sık karşılaşılanlar 2 Flashcards
anticipate (v)
syn = hope, expect
ummak, beklemek
grace (n)
lütuf, zerafet, incelik, nezaket
mean (n,v)
syn = infer (v)
anlamına gelmek & ortalama
capture (v)
esir almak
mantle (n)
syn = shell, crust
örtü, kabuk
empirical (adj)
syn = experimental
plausible (adj)
syn = reasonable
makul, mantıklı
endure (v)
syn = put up with, stand, bear, abide
katlanmak, dayanmak, tahammül etmek
switch (n,v)
syn = change, shift, alter, interchange
değişim, anahtar, siviç & değiştirmek
amenities (n)
syn = facilities
imkanlar, olanaklar
fee (n)
harç, ücret
Many hotels charge additional fees for wireless Internet and other services, so be sure to check carefully before making a hotel reservation.
settle (v)
yerleşmek, karar vermek (decide)
out of the way (adj)
sapa, uzak
I really enjoy driving to out-of-the-way places because I can get away from large crowds.
demand (v)
talep etmek
distinct (adj)
A typical English sentence has three distinct parts.
derive from (v)
türemek, -den türemek
Many English words derive from Latin.
abuse (n,v)
n- suistimal, taciz, kötüye kullanma
v-suistimal etmek, kötüye kullanmak
The king abused his power.
Mary’s husband abused her.
They verbally abused me.
drug abuse (n)
madde bağımlılığı
crucial (adj)
syn = vital, pivotal
kritik, çok önemli
Mental strength is crucial for success in any sports.
tender (adj)
syn = delicate, sensitive, fragile, critical
hassas, nazik
The rough material hurt the child’s tender skin.
introversion (n)
introvert (v,n)
introversive (adj)
n- içe dönüklük
v- içine kapanık olmak, n içine kapanık
adj- içine dönük, içine kapanık
tempt (v)
syn = provoke, incite, abet
kışkırtmak, baştan çıkartmak
He is proof against temptation.
I didn’t mean to tempt you.
unwittingly (adv)
unwitting (adj)
adv- farkında olmadan, bilmeyerek
adj- habersiz, isteyerek yapılmamış, kasıtsız
Unwittingly, he told her exactly what she wanted to know.
incent (v)
incentive (adj)
v- özendirmek, teşvik etmek
adj- teşvik
We need to incent people to innovate more.
contender (n)
syn = competitor, contestant, opponent, rival
yarışmacı, katılımcı
I could have been a contender.
as long as (conj.)
- madıkça
As long as you are with him, you can’t be happy.
plaster (n)
yara bandı
pumpkin (n)
insist on (v)
ısrar etmek
They insisted on my getting the work done by tomorrow.
notice (v)
syn = realise, realize, spot
farkına varmak
It took him only a few minutes to realize his mistakes.
used to = would
geçmiş alışkanlık için aynı anlamda kullanılır
fatty (n)
There is no point in + Ving
-nın bir anlamı yok
If astronauts have nothing meaningful to do, there is no point in sending them into space
regret (v)
pişman olmak
inherit (v)
miras olarak kalmak, miras almak
Tom agreed to marry that man’s daughter with the promise that he’d inherit the man’s business.
endurance (n)
katlanma, dayanıklılık
advise (v)
advice (n)
v- nasiyat / tavsiye etmek
n- nasiyat, tavsiye
hermit (n)
yanlızlığı seven kimse
drastic (adj)
esaslı, şiddetli, etkili
We’ve made a drastic improvement.
germinate (v)
çimlendirmek (tohumu), filizlendirmek
respective (adj)
şahsi, kendi
Both Fatih and Ayşe continued to climb their respective career ladders.
rest (n)
syn = remainder
Where are the rest of the files?
Where are the rest of the files?
gemstone (n)
değerli taş
speck (n)
syn = dot, spot
nokta, benek
assortment (n)
syn = admixture, blend, mixture, mix
karışım, çeşitlilik
arise (v)
syn = emege
ortaya çıkmak, meydana gelmek, kaynaklanmak
The problem has arisen simply because you didn’t follow my instructions.
compound (n,v)
n- birleşim, birleşik
v- birleştirmek, yoğunlaştırmak
mansion (n)
konak, köşk
inherently (adv)
doğal olarak
People are inherently good.
1 - nomination (n)
2- nominee (n)
syn 2’ye = applicant, candidate
1- adaylık
2- aday