upper extremity action and nerve cards Flashcards
erector spinae action and nerve
action - extend trunk and vertebral column
nerve - dorsal rami of cervical, thoracic and lumbar spinal nerves
splenius action and nerve
action - extends neck and head (unilateral direction)
nerve - dorsal rami of cervical nerve
spinotransverse action and nerve
action - extend trunk in bilateral action and rotate vertebral column in unilateral action
nerve - dorsal rami of spinal nerves
serratus posterior inferior action and nerve
action - depresses ribs in expiration
nerve - intercostal nerves (9th. to 12th)
trapezius muscle action and nerve
action - elevates and depresses shoulder, retracts scapula
nerve - spinal part of accessory nerve
latissimus dorsi action and nerve
action - adducts, extends and medially rotates arm (humerus)
nerve - thoracodorsal nerve
levator scapulae action and nerve
action - elevates the scapula
nerve - dorsal scapular nerve
rhomboid minor action and nerve
action - retract the scapula
nerve - dorsal scapular nerve
rhomboid major action and nerve
action - retract the scapula
nerve - dorsal scapular nerve
levatores coastarum action and nerve
action - elevates ribs in inspiration
nerve - dorsal rami of thoracic nerves
serratus posterior superior action and nerve
action - elevates ribs in inspiration
nerve - intercostal nerve (2nd to 5th)
deltoid action and nerve
action - abduction of shoulder joint. helps in flexion, adduction, and medial rotation of shoulder joint
nerve - axillary nerve
supraspinatus action and nerve
action - initiated abduction of shoulder joint to the extent of first 15 degrees
nerve - suprascapular nerve
infraspinatus action and nerve
action - lateral rotator of shoulder joint
nerve - suprascapular nerve
teres minor nerve and action
action- lateral rotator of humerus. abductor of shoulder joint
nerve - axillary nerve
teres major action and nerve
action- medial rotator and adductor of humerus
nerve - lower subscapular nerve
triceps brachii action and nerve
action - extensor of elbow joint
nerve - radial nerve
aconeus muscle action and nerve
action - assists triceps in extending the elbow
nerve - radial nerve
brachioradialis action and nerve
action - flexes elbow joint
nerve - radial nerve
extensor carpi radialis longus action and nerve
action - extends and abducts the wrist
nerve - radial nerve
extensor carpi radialis brevis action and nerve
action - extends and abducts the wrist
nerve - deep branch of radial nerve/posterior interosseous nerve (before piercing supinator)
extensor digitorum action and nerve
action - extends the metacarpophalangeal, proximal and distal interphalangeal joints
nerve - deep branch of radial nerve
extensor digiti minimi action and nerve
action - extends little finger
nerve - deep branch of radial nerve
extensor carpi ulnaris action and nerve
action - extends and adducts the wrist
nerve - deep branch of radial nerve