UnLock Unite 1-2-3-4-5 Wordlist Flashcards
Attract (v)
<= to make people come to a place or do a particular thing by being interesting, enjoyable, etc =>
Çekmek-Cezbetmek (bir insan veya kuruluş)
-> The prices which I saw in the morning today attracted me
- > Attract (the) attention/interest: Dikkati/ilgiyi üzerine çekmek
- > be attracted to smb: birini cazibesine kapılmak-hoşlanmak
Melt (v/v)
1) Eritmek-Erimek [bir şeyi katı formdan sıvı forma geçirme herhangi bir şey bu işlevi yapabilir]
- The chocolate had melted in my pocket.
- The sun soon melted the ice on the pond.
2) Kızgınlıktan sonra yumuşamak-Erimek-sevgi hissetmek
- When he smiles at me, I just melt.
Melted(adj): eritilmiş Syn: Dissolve
Fee (n)
Ücret [bir hizmet karşılığında ödenen para]
- an entrance fee
- university fees
Statement (n) == Declaration (n)
- The prime minister is expected to make a statement later today.
- —Make a statement: Açıklama yapmak
Attractive (adj)
1) {Beautiful} Çekici-Güzel-Hoş-Cezbedici
2) {Interesting} Çekici-Hoşa giden
Attractively [adv]:ilgili çekici bir şekilde Attractiveness (n): Çekicilik - Cazibe
Current (adj)
Mevcut olan(şimdiki-bugünkü)-Geçerli-Hali hazırda var olan
Deal (n)
(n) : Anlaşma-Aynı fikirde olma
- do-make a deal => anlaşma yapmak
- > The two companies have recently done a major deal.
Deal with
{History} the place where something important happened in the past.
- a historic site
- the site of a battle
{Area} an area that is used for something or where something happens. [alan-arazi-yer-mevki ]
Explore vs Discover
Explore : Daha önce olan fakat bilinmeyen bir yeri bulmaya denir.
Discover : Bir nesneyi bulmaya denir ya da bir buluş bulmaya denir.
Explore: Keşfetmek-Araştırmak
Discover: Keşfetmek-Bulmak-Ortaya çıkarmak
Set (n)
Dizi-Set-Takım-Grup-Seri [bu kelimelerin hepsi bir topluluk anlamı belirtiyor yani birden çok olma durumu]
- A set of … : bir dizi-takım …
Valley (n)
Accurate (adj)
- inaccurate - Accurately
Significant (adj) == Important == Substantial == Major
1) Önemli
- insignificant
- significantly
2) Anlamlı-Kayda değer
Syn: meaningful- eloquent, expressive
Valuable (adj-adj)
{object} Değerli-Kıymetli
{useful} Faydalı-Kıymetli-Kullanışlı (bilgi,yardım,tavsiye)
Curious (adj)
- > Interest
- > Strange
{interested} Meraklı
- be curious: merak etmek
-> (n): Curiosity
{Strange}: Tuhaf - İlginç
Actual (adj) == Real (adj)
-> We were expecting about fifty people, though the actual number was a lot higher.
Deaf (adj)
Sağır-Ağır işiten
Prime (adj)
{main} asıl, esas, ana, baş => “principal”
-> the prime suspect in a murder investigation
{Best} of the best quality [seçkin, birinci sınıf, en nitelikli-iyi]
-> The hotel is in a prime location in the city center.
Prime number: asal sayı
Prime minister: başbakan
Prim time: Yoğun- en iyi zaman aralığı
Undergraduate (adj)
lisans (adj)
(n): üniversiteli
Artificial (adj)
Cave (n)
Cushion (n)
Emperor (n)
Enemy (n-adj)
(n) : Düşman-Hasım
(adj) Düşman-Düşmana ait
Era (n)
a period of time in history that is special for a particular reason. [çağ, devir] - the Victorian era - a new era of peace - The Era of Suleiman the Magnificent
Region: Bölge-Yöre [Region of Mediterranean]
[a particular area in a country or the world]
District: İlçe-Bölge-Semt-Mahalle [Region’a göre daha küçük bir alan mesela ilçeler için kullanabilirsin bunu]
Zone: Bölge [an area where a particular thing happens]
daha insanlar tarafından oluşturulan yapay bir anlamı var.
- a war zone
- a nuclear-free zone
Interval (n)
Ara-Aralık- [a period of time between two actions, activities, or events.]
-> After an interval of three days the peace talks resumed.
- at intervals: aralıklarla
- > Patients were injected with the drug at four-hour intervals (= every four hours).
Lorry (n)
Principal (adj/n)
-> Her principal reason for moving is to be nearer her mother.
(n): Okul müdürü
Principal (adj/n)
-> Her principal reason for moving is to be nearer her mother.
Principally: Özellikle-Çoğunlukla
->The advertising campaign is aimed principally at women.
(n): Okul müdürü
Tale (n)
Forgive (v)
Affetmek-Bağışlamak-Kusuruna bakmamak
Refuse (v)
[Birisi bir şey yapmanı veya senden bir şey yapmak için izin ister bunları kabul etmemek-reddetmek] Syn:Deny
-> I politely refused their invitation.
-> The bank refused his demand for a full refund.
[demand: talep, refund: geri ödeme]
Deduce (v) - Infer
Infer [sonuç-anlam çıkarmak]
Fascinate (v)
-> China has always fascinated me.
Fetch (v)
Gidip almak-getirmek
-> Can you fetch my glasses from the bedroom?
Gather (v)
1) Topla(n)mak [bir şey için insanların bir araya gelmesi]
- > Can you all gather around? I’ve got something to tell you.
- > His supporters gathered in the hotel ballroom.
2) Bir araya getirmek-Toplamak [ayrı ayrı duran eşyalar toplamak olabilir veya polisin delilleri toplaması]
- > People slowly gathered their belongings and left the hall.
- > Detectives have spent months gathering evidence.
- - Gather smt up/together: Toplamak
Knit (v/n)
Örgü / Örgü örmek- Örmek
Fever (n/v)
[a high body temperature because you are sick.]
Ateş-Humma- Ateşlenmek
– Get/Have a fever: Ateşi olmak
– Reduce/bring down a/the fever
Decent (adj)
1) Dürüst-Ahlaklı-Terbiyeli
Arrange (v)
1) to make the necessary plans and preparations for something to happen. [Düzenlemek/Hazırlık yapmak/Planlamak]
- > We arranged for a car to pick us up from the airport.
2) to put objects in a particular order or position. [Düzenlemek/Sıraya koymak-Tanzim etmek]
- > The books are arranged alphabetically by author.
Consider (v) == Think about
1) [to think about something carefully, especially in order to make a decision.] Düşünmek
Determine (v)
Belirlemek-Saptamak [Syn: Establish]
-> An inquiry was set up to determine the cause of the accident.
React (v)
1) Coll-1: react (to something) (by doing something)
2) Coll-1: react (with something) react (together)
1) {Behave=> Do- Say} Tepki göstermek - Tepki vermek
-> Local residents reacted angrily to the news.
-> I nudged her but she didn’t react.
Coll-1: react (to something) (by doing something)
2) {Science} : Tepkimek- Reaksiyon göstermek
-> Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust.
Sedate (adj)
Sakin- Ağır başlı- Vakarlı
Convince (v) - Persuade (v)
İkna etmek- İnandırmak
Praise (v/n)
1) övmek-yüceltmek-methetmek // övme-övgü
2) Şükretmek
Sew (v)
Dikmek [to use a needle and thread to make stitches in cloth.]
Wrap (v)
1) Sarmak-Paketlemek [kağıtla veya başla bir şeyle sarmak hediye mesela ama bir şeyi korumak içinde sarılabilir]
- > He spent the evening wrapping up the Christmas presents. [paketlemek]
- > I wrapped the baby (up) in a blanket. [sarmak]
Coll-1: wrap something (up) (in something)
Nasty (adj)
1) very bad [çok kötü-iğrenç]
- > I had a nasty feeling that he would follow me.
- > This coffee has a nasty taste.
2) unkind [kaba-terbiyesiz] Syn: Rude
Act (v)
1) {Behave} to behave in a particular way.
[davranmak-hareket etmek]
2) {Do smt} We have to act now to stop the spread of this disease.
[harakete geçmek(bir problemi çözmede girişimde bulunmak)]
-> We have to act now to stop the spread of this disease.
3) {Perform} to perform in a play or film.
[film/oyunda oynamak]
Severe (adj)
1) extremely bad [şiddetli-çok kötü] (a severe headache) 2) not kind or gentle [sert-ağır] (a severe punishment) 3) A severe person looks unfriendly or very strict. [katı-hoşgörüsüz]
Get rid of (smt/smo/stress etc.)
Stresten - Birinden - Bir şeyden Kurtulmak / Başından atmak
- > She wanted to be rid of her parents and their authority.
- > I can’t get rid of this headache.
- > We got rid of all the old furniture.
Comment (v)
Yorum yapmak / Fikir beyan etmek
Convince (v)
İkna etmek - İnadırmak
Connect (v)
Bağlamak - Bağlanmak - Birleştirmek
-> Ferries connect the mainland with the islands.
Edit (v)
Düzenlemek - Yayına hazırlamak [dergi, kitap, gazete, Film etc.]
Enable (v)
Olanak tanımak - İzin vermek
[to make someone able to do something, or to make something possible]
Coll-1: enable somebody to do something
Coll-2: enable something
Link (v)
[to make a connection between two or more people, things, or ideas] Bağlamak- Bağlantı kurmak-Birleştirmek
- > Both men have been linked with the robberies.
- > The drug has been linked to the deaths of several athletes. (bağlantılı olmak)
Solve (v)
[to find the answer to something]
Çözmek - Halletmek
-> Police are still no nearer to solving the crime.
Transport (v-n)
[to move people or goods from one place to another]
Taşımak- Nakletmek
goods: mal- eşya - yük
(n): Taşıma - Nakliye
Expand (v)
[to increase in size or amount, or to make something increase] Genişletmek / Büyütmek
-> We are hoping to expand our range of products.
Limit (v)
Sınırlamak / Sınırlandırmak / Kısıtlamak
Syn: Restrict
Prevent (v)
[to stop something happening or to stop someone doing something] Önlemek / Engel olmak / Önüne geçmek
Coll-1: prevent somebody/something from doing something.
-> Members of the public were prevented from entering the building.
– Preventable (adj): Önlenebilir, Önüne geçilebilir
Report (v)
Rapor vermek Bildirmek [son yaşanan olaylar veya gelişimlerle ilgili yetkili kişiye veya televizyondan bildirmek]
Amaze smb (v)
Birini şaşırtmak - Hayrete düşürmek
Bargain (v/n)
Pazarlık etmek-yapmak //// Pazarlık
-> Do not hesitate to bargain over the price.
-> He said he wasn’t prepared to bargain.
Coll-1: bargain (with somebody) (about/over/for something)
Exchange rate (n)
Döviz kuru
Hole (n)
Delik - Çukur
Hut (n)
Kulübe - Baraka
Pill (n)
Hap - Tablet - ilaç [yutulan]
Tribe (n)
Kabile - Aşiret
Layout (n)
Düzen - Yerleşim - Tertip
> Are you familiar with the general layout of the hospital?
-> the magazine’s attractive new page layout
Lighter (n)
Destination (n)
Hedef - Varış yeri - İstikamet
Lane (n)
Şerit- Kulvar
Rail (n)
1) Demiryolu - Ray
2) Parmaklık - Korkuluk
Term (n)
1) Dönem - Devre [a period of time for which something lasts; a fixed or limited time]
- > The government has been elected for another four-year term.
2) Terim- Deyim -Tabir
- > a technical/legal/scientific, etc. term
Narrow (adj)
1) {Not wide}: Dar
- a narrow lane/street
- a narrow tie
- > The road soon became narrower and steeper.
2) {Few}: Sınırlı - Yetersiz
Overall (adj)
[considering everything or everyone]
Tümü- Hepsi - Geneli
Convenient (adj)
[useful, easy, or quick to do; not causing problems]
Coll-1: convenient (for smb/smt)
Uygun - Elverişli - Kullanışlı
-> It is very convenient to pay by credit card.
-> A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in cities.
Compact (adj)
[small and including many things in a small space]
her şeyi barındıran, derli toplu, kullanışlı, işlevsel, KOMPAKT
Concrete (adj-v)
Somut - Elle tutulur [based on facts, not on ideas or guesses]
(v): Somutlaştırmak - Somutlaşmak
2) Beton -> a concrete floor
Sensible (adj)
[(of people and their behavior) able to make good judgments based on reason and experience rather than emotion]
Mantıklı- Makul [logical-reasonable] &&&
Somehow (adv)
Her nasılsa - Bir şekilde - Bir yolunu bulup
- > Somehow or other (= I do not know how) they managed to get in.
- > Don’t worry, we’ll fix it somehow.
Blame (v-n)
Suçlamak - Sorumlu tutmak (v) [olan kötü bir şeyden birinin veya bir şeyin sorumlu olduğunu söylemek veya düşünmek]
Suçlama - Kabahat (n)
Contribute (v)
1) Katkıda-Bağışta-Yardımda bulunmak [çoğunlukla para ve mal ile ]
2) [to be one of the causes of something=> Neden olmak]
-> Medical negligence could have contributed to her death.
[ölümüne neden olmak]
Coll-1: contribute (to something)
3) to increase, improve, or add to something
- > This book does not contribute much to our understanding of the subject.
- > Immigrants have contributed to American culture in many ways.
Cover (v)
Örtmek - Kapatmak [bir şeyi saklamak için olabilir, bir madde bir yüzeyi kaplayabilir.]
- > She covered her face with her hands.
- > Snow covered the ground.
it needs improvement
Inform (v)
1) {Tell}: to tell someone about something
haber vermek, bilgi vermek, bildirmek
-> If he calls me again, I shall inform the police.
-> He informed us that we would have to leave.
2) {Give information}: to give someone information about something [bir şey hakkında birine bilgi vermek]
- > Patients should be informed about the risks.
- > He keeps his parents informed of his whereabouts.
Critical (adj)
Kritik - Ciddi - Hassas
Independent (adj)
Dependent (adj)
Dependence (n)
Depend (v)
Bağımsız - Serbest - Hür
Bağımlı - Muhtaç
Resourceful (adj)
[good at finding ways to solve problems]
Becerikli - Gözü açık
-> These women were strong, resourceful and courageous.
Syn: enterprising
Agriculture (n)
Tarım - Ziraat
Cattle (n)
Sığır(lar) - Öküzler [cows and bulls that are kept as farm animals for their milk or meat]
Amount (n)
Miktar - Tutar - Değer
-> The project will take a huge amount of time and money.
Basin (n)
Leğen - Havza - Yalak
Crop (n)
Mahsul - Ürün [ekin] [a plant such as a grain, fruit, or vegetable that is grown in large amounts by farmers.]
Demand (n-v)
Talep - İstek
Talep etmek - İstemek
(v): to ask for something very firmly
-> She demanded an immediate explanation.
loss (n)
1) (Bir şeye öncekinden daha az miktarda sahip olma)
Kayıp, zayiat
-> loss of income/memory
-> weight loss
-> loss of blood
-> job losses
2) Kayıp [ölmek] the death of a person
- > They never got over the loss of their son. (get over: atlatmak)
Rise (n)
Artış - Yükselme - Çoğalma - Artma
Summary (n)
Topic (n)
Konu - Tema - Mevzu [a subject that you talk or write about]
Lecture (n)
Konferans - Uzun öğüt - Uyarı [konuşarak, azar]
1) {Teaching}: a formal talk given to a group of people in order to teach them about a subject
Konuşma - Konferans
2) {Criticism}: [an angry or serious talk given to someone in order to criticize their behaviour]
ahlâk dersi verme, eleştirme; kızgın ve ciddi konuşma
-> My dad gave me a lecture on smoking last night.
Underwear (n)
İç çamaşırı
thumb (n)
Baş parmak
Scenery (n)
saucer (n)
Fincan/Çay bardağı tabağı
receipt (n/v)
(n) : Makbuz - Fiş [a piece of paper that proves that you have received goods or money]
(v) : Makbuz / Fiş vermek
breast (n)
Göğüs - Meme
Bottom (n)
Alt - Dip [the lowest part of something]
-> Click on the icon at the bottom of the page.
Airlines (n)
Aircraft (n) Airplane (n) Plane (n)
Accuse (v) == blame (v)
Accusation (n) == blame (n)
Suçlamak / İtham etmek
Suçlama - İtham
Bow (n)
bir grup karşısında eğilerek saygı göstermek, reverans yapmak, öne doğru eğilmek
Update (v)
Güncelleştirmek - Modernize etmek - Modernleştirmek
Remove (v)
- > He removed the bandage to expose the wound.
- > An operation was needed to remove the bullets from his chest.
1) to take something or someone away from a place
- > Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behavior. [uzaklaştırmak]
Leak (v)
1) {Liquid / gas}: Sızdırmak - Sızmak - Kaçak yapmak -Akmak
- > Water had leaked all over the floor.
- > The bottle must have leaked because the bag’s all wet.
2) {secrets}: [If someone leaks secret information, they intentionally tell people about it.] gizli bilgiyi sızdırmak/açığa vurmak
-> Details of the report had been leaked to the press.
Syn: Disclose
Explode (v)
Explosion (n)
Patlamak - Patlatmak
Approve (v)
1) {Allow}: Onaylamak
- > The council has approved plans for a new shopping centre.
Predict (v)
Tahmin etmek - Öngörmek [önceden kestirmek]
-> Companies are predicting massive profits.
Replace (v)
-> Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom.
-> After the disease is treated, the gum tissues are replaced.
[Hastalık tedavi edildikten sonra, diş eti dokuları değiştirilir.]