Starter 1 Flashcards
compare with
compare to
-e benzetmek
au pair (n)
Çocuk bakıcısı
soap opera (n)
Tv dizisi
garlic (n)
pupil (n)
öğrenci ,stajyer
The pupil was punished for smoking.
grass (n)
syn = lawn (n)
mow (v)
N- çim, çimen
V- biçmek
There is green grass on the field.
bowl (n)
Tom eats at least three bowls of rice every day.
trousers (n)
Did he have his trousers pressed?
coat (n) & coat (v)
kaban, ceket, mont & kaplamak
Take your coat. It’s cold today.
shirt (n)
She bought a shirt for him to wear to the party.
skirt (n)
The shoes match this white skirt.
ink (n) & ink (v)
mürekkep & mürakkebini doldurmak & imzalamak
This paper does not absorb ink.
flat (n) & flat (v)
apartman dairesi, düz & düşmek
The earth is round, not flat.
sink (n) & sink (v)
lavabo & batmak, suya batmak
Tom filled the sink with water.
hug (v)
sarılmak, kucaklamak, (fikir) sıkı sıkıya bağlı olmak
She wants to hug him.
thirsty (adj)
susuz, susamış, kurak, istekli
Tom said that he was thirsty.
blonde (adj) & blonde (n)
sarışın, sarışın kadın
Not all blondes are stupid.
jumper (n)
kazak, süveter, atlamacı
day to day (adj)
günden güne, günlük
Prices raise from day to day.
midday (n)
gün ortası, öğlen
We have lunch at midday.
bracket (n) & bracket (v)
parantez, ayraç & paranteze almak, ayraç içine almak
still or sparkling ?
asitli mi asitsiz mi ? , köpüklümü köpüksüz mü ?
still drink (n)
gazsız içicek
sparkling (n) & sparkling (adj)
köpüklü içeçek(n) & ışıl ışıl, parlama (adj)
bill (n) & bill (v)
fatura, fiş, hesap & ilan etmek, afişe etmek
hot spring (n)
kaplıca, sıcak kaplıca
include (v)
kapsamak, içermek, dahil olmak
This amount includes tax.
half an hour
yarım saat
link (n) & link (v)
bağlantı, bağ, halka & bağlamak
SYN= connect (v)
far from (adj)
near (adv) & near (v)
yakın & yakınlaşmak, yaklaşmak
autumn (n) = fall
sonbahar, yaşlanmaya başlama
spring (n) spring (v)
ilkbahar, yay & burkmak
assignment (n)
görevlendirme, atama, görev
Tom accepted the assignment.
budget (n) & budget (v)
bütçe, bütçeye uygun, hesaplı, uygun & bütçelemek
gossip (n) & gossip (v)
dedikodu, çene çalmak & dedikodu yapmak
rumor (n) & rumor (v)
söylenti, rivayet & yaymak, dedikodu yapmak
A rumor circulated through the city.
resume(n) & resume (v)
özgeçmiş & özetlemek
Vocabulary (n)
İntroduce (v)
Tanıtmak, tanıştırmak
gap (n) & gap (v)
Boşluk & yarmak, yol açmak
Get ready (v)
Hazırlamak, hazır olmak
Get it right (v)
Hatasız yapmak, hiç hata yapmamak
Stress (n) & stress (v)
Vurgu, stres, gerilim & vurgulamak
Horror (n)
Korku, dehşet, nefret
Sesli harf
Consonant (n)
Sessiz harf, ünsüz, uyumlu, uyuşan
Match (v)
Eşleştirmek, uymak, birleştirmek
The shoes match this white skirt.
diary (n)
günlük, not defteri
notice (n) & notice (v)
Duyuru, ilan & fark etmek, farkına varmak
take turn (v)
Sırayla yapmak, nöbetleşerek yapmak
Around (adv)
Etrafında, çevresinde
Singular (adj)
Tekil, eşsiz
Cümle parçası, anlatım tarzı, ifade
cover (v)
kaplamak, örtmek
I need old newspapers to cover the walls
title (n)
başlık, ünvan
selamlamak, selam vermek
Did you forget to greet me?
mime (n) & mime (v)
taklitçi komedyen, & talit etmek
Good evening
İyi geceler
Good night
İyi akşamlar
interview (n) & interview (v)
Röportaj, görüşme, mülakat & röportaj yapmak
employment agency
iş bulma kurumu
agency (n)
Acenta, büro, kurum
bold (adj)
koyu renkle yazılmış, cesur
contraction (n)
kasılma, büzülme, küçülme
Be careful with contractions.
word order
kelime sırası
eat in or take away
buradamı yersiniz paketmi olsun ?
pasta (n)
croissant (n)
chemist (n)
syn = druggist, pharmacist (n)
kimyacı, eczacı
square (n)
kare, meydan
trainer (n)
eğitimci, eğitici, antrenör
pair (n) & pair (v)
çift & eş olmak
trainers (n)
Tenis ayakkabısı
over there (adv)
orada, ötede
go along (v)
syn = go on, carry on, continue
devam etmek, anlaşmak, geçinmek
questionnaire (n) = survey
questionnaire (v)
anket, form, soru kağıdı
anketle araştırmak
book (n) & book (v)
kitap & ayırtmak
book a hotel = otelde yer ayırtmak
cross out (v)
İptal etmek, üstünü çizmek
Cross out all the wrong answers.
SYN= cancel = call off
new year’s eve
yılbaşı gecesi
firework (n)
havai fişek
set off firework
let off firework
Havai fişek atmak
anniversary (n)
suggestion (n) & make suggestion (v)
or suggest + Ving (v)
öneri & öneride bulunmak, önermek
He suggested meeting at the gallery at seven.
amazing (adj)
meet (v)
karşılaşmak, görüşmek, buluşmak,
throw away/out (v) = get rid of
atmak, fırlatmak
Come over (v)
Uğramak, gelmek
Would you like to come over for dinner?
forget (v)
Unutmak, hatırlamamak
Did you forget to greet me ?
fantastic (adj)
şahane harika
awesome (adj)
korkunç, dehşetli
(argo) harika
headline (n)
manşet, başlık, özel haber
outfit (n)
kıyafet, malzeme
fairly (adj) = rather, pretty, quite
oldukça, epey
Tom is fairly old, isn’t it ?
dress (n) & dress (v)
elbise & giyinmek
apologize (v)
özür dilemek, af dilemek
The bank apologized for the error.
forecast (n) & (v)
syn (v) = prediction, estimate
tahmin & tahmin etmek
every day I check the forecast.
stamp (n) & (v)
damga, kaşe, pul & damga vurmak, kaşe basmak
raise (v)
büyütmek (çocuk) , yetiştirmek, yükseltmek
rodeo clown
rodeo palyaçosu
remind to V1 (v)
syn = point out
hatırlamak, hatırlatmak, anımsamak
This park reminds me of my home.
puppet (n)
puppet show
president (n)
başkan, şef
sword (n)
kılıç, hükümdarlık, savaş
This is sword fighting
monument (n)
syn = sculpture, statue
anıt, abide, eser, heykel
memorial (n) & memorial (v)
anıt, abide & anmak, kutlamak
government (n)
ride (n) & (v)
gezinti & binmek, sürmek, kullanmak
carousel (n)
atlı karınca, dönen vitrin -dönen stant
exciting (adj)
heyecanlı, heyecan verici
Soccer is an exciting sport.
I never travel …….. plane
We can say by taxi, by boat etc.
by car by plane by bus by taxi by bike
silly (adj)
aptal, aptalca
you are great at being silly.
He’s always asking silly questions.
fire (v)
kovmak, ateşlemek
I’ll have to fire you if you come late so often.
……..Sunday ……..Monday ……..Tuesday ………Wednesday evening ………. Friday afternoon ( days of the week, we can use…..)
We use “on”
journey (n) & journey (v)
Seyahat, yolculuk & yolculuk etmek
What a pleasant journey we had!
transport (n) & (v) (to, from)
syn = convey, carry (v)
taşıma, naklıye & taşımak
The public transportation system runs like clockwork.
charity (n)
Hayırseverlik, hayır, yardımseverlik
I’ll help you raise money for your charity.
raise money for something (v)
Bir şey için para toplamak
holiday (n)
He refused to go on holiday with his parents.
scenery (n) = landscape, scene, view
The scenery was too beautiful for words.
island (n)
Indonesia consists of many islands
place (n) & (v)
mekan, yer & oturmak
I stayed at his place yesterday.
explore (v)
I want to explore the world
get married (v)
get engaged (v)
engagement (n) nişan
work on your own
Kendi başına çalış
dice (n)
syn = clue
pencil (n)
kurşun kalem
pen (n)
Tükenmez kalem
Do you think I’m ugly?
go to concert go to the cinema go to bed go to the beach go to a party go to the gym
go to a meeting
go to a conference
go to the doctor
go to the dentist
go shopping go home go on holiday go sightseeing go swimming go for a walk go by bike
go for walks go fishing go skiing go cycling go on boat trips go running go on foot
tissue (n)
kağıt mendil, doku
Can you hand me a tissue?
chewing gum (n)
What’s your favorite kind of chewing gum?
get up (v)
I get up at seven o’clock
I get up at half past six
get home (v)
eve gelmek
receive a mail
get a mail
posta (mail) almak
……. the morning
……. the afternoon
…….. the evening
…… the week
We use “in”
day off (n)
take a day off
get a day off
İzin almak
purse (n)
Syn = wallet
love …….
like ……..
hate …..
After these words, we can use a noun or V+ing
……. King street
…….. Park street
We can say “in - on”
…….june,july (months)
We use “in” with years and months.
bride (n)
bridesmaid (n2)
N— gelin
N2– nedime
groom (n)
best man (n2)
N2– sağdıç
l’m excited.
I feel excited.
excited (adj)
…….. six o’clock ……. half past ten …….. midday …….. midnight …….. night …….. the weekend
We use “at”
cancel (v)
syn = call off, cross out
pretty (adj)
syn = rather, fairly, quite