Leftovers: Season-2 Flashcards
Give in to smt
[to finally agree to what someone wants after a period when you refuse to agree.]
-e boyun eğmek
Run out (v)
Bitmek - Tükenmek - Suyunu çekmek
- > I’ve nearly run out of money.
- > Come on, time is running out.
Drop off (v)
Araçtan indirmek
-> Could you drop me off here please?
Alliance (n)
- Make/Form an alliance
- alliance with
- alliance between a and b
Appeal (v)
İstemek == Talep etmek == Demand == Request
- Appeal for smt
- Appeal to smb (for smt)
- Appeal to smb to do smt
Argue smb into/out of smt
[to persuade somebody to do/not do something by giving them reasons]
-> They argued him into withdrawing his complaint.
Breach (n/v)
(n) : – breach of smt
- > a breach of contract/copyright/warranty
(v) : [to break a rule, law, or agreement]
Bring (them/a and b/two of them) together
[to help two people or groups to end a disagreement]
-> The loss of their son brought the two of them together.
Collaborate (v)
- Collaborate with smo on smt
- - Collaborate with smo in smt/doing smt
Commitment (n)
Sadakat - Bağlılık - Kararlılık
– make a commitment (v):
Söz vermek - Taahhüt etmek
– Show commitment to smb/smt
Concede (v)
[to admit that something is true, even though you do not want to]
Kabul etmek - Kabullenmek
Concession (n)
Ödün - Taviz
– make (a) concession to smt/smb
Consent (N-v)
(n) : İzin - Müsaade
- - Consent to smt
- - without smb’s consent: birinin rızası olmadan
(v) :
- - consent to smt
- - consent to do smt
Expire (v) == Run out
Süresi dolmak - Sona ermek
[If a legal document or agreement expires, you can no longer use it.]
Go along with smt/smb
Agree or Support
Intervene (v)
Intervention (n)
[to become involved in a situation in order to improve or help it]
- intervene in
- intervene to do smt
Lure (v-n)
(n): [the power to attract people]
cazibe- çekicilik
(v): ikna etmek - cezbetmek
Entice - Tempt
Peacekeeper (n)
Ara bulucu - Uzlaştırıcı
Majestic (adj)
[impressive because of size or beauty]
Respectively (adv)
-Sırasıyla, Yazılış sırasına göre
Drop in (v)
Habersiz uğramak
Abide by (v)
[to accept and act according to a law, an agreement, etc.]
-> You’ll have to abide by the rules of the club.
-> We will abide by their decision.
Abrogate == Repeal (v)
[to officially end a law, an agreement, etc.]
Yürürlükten kaldırmak
Accord (n)
(n): [a formal agreement between two organizations, countries, etc.]
– of your own accord: kendi isteğiyle, kendi rızasıyla, isteyerek
-> He came back of his own accord.
-> The symptoms will clear up of their own accord.
Arbitrate (v)
Arbitration (n)
[to officially help to solve an argument between two people or groups]
- arbitrate (in/on) (something) to arbitrate in a dispute
- arbitrate between A and B
[the use of a lot of pressure or even physical force to persuade somebody to do something]
As one
Topluca - hep birlikte
Take away
Götürmek (kitabı vs)
– take smt away
Throw away
– throw away garbage
Put on x Take off
Giyinmek x Soyunmak
Get in/on x Get off
Arabaya/Uçağa/Otobüse/Bisiklete binmek x İnmek
Run after x Run away
Kovalamak x Kaçmak
Speed up x Slow down
Hızlanmak (accelerate) x Yavaşlamak
Aggravate (v)
1) [to make a situation or condition worse]: bir durumu, şartları daha da kötüye götürmek, ağırlaştırmak, kötüleştirmek
-> His comments only aggravated the problem.
Syn: Make Worse
2) [to annoy someone]
- Aggravation (n)
- Aggravating (adj): kötüleştirici
Curb (v)
Frenlemek - Gem vurmak - Zaptetmek
- Take smb/smt for granted
- Take it for granted (that …)
- Birinin/birşeyin değerini bilmemek
- > Her husband was always there and she just took him for granted.
- I just took it for granted that he’d always be around.
- She seemed to take it for granted that I would go with her to New York.
Embrace a theory
Accept a theory
Dünkü çocuk değilim yani
- You can’t fool me. I wasn’t yesterday. [Beni aptal yerine koyma dünkü çocuk değilim ben].
I wasn’t born yesterday
It is all greek to me
Olaya fransız kalmak
- Keyfin bilir
- Kendin bilirsin
Suit yourself
Tırnağı bile olamaz
not be patch on smt/smb
-> He is awesome but he is not patch on Brad Bitt
Never mind
Unut gitsin
I don’t mind
Umurumda değil
Provide insight into (v)
(içyüzünün) anlaşılmasını sağlamak
-> Science has provided much insight into why an intelligent species seems so nasty
Striking (adj)
Çarpıcı - Dikkat çekici
-> What researchers have discovered about some of our most destructive behaviours is really striking.
Be tied to (v)
== Depend on
-> it’s often tied to deep psychological factors
Cling to (v)
Sadık kalmak
–> He clung to the belief that his family were alive.
Get carried away (v)
Kendini kaptırmak - Aşka gelmek
Be/Get carried away (v)
Kendini kaptırmak - Aşka gelmek
[to become so excited about something that you do not control what you say or do]
–> The manager warned his young players not to get carried away by the emotion of the occasion.
What matters is …
Önemli olan …
-> What matters is quality rather than quantity.
At the expense of …
… pahasına - adına
Very Evil (adj)
[extremely bad and morally wrong]
Very glad (syn)
Elaborate on smt
Muscular (adj)
The nuts and bolts of profession/job
bir işin/mesleğin en ince ayrıntıları
-> Law school can teach you theory, but it can’t teach you the nuts and bolts of the profession.
Bir tarafından sallama
Don’t talk through your hat
Cheer up
- keep fighting
- lighten up
- I am behind you %100
Display (n/v)
(n) : Sergi - Vitrin
- - on display: sergide - tezgahta
- > Many old aircraft are on display at the museum.
(v) : Sergilemek - Göstermek
Trap (n/v)
(n) : Tuzak - Kapan // Kurtulması zor durum
(v) : Tuzağa düşmek - Kapana kısılmak
Cynical (adj)
Invaluable (adj)
Paha piçilmez
== Priceless
Overlap (v-n)
(v) : [If two subjects or activities overlap, they are the same in some way.] Benzeşmek - Örtüşmek
- > Although our job titles are different, our responsibilities overlap quite a lot.
(n) : benzeşme - örtüşme
Irrespective (adv)
Irrespective of == Regardless of
Rigour (n)
(n): [If you do something with rigour, you look at or consider every part of something to make sure it is correct or safe.]
Dikkat - Özen - İtina
Conceive (v)
– conceive of (smb/smt) as (smb/smt): tasavvur/hayal etmek
Entrust (v)
Emanet etmek - Vermek
[to make somebody responsible for doing something or taking care of somebody]
– entrust A (to B)
He entrusted the task to his nephew.
Eminent (adj)
[famous, respected, or important]
-> eminent institution like Bilkent University
Proceed with
… ile devam etmek
-> The ceremony proceeded with the presentation.
To this end
Bu amaçla
Make contribution to smt
Bir şeye katkıda bulunmak
Be under way (idiom)
Sürüyor olmak - Devam ediyor olmak
-> The application period is now under way.
Don’t like smt
- it is not my cup of tea
- it is not for me
- I am not into this kind of thing
Outpace (v)
Geride bırakmak - Geçmek
Asset (n)
Varlık - Mülk
No matter what
Ne olursa olsun
Give me a hand
Yardim etmek
- could you give me an hand?
Stab smo in the back
Birini sırtından bicaklamak
Mum’s the word
Aramızda kalsın
An uphill battle
It is an uphill battle finding time when everyone is free for the meeting.
Come to terms with smt
Bir seyi kabullenmek (zor olsada)
- I came to terms with this situation
- You should come to terms with reality.
In retrospect
Geçmişe bakıldığında,
- In retrospect, I might be wrong
Not have a (mean/cowardly/polite) bone in her/his body
Hem Iyi hem kötü anlamda kullanılabilir
Override (v)
[If someone in authority overrides a decision or order, they officially decide that it is wrong.] Geçersiz kılmak
Break the bank (idiom)
El yakmak - Çok pahalı olmak
-> Taking a week-long vacation would break the bank.
Give smb a lift
Arabayla bırakmak
- > I can give you lift home.
- > Could you give me a lift to the station?
Hit the road (idiom)
Yola çıkmak
Mindful (adj)
Mindfulness (n)
- Farkında (be aware of / conscious )
- Farkındalık
Lead the way (idiom)
Liderlik yapmak - Yolu açmak
-> Companies like 7-eleven is leading the way in offerring innovative solutions aiming to help consumer mitigate carbon emissions.
Offset (v)
Dengelemek (Balance - Maintain)
-> Seven-eleven offsets those emissions through local and global carbon reduction projects.
Commit oneself to Ving/smt
Bir şeye adamak
to is preposition
Commit oneself to Ving/smt
Bir şeye adamak (Devote / Dedicate)
to is preposition
Center Around (v)
Focus on smt
by %30
by up to %30
- %30 oranında
- %30 oranına kadar
Equate to (v)
That equates to powering more than 5.2 million homes’ electricity for a day.
Adj-minded (adj)
adjective tarzı düşenen
- like-minded people: benzeri düşünen insanlar
- > Erdem and like-minded people will be do smt
- community-minded business: topluluğu düşünen iş yeri
Intuition (n)
[İç güdü - Sezgi]
Savvy (adj)
[bilgili - farkında]
-> Are your kids savvy about Internet Safety?
Stumble upon (v)
Face - Encounter - Come across - Coincide
Casualty (n)
Zayiat - Malül
[someone who is injured or killed in an accident or war]