dff 4 Flashcards
depletable (adj)
deplete (v)
adj– tükenebilen
v– tükenmek (bitmek)
Fossil fuels are being depleted.
obtain (v)
syn = gain, achieve
elde etmek, edinmek
How did you obtain this painting?
donate (v) = give away
donation (n)
v– bağışlamak, başkasına vermek
n– bağış, hibe
Tom wants to donate money.
pile up (v)
yığmak, biriktirmek
1—owe (v)
2– lend (v)
3– borrow
1—–borçlu olmak
2— ödünç vermek
3— ödünç almak, borç almak
remedy (n,v)
çare, deva
çare bulmak, onarmak
herbal (adj)
deck (n)
overcome (v)
syn = come through, deal with, cope with, tackle
üstesinden gelmek
We have to overcome many difficulties.
prominence (n)
syn = repute, fame, reputation
ün, şöhret
trade (n)
syn 2 = jop, profession, occupation
ticaret, meslek (2)
assault (n,v)
saldırı, saldırmak
Tom has been arrested three times for assault.
pigment (n,v)
renk veren & renk vermek
detect (v)
detection (n)
detective (adj)
n- buluş, bulma, keşif
v- keşfetmek, bulmak
adj- dedektive
deliberate (adj)
kasti, kasıtlı
I am deliberately speaking loudly.
gait (n)
breeze (n)
meltem, esinti
elongate (v)
syn = lengthen, extend
uzamak, uzatmak
We plan to elongate the cooperation with that company in Australia.
instant (adj)
anlık, su ilavesi ile hemen hazırlanan (hazır)
you don’t have to eat instant noodles everyday
frank (adj)
syn = direct or open
samimi, içten
You often have to be frank with people who are struggling with serious financial problems, so you can help them get out of debt
sibling (n)
Many siblings experience problems as they grow up.
confidential (adj)
özel, gizli, güvenilir
burden (n,v)
yük & sırtına yüklemek
I don’t want to burden you with my troubles.
excursion (n)
gezinti, kısa yolculuk
We are going to take a short excursion to the lake this afternoon.
availability (n)
uygunluk, geçerlilik
The availability of archeological evidence
preservation (n)
preserve (v)
v– korumak
degradation (n)
syn = destruction
yıkım, çökme
distinct (adj)
distinction (n)
adj— belirgin
n– ayrım
vast (n)
The vast majority of sites are dry sites.
envelop (v) (n)
syn = cover, wrap
zarf & sarmak, kaplamak, örtmek
waterlog (v)
excavate (v)
excavation (n)
v- kazmak, kazı yapmak
n- kazı
decomposition (n)
decompose (v)
ayrışma, bozulma & doğada yok olmak, çürümek
finds (n)
organic finds
deteriorate (v)
bozulmak (sağlık, durum vb), kötüleşmek
The situation has really deteriorated.
extraordinary (adj)
syn = strange, odd, bizzare, weird
olağandışı, sıradışı
quadruple (n)
four times
dört katı
swell (v)
şişmek, kabarmak
descendant (n)
neslinden olan, soyundan gelen
woven (adj)
dokunan, dokunmuş
molten (adj)
syn = melted
eriyik, erimiş
up to (adv)
syn = as high as
kadar, en fazla
conduit (n)
syn = pathway
yol, patika
intrusion (n)
zorla girme
deserve (v)
hak etmek, layık olmak
Everyone deserves to be educated.
passionately (adv)
Even if you go away, I’ll still passionately love you.
craft (n)
esnaf, zanaat
render (v)
Rendering scholarship for the intelligent ones will benefit the country in the long run.
substantiate (v)
doğruluğunu ispatlamak
course of (n)
I completely agree with the statement and will provide further details to substantiate my agreement in the course of the essay.
parity (n)
date from (v)
-den gelmek, geçmişe dayanmak
The earliest written description of a Ferris wheel-like ride dates from 1620
under the weather (idiom)(adj)
you look like you are a bit under the weather.
come down with (v)
hastalığa yakalanmak
let sleeping dogs lie (idiom)
uyuyan yılanın kuyruğuna basma, başına bela almamak
Maybe it’s better to let sleeping dogs lie at this point.
grow into (v)
They can grow into more self-supporting adults in near future.
peer (n)
naughty (adj)
yaramaz, afacan
He was naughty when he was a boy.
The monkeys were really naughty and stole my hat right off my head.
interest rate (n)
faiz oranları
brag (v)
böbürlenmek, övünmek
Not to brag, but I’m pretty smart.
neglect (v)
neglectful (adj)
v- ihmal etmek
adj– ihmalkar
You should not neglect your familiy.
You are a neglectful man.
cut it (v)
yeterli olmak
Studying only 30 minutes for the final exam just won’t cut it.
wisdom teeth (n)
yirmilik diş
decay (n,v)
çürük, çürümek
If the decay in the tooth is not removed, it could lead to a serious problem.
extensive (adj)
syn = common, prevalent, widespread
bloom (v)
opp = wither (v)
çiçek açmak
opp = solmak
when San Diego’s summer heat has withered most flowers, lilies bloom.
linger (v)
geçmek bilmemek
Ali’s dad had a lingering illness.
condolences (n)
syn = fellow feeling
Please receive my condolences.
eulogy (n)
opp = criticism
öveme, övgü
The minister offered the eulogy on behalf of the family.
credibility (n)
güvenirlilik, inanılırlık
Tom has credibility problems.
retard (v)
syn = slow or prevent
This toothpaste is good for retarding cavities