Elementary Class Flashcards
instruction (n)
talimat, yönerge
I didn’t follow instructions.
write down (v)
yazmak, not almak
I tried to write down everything he said.
invent (v)
uydurmak, bulmak, icat etmek
Many children invent an imaginary friend.
ondan sonra, o zaman
All right. I’ll translate another fifteen sentences in German, and then leave.
accountant (n)
unemployed (n)
Tom is an unemployed security guard.
retire (v)
emekli olmak
Tom wished that he had enough money to retire.
hire (v)
syn = rent, lease out (v)
Kiralamak (rent, lease out), işe almak
Tom want to hire a car.
The company wants to hire 20 people.
conversation (n)
Sohbet, konuşma, muhabbet
polite (adj)
Obliging, kind, friendly
Kibar, nazik
Be polite to your parents.
syn = kind (adj)
polite intonation
Intonation is very important. It can completely change the meaning
possession (n)
syn = property
servet, mal mülk, dünya malı
Lost property
Sami left all of his possessions behind.
false tooth
teeth (plural)
takma diş
Tom took out his false teeth.
have got = possess
sahip olmak
have got to = zorunda olmak
survey (n)
syn = questionnaire
araştırma, anket
Tom is part of the survey team.
He ordered them to survey population growth.
divorce (v)
exhibition (n)
Have you seen the Picasso exhibition?
sofa (n)
- in
- on
- under
- in front of
- behind
- By
- içinde
- üzerinde
- altında
- önünde
- arkasında
- başında, yanında
recite poetry(poem)
Şiir ezberlemek
Each child had to recite a poem to the class.
product (n)
Ürün, mahsül
A product survey
glamorous (adj)
çekici, göz alıcı
This is the glamorous life of a film actor.
definitely (adv)
syn = certainly (adv)
Tom should definitely ask for Mary’s opinion.
stay in (v)
evde olmak, dışarı çıkmamak
Tanya stays in a lot in the week.
find out (v) = explore
keşfetmek, öğrenmek, bulmak
hardly ever = almost not
binde bir, hemen hemen hiç
Tom hardly ever studies after 10:00 p.m.
early bird
Erkenci kuş, erken kalkan
night owl
gece kuşu, geç yatan
quite (adv)
epey, oldukça
syn = fairly, pretty
I quite like opera.
really (adv)
gerçekten, hakikaten
That’s a really good idea.
present (v) & (n)
sunmak, olmak & hediye
She presented some data on the 2016 presidential election.
Opposite = absent
Syn = gift
presenter (n)
vet (v) & (n)
muayene etmek, tedavi etmek & veteriner
discuss (v)
tartışmak, görüşmek, konuşmak
She discusses this in detail in her paper.
We need to discuss the situation at home.
request (v)
Rica etmek
offer to V1 (v)
teklif etmek
He offered to give her a lift home.
answerphone (n)
jam (n)
reçel, sıkışıklık
Tom helped me out of a jam.
traffic jam
sausage (n)
sosis, sucuk
cereal (n)
tahıl, mısır gevreği, kahvaltılık gevrek
bed and breakfast
Oda kahvaltı
village (n)
You can reach the village by bus.
Our village’s name is Aşağışıh.
washbasin (n)
syn = sink
estate agent (n)
emlak acentası (emlakcı)
kiosk (n)
büfe, köşk
I bought a paper from the kiosk across the road.
gazete bayii
butcher (n) & (v)
kasap & katletmek
He owns the butcher’s in the main street.
bake (v)
fırında pişirmek
baker (n) = fırıncı
department store
süper market, büyük mağaza, alışveriş merkezi
odd (adj)
syn = strange, bizarre, weird, extraordinary
garip, tuhaf
She looks odd in those clothes.
draw (v)
çekmek, çizmek
She drew a house.
syn = pull
crowded (adj)
The train was so crowded that I had to keep standing all the way.
dirty (adj)
pis, kirli
I found the river dirty.
intelligent (adj)
akıllı, zeki
Syn = smart, not stupid
The man is intelligent and industrious.
interesting (adj)
I found this book very interesting.
opp = boring
her iki, hiç biri
I didn’t see either boy.
They weren’t here either.
event (n)
olay, durum, sonuç, yarışma(tournament)(competition)(contest)
The event is still fresh in our memory.
prison (n)
syn = jail
hapishane, cezaevi
The police will put you in prison.
solitary confinement
Hücre hapsi
solitary (adj) = lone, lonely
Yanlız, ıssız
He likes to take a solitary walk.
confinement (n)
Kapatma, hapsetme, sınırma
shame (n) & (v)
utanma, ayıp, günah & utandırmak
There is no shame in saying ‘I don’t know’.
What a shame.
competition (n) = tournament, contest, event
competitor (n) = opponent, contestant
competitive (adj)
N-yarışma, rekabet
n- yarışmacı, rakip
Adj- rekabetçi
There’s a lot of competition in business.
prize (n)
Ödül(award), armağan, ikramiye
Tom won a prize in the spelling competition.
queue (n) & (v)
Kuyruk, sıra & kuyruğa girmek
I don’t like waiting in queues.
experience (n) & (v)
tecrübe, deneyim & tecrübe etmek
Do you have work experience?
Adj experienced
thrill (n) & (v)
heyecan, gerilim & heyecanlanmak
I was thrilled by your news.
Adj thrilled
thriller (n)
heyecanlı film, gerilim filmi
science fiction (n) ( sci fi)
bilim kurgu
spy (n)
casus, ajan
from schoolboy to spy
compose (v)
bestelemek, oluşturmak
Mozart composed his last opera shortly before he died.
Atoms are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
composer (n)
band (n)
grup, takım, çete
the day before yesterday
dün değil evvelki gün, dünden önceki gün
genius (adj)
dahi, üstün yetenekli
Einstein was a mathematical genius.
lottery (n)
a lottery ticket
flood (n) & (v)
Su balkını, sel, taşkın & su basmak
The flood did great damage to the crops.
The village had been badly flooded.
fall = autumn(n) & (v)
sonbahar (autumn) & düşmek
One of the kids fell into the river.
syn = drop down
cut down (v)
Ağaç kesmek, devirmek, azaltmak, kısaltmak
Some trees had been cut down.
axe (n)
I had to get the axes to chop the wood.
chop (v)
doğramak, odun kırmak
I had to get the axes to chop the wood.
chainsaw (n)
Elektrikli testere
sunbashe (v)
I wanted to sunbathe.
have picnic (v)
piknik yapmak
stay in a hotel
stay with friends/family
stay at home
stay in bed
travel by public transport (n)
toplu taşıma ile seyahat
public (n)
halk, kamu, umumi
cable car (n)
syn = tram
describe (v)
tarif etmek, tanımlamak
Describe how you did it.
Words cannot describe our feelings at that moment.
excellent (adj)
Mükemmel, kusursuz, dört dörtlük
Your excellent work puts me to shame.
accommodate (v)
kalacak yer vermek, barındırmak, uyum sağlamak
The hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests.
accommondation (n) kalacak yer, konaklama
wonderful (adj)
Müthiş, harika
temple (n)
tapınak, ibadethane
This is the largest temple that I’ve ever seen.
probably (adv)
muhtemelen, galiba
You’re probably right.
day out (n)
Kısa gezi
We had a day out in the country.
day in day out
scary (adj) scare (v)
korkutucu, ürkütücü & korkmak
That was really scary.
tiger (n)
A tiger is a very ferocious kind of animal.
ferocious (adj)
syn = wild (adj)
vahşi, yırtıcı, yabani
A tiger is a very ferocious kind of animal.
adventure (n)
Young people love adventure.
royal (adj)
asil, krala ait, şahane
collocate (v)
düzenlemek, yerleştirmek, sıraya koymak
invite to V1 (v)
davet etmek
I want to invite you to a party.
My wife works in a nearby pub.
get a taxi
get a bus
tube (n)
syn = subway (n)
The subway in London is known as the Tube.
strike (n) & (v)
grev & grev yapmak, vurmak
transport strike today
no buses, no trains and no tubes for 24 hours
sail (n) & (v)
yelkenli & denize açılmak, gemi ile gitmek
We were sailing from Kaş to Marmaris.
journalist (n)
gazeteci, muhabir
The journalist was kidnapped by terrorists.
sesli mesaj
enquiry (n) = question
We received over 300 enquiries about the job.
mind (n)
I felt refreshed in mind and body.
write a report write a message write a contract write a letter write an email
write to a customer
write to a company
answer a letter
answer the phone
answer an email
take notes
take a message
ride a motorbike
ride a horse
play tennis
play chess
play a musical instrument
high/low in fat
fazla yağlı / az yağlı
fried food
weigh (v)
tartmak, gelmek(kilo)
She weighs 60 kilos.
disease (n)
It is not known what causes the disease.
appear (v)
A bus appeared around the corner.
appearance ( n) dış görünüş
attractive (adj)
çekici, cazibeli
Jon is far more attractive than Tom.
moustache (n)
Women like men with moustaches.
generous (adj)
gözü bol, eli açık, cömert
Tom treats his employees generously.
outgoing (adj)
cana yakın, sempatik
Tom is an outgoing person.
shy (adj)
utangaç, çekingen
He’s very shy. He says he wants to see you.
reliable (adj)
The weather forecast is not necessarily reliable.
bald (adj)
He started going bald quite young.
sore throat (n)
boğaz ağrısı
l've got a stomach ache l've got a temperature l've got a headache l've got a toothache l've got a sore throat l've got a cough
l feel ill
l feel terrible
l feel sick
l feel better
get better soon
geçmiş olsun
painkiller (n)
ağrı kesici
work in (+ places)
work in a restaurant work in a factory work in a hospital work in an office work in a hotel
disorder (n)
hastalık, rahatsızlık
This is a rare disorder of the liver.
skateboard (n)
blow (v)
esmek, üflemek
It was blowing hard.
shine (v)
parlamak, parıldamak
The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky
revise for (v)
gözden geçirmek
revise for an exam
go along (v)
devam etmek
go along this street
go over (v)
go over the bridge and turn left
go past (v)
fence (n)
çit, parmaklık
self employed
serbest meslek
prime minister
luggage (n)
bagaj, valiz
hand luggage
pack (n) & (v)
paket, ambalaj & paketlemek, sarmak,
Did you pack the camera?
nought (okunuşu noot)
0,6 nought point six
work for (+ companies)
work for a fasion company work for an airline work for a multinational work for an engineering company work for an advertising agency
disabled people (n)
engelli kişi
volunteer (n) & (v)
gönüllü & isteyerek yapmak, can atmak
commute (v)
commuter (n)
ev ile iş arasında gidip gelmek
ev ile iş arası yolculuk, gezici, banliyöde yaşayan kimse
gig (n) & (v)
sahneye çkma & çalmak( müzik)
They’re doing a gig in Boston tonight.
We were gigging two or three nights a week.
habit (adj)
alışkanlık, huy
Tom picked up that habit from his father.
publish (v)
yayınlamak, yayımlamak, basmak
Dan wanted to publish a book.
destination (n)
gidilecek yer, varış yeri, hedef
How far is it to our destination?
tradition (n)
traditional (adj)
gelenek, adet
This tradition arose in China.
occasional (adj)
occasionally (adv)
nadir, bazen
They come here occasionally.
develop (v)
geliştirmek, gelişmek
Some children develop more slowly than others.
ask out (v)
çıkma teklifi etmek
He’s too shy to ask her out.
fall in love (v)
aşık olmak
break up with (v) = split up
bitirmek, ayrılmak, ilişkiyi bitirmek
Tom doesn’t want to break up with Mary.
go on a date
biriyle çıkmak
coincidence (n)
tesadüf, raslantı
İt was just a coincidence.
survive (v)
survivor (n)
hayatta kalmak, kalmak
If you have no food, you got to eat roots and insects in order to survive.
Mary is the only survivor of the plane crash.
drown (v)
boğulmak, boğmak
Two children drowned after falling into the river.
shoot (n) & (v)
atış, vurma & ateş etmek, vurmak
I don’t want to have to shoot you.
credible (adj)
syn = beliveable
opp = uncredible
inandırıcı, güvenilir
There’s only one credible witness in the case.
expected (adj)
opp = unexpected
beklenen, umulan
Tom didn’t realize what was expected of him.
extraordinary (adj)
opp = ordinary
syn = strange, odd (adj)
sıradışı, olağan üstü
The next extraordinary coincidence in this story happened o 10th July 1940
amazing (adj)
syn = suprising
It is amazing; you should have won the prize.
fortunate (adj)
syn = lucky
opp = unfortunate
şanslı, uğurlu
there was one last unfortunate coincidence.
I was fortunate in having a good teacher.
dating (n)
date (v)
tanışma, flört etme, buluşma
flört etmek Sami wanted to date Layla.
I think online dating isn’t safe.
I started dating her.
employment (n)
iş verme, işe alma, istihdam
She lost her employment when the company closed.
qualify (v)
qualified (adj)
vasıflandırmak, nitelemek, yeterlik kazanmak
He qualified as a doctor last year.
He is not qualified for the job.
work with (+ people)
work with children work with an unemployed people work with teenagers work with disabled people Work with volunteers
salary (n)
colleague (n)
We were friends and colleagues for more than 20 years.
promotion (n) & promote (v)
terfi, yükselme, promosyon, tanıtım & terfi etmek
The new job is a promotion for him.
responsibility (n)
sorumluluk, mesuliyet
She has responsibility for public spending.
paramedic (n)
doktor yardımcısı, paramedik,
interpret (v) & interpreter (n)
tercümanlık yapmak, yorumlamak & tercüman, yorumcu
The data can be interpreted in many different ways.
pier (n)
iskele, rıhtım
pier party
be out (v)
bitmiş olmak, sona ermek
Oh, you’re out of shrimp.
pick (n, v)
seçme, seçmek
They let me pick a present.
Pick a number from one to twenty.
cheer up (v)
neşelendirmek, moral vermek, sevindirmek
The boy told a lie, probably to cheer up his parents.
lease out (v)
rent, hire