on a business trip
wonder (n,v)
harika & merak etmek
would you mind + Ving
izninizle, müsadenizle, sakıncası yoksa
Would you mind mailing this letter for me?
straight away (adv) = immediately (adv)
syn = instantly, at once
hemen, derhal
I’II send someone up straight away.
then one day
derken birgün, sonra birgün
spacious (adj)
refah, geniş
It’s a very spacious flat.
walk up / down
yukarı yürümek / çıkmak
aşağı yürümek / inmek
I have to walk up and down stairs a lot.
motorhome (n)
karavan, motorlu karavan
host (n,v)
erkek ev sahibi & ağırlamak
Duncan’s a wonderful host.
hostess (n)
kadın ev sahibi, hostes, sunucu
Samantha’s an excellent hostess.
refuse to V1 (v)
reddetmek, kabul etmemek, geri çevirmek
I had to refuse their invitation because I was ill.
He refused to drive her home.
kiss someone on the cheek (v)
birini yanağından öpmek
cheek (n)
bow (n)
yay, başla selamlama
point at (v)
parmakla işaret etmek, işaret etmek
expect (v)
ummak, beklemek
People always expect me to be funny.
interrupt (v) = cut in on, break in
sözünü kesmek
Sorry to interrupt, but we have to leave now.
take off (v)
opp = put on(v)
havalanmak(uçak), çıkartmak (kıyafet)
She took off her coat and sat down.
admire (v)
syn = like
hayran olmak, beğenmek
Everyone admires that painting.
put on (v)
opp = take off (v)
giymek, giyinmek
Why don’t you put on a jumper if you’re cold?
doorway (n)
antre, kapı aralığı, giriş
greedy (adj)
aç gözlü
Tom is really greedy.
knife (n)
funeral (n)
cenaze, cenaze töreni
I attended his funeral.
odd number (n)
tek sayı
even number
dos and don’ts
yapılması ve yapılmaması gereken şeyler
+Ving alanlar
love, enjoy, like
start, finish, avoid
+ to V1
plan, need, try
remember, forget
industrial (adj)
Ankara is an industrial city.
cosmopolitan (adj)
full of people, restaurants, shops, etc. from different countries
London’s a very cosmopolitan city.
reserved (adj)
People often say British people are quite reserved.
flavour (n)
syn = taste
tat, lezzet
This dish has a strong flavour of garlic.
bland (adj)
with very little flavour (usually negative)
I liked the hotel, but the food was a bit bland.
welcoming (adj)
iyi karşılama, samimi karşılama
oversleep (v)
fazla uyumak, ucuza satmak
He overslept and was late for work.
get lost (v)
She got lost and couldn’t find the hotel.
leave (v)
unutmak, bırakmak
leave your wallet at home.
run out of (v)
tükenmek, bitmek
She’s run out of coffee.
get stuck (v)
çıkmaza girmek, saplanmak, sıkışıp kalmak
We got stuck in traffic and missed the plane.
guilty (adj) = criminal
peaceful (adj) = calm, relaxed
sakin, huzurlu, barışçıl
get on with (v)
biriyle iyi geçinmek
Do you get on well with your sister?
turn up (v)
sesini açmak, dönmek
What time did your parents turn up?
go away (v) = leave
uzaklara gitmek, ayrılmak, çekip gitmek
Please tell him to go away.
rubbish (n)
Don’t throw these documents in the rubbish.
manufacture (n,v)
syn = produce, make
üretim & üretmek
This factory manufactures CD players.
invent (v)
icat etmek, bulmak, uydurmak
The piano was invented in the 18th century.
grow (v) = raise
büyütmek, yetiştirmek
These vegetables were grown by our neighbour.
direct (v)
yönetmek, yönlendirmek
‘Avatar’ was directed by James Cameron.
build (n,v) = construct, erect
inşa & inşa etmek, kurmak
Our house was built 100 years ago.
memoribilia (n) = souvenir
meşhur birinden kalma şeyler, anı
autograph (n,v)
yazarın kendi imzası & imzalamak
postage (n)
posta ücreti, posta bedeli
currency (n)
döviz, para birimi, değer
victim (n)
kurban, mağdur
The victim is still in hospital.
label (n,v)
etiket & etiketlemek
How many designer labels can you name ?
kaç tane tasarımcı etiketi söyleyebilirsin ?
sack (v) = fire
işten atmak, kovmak
gunman (n)
tetikçi, silahlı adam
attitude (n) = manner (n)
tutum, tavır
size (n)
ölçü, ebat
cash (n,v)
nakit, peşin para & bozdurmak
receipt (n)
fiş, makbuz
try sthg on
denemek (elbise), prova etmek
Would you like to try it on?
fitting room (n)
deneme kabini, soyunma odası
bring back (v)
geri getirmek
If it doesn’t fit, can I bring it back?
refund (n, v)
para iadesi & geri ödemek, iade yapmak
Can I get a refund, please?
suits you
çok yakışmış, on numara olmuş
That dress really suits you.
get paid (v)
ödeme almak
give someone a call / ring (v)
birisini telefonla aramak
get a message (v)
mesaj almak
operation (n)
He’s had an operation on his foot.
guess what
tahmin et ne oldu ? , bil bakalım
rob (v)
robber (n1) = thief, burglar
robbery (n2)
You rob people and banks, but not money or things
v-soymak, soygun yapmak,
n1- hırsız
n2- hırsızlık
I was robbed on the way home last night.
steal (v)
thief (n1) = robber, burglar
theft (n2)
You steal money and things, but not people or banks
v-hırsızlık yapmak, çalmak
n1- hırsız
n2- hırsızlık
Look! That man is stealing your car!
burgle (v)
burglar (n1) = robber, thief
You burgle houses and flats, but not banks or cars
evi, binayı soymak
n1- hırsız
n2- hırsızlık
Our flat was burgled twice last year.
deliberately (adv)
n,adj- kasten, kasti, kasıtlı
adv- kasten, bilerek
murder (v) = kill
murderer (n1)
murder (n2), homicide (n)
öldürmek, cinayet işlemek
n1- katil
n2- cinayet
Do the police think he was murdered?
break into (v)
If you break into a building or a car, you enter it by breaking something (e.g. a window, a lock, etc.):
zorla girmek, hırsızlık amacı ile girmek
Last week someone broke into our house and stole our TV.
bullet (n)
mermi, kurşun
shoot (v)
vurmak, ateş etmek,
çekim yapmak(kamera)
A policeman was shot in the leg.
suspect (n,v)
suspicious (adj)
şüpheli, sanık & şüphelenmek
adj- şüpheli, kuşkulu
Are the police saying that the driver is a suspect?
questioning (n,adj)
n- sorgu
adj- soran, araştıran
commit (v)
suç işlemek, işlemek
Have you ever committed a crime?
mystery (n)
sır, gizem, bilinmeyen
novel (n,adj)
adj- acayip, orjinal, yeni
come out (v)
When did he come out of prison ?
goods (n) (plural noun)
eşya, mal
The burglars stole about $5,000 worth of electronic goods.
contact (v)
ilişki kurmak, bağlantı kurmak
Nine days later, a friend contacted Kait.
log onto (v) = connect
bağlanmak, oturum açmak
His computer showed that she was logged onto the internet.
access (n)
giriş, erişim
She gave me access to her records.
realise (v)
farkına varmak
She took photos of the men before they realised what was happening.
recognize (v)
tanımak, teşhis etmek
One of her roommates recognised the men.
jail (n) = prison
hapishane, cezaevi
escape (v) = get out
The fish wants to escape.
anxious (adj) = nervous
endişeli, kaygılı
She was anxious about his health.
drag (v)
I had to drag him out of bed.
guard (n,v)
nöbetçi, muhafız, koruma & korumak
convict (n,v)
hükümlü, mahkum & suçlu bulmak
The police are hunting an escaped convict in this area.
demonstrate (v)
demonstration (n)
v- ispat etmek, kanıtlamak, göstermek
n- ispat, kanıtlama, gösteri
Would you demonstrate the next problem at the board?
march (n,v)
mart ayı, toplu yürüyüş & yürüyüş yapmak (topluca)
disaster (n)
faica, felaket, afet
They knew this would mean disaster.
borrow (v)
ödünç almak
Can I borrow £20 until Friday?
owe (v)
borçlu olmak, borcu olmak
I owe the bank a lot of money.
waste (n,v)
israf & boşa harcamak
I’ve wasted a lot of money on my car. It still doesn’t work!
cost (n,v)
masraf, ücret, maliyet & mâl olmak
My sister’s new kitchen cost a lot of money.
get money out (v)
para çekmek
I have to get some money out of the bank tomorrow.
take someone’s advice take (a long) time to do something take sugar (in coffee, tea, etc.) take exams take notes take it easy take risks
get ready get lost get headaches get stressed get (something) right or wrong get an illness (a cold, flu, etc.)
take it easy (v)
sakin olmak, rahat olmak
I always take it easy when I’m on holiday.
get ready (v)
graffiti (n)
duvar yazısı
primitive (n,adj)
n- ilk insan
adj- ilkel
They used those primitive tools.
cave (n)