Prefaculty Wordlist: Part-II Flashcards
Be/get hooked on smt
Aşırı düşkün/Tiryakisi olmak
– Hook on: kancalamak - Bağlamak
Desperate (adj)
Despair (n/v)
- Umutsuz - Çaresiz
- Çaresizlik - Umutsuzluk // Umutsuzluğa-çaresizliğe düşmek
- despair of something/somebody
- despair of doing something
Settle (v/v)
(v) : [to start living in a place where you are going to live for a long time] Yerleşmek
(v) : [If you settle an argument, you solve the problem and stop arguing.] Halletmek - Çözmek
- > settle a dispute/a matter/an issue
Spot (n)
Benek - Nokta - Leke
Drawer (n)
Evoke (v)
Anımsatmak - aklına getirmek
[to bring a feeling, a memory or an image into your mind]
- The music evoked memories of her youth.
- His case is unlikely to evoke public sympathy.
Foster (v)
(v): [to encourage a particular feeling, situation, or idea to develop]
Syn: Encourage - Promote
(v): [to look after a child as part of your family for a time, without becoming their legal parent]
Incident (n)
[an event, especially one that is bad or unusual]
Olay - Vaka
be In charge
Sorumlu olmak
- Be in charge of smt: birşeyin sorumlusu olmak
- > She’s in charge of a team of 20 people.
- take charge: sorumluluğu almak - kontrolü üstlenmek
Bias (n)
– Bias to/towards/against smt: bir şeye karşı önyargı
Hay (n)
Saman - kuru ot
Grain (n/n)
(n) : tahıl
(n) : a very small piece of something
- > a grain of sand/sugar
- > a grain of truth
Limb (n)
Uzuv (kol - bacak)
Split (v)
1) Split smt into smt
- > She split the class into groups of four.
Carriage (n)
At arabası
Scare (v)
Korkutmak [Frighten]
- Give smb a scare
- > The earthquake gave us a scare.
Be fond of smt (a lot)
Fond: düşkün - seven
Depress (v)
[to make somebody sad and without enthusiasm or hope]
-> Wet weather always depresses me.
Hip (n/adj)
(n) : Kalça
(adj) : Modaya uygun == Fashionable
Powder (n/v)
Toz // Toz haline getirmek
Entitle (v)
Başlık koymak - İsimlendirmek
– Entitle smb to smt/ do smt: Görevlendirmek - Yetkili Kılmak
Imprison (v) == Jail (n/v)
Plug (n/v)
(n) : Tıpa - Fiş
(v) : Tıkamak - Tıpalamak
Glue (n/v)
Yapıştırmak /// Yapıştırıcı
Sentence (v)
Hüküm vermek == Condemn
Extrinsic x Intrinsic
Dışsal x İçsel
Engage (v)
- İlgilendirmek - Meşgul etmek
- > The debate about food safety has engaged the whole nation.
- İşe almak
- -Engage in smt // Engage smb in smt: to take part in something
- > Even in prison, he continued to engage in criminal activities.
Excess (n)
Fazla - Fazlalık - İlave
Timeless (adj)
Modası geçmeyen - Eskimeyen
Tolerate (v)
Tahammül etmek - Katlanmak
Rigid (adj)
Rigidity (n)
Katı == Inflexible
Grid (n)
Flame (n)
Hollow (n/adj)
(n) : Çukur - Oyuk - Kovuk
(adj) : Kovuk - Oyuk // Beyhude - Anlamsız
Pan (n/v)
Sert eleştiri yapmak
Bribe (n/v)
Rüşvet vermek
Basis (n)
Temel - Esas
– on the basis of : temeline göre - dayanılarak
Horizontal - Vertical
(adj): Yatay - Dikey
Horizontal - Vertical
(adj): Yatay - Dikey
Stiff (adj)
- difficult to bend or move
Cultivate (v)
- [ to prepare and use land for growing plants or crops]
Dialect (n)
Flourish (v)
1) [to develop quickly and become successful or common] == Thrive
- > Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate.
2) [to grow well; to be healthy and happy]== Thrive
- > These plants flourish in a damp climate.
- > I hope the grandchildren are flourishing.
Abstract (adj) x Concrete
(adj) : Soyut
(v) : [to remove something from somewhere]
- - abstract something (from something)
- > She abstracted the main points from the argument.
- > Their plan is to abstract 8 million gallons of water from the river.
Abstract (adj) x Concrete
(adj) : Soyut
(v) : [to remove something from somewhere]
- - abstract something (from something)
- > She abstracted the main points from the argument.
- > Their plan is to abstract 8 million gallons of water from the river.
Abstract (adj) x Concrete
(adj) : Soyut
(v) : [to remove something from somewhere]
- - abstract something (from something)
- > She abstracted the main points from the argument.
- > Their plan is to abstract 8 million gallons of water from the river.
Abstract (adj) x Concrete
(adj) : Soyut
(v) : [to remove something from somewhere]
- - abstract something (from something)
- > She abstracted the main points from the argument.
- > Their plan is to abstract 8 million gallons of water from the river.
Fur (n)
Kürk - Post
Stir (v)
Karıştırmak [çayı- salatayı…]
- stir smt
- stir smt into smt
- > The vegetables are stirred into the rice while it is hot.
At a pinch
Furnish (v)
[to put furniture into a room or building]
-> They have furnished the room very simply.
Exhibit (v)
Derive smt from smt
bir şeyi bir şeyden türetmek/türemek
Comprise (v)
Consist of == Comprise of smt: bir şeyden oluşmak / meydana gelmek
[to consist of particular parts or members]
-> The orchestra was comprised of amateur and professional musicians.
Pure (adj) x Impure
1) [not mixed with anything else; with nothing added]
2) [clean and not containing any harmful substances]
Stretch (v)
[to make something longer, wider or looser, for example by pulling it; to become longer, etc. in this way]
-> This sweater has stretched.
Feast (n)
Şölen - Ziyafet
Pretend (v)
- pretend to somebody that
- > He pretended to his family that everything was fine.
- pretend to do smt
- > He pretended not to notice.
Midst (n)
- in the midst of smt: birşeyin tam ortasında - bir olay veya faaliyetin tam ortasında
- > We are currently in the midst of an economic recession.
Spit (v/n)
Underlie (v)
Underlying (adj)
[to be the basis or cause of something]
-> These ideas underlie much of his work.
-> It is a principle that underlies all the party’s policies.
Underlying: temel - esas
Fitness (n)
1) Zindelik - Form
[the condition of being physically strong and healthy]
2) [the quality of being suitable for a particular purpose, job, course of study, etc]
Uygunluk - Yerindelik
-> The purpose of the exercise is to judge a soldier’s fitness for combat.
Projection (n)
1) [a calculation or guess about the future based on information that you have]
tasarlama, tasarım, tahmin
-> government projections of population growth
Random (adj)
– at random== Randomly: rastgele bir şekilde
Scope (n)
1) Kapsam [how much a subject or situation relates to]
- > Do we know the full scope of the problem yet?
2) Fırsat == Opportunity
- > There is plenty of scope for improvement.
Neat (adj)
Düzenli - Temiz - Zarif
Spill (v)
[to pour liquid somewhere without intending to]
- > Someone at the party spilled red wine on the carpet.
- spill put: taşmak-dökülmek
Rescue (v/n)
(v) : [to save someone from a dangerous or unpleasant situation]
- > Fifty passengers had to be rescued from a sinking ship.
(n) : kurtarma - yardım
- - Come to /thesmo’s rescue
- > Fifty passengers had to be rescued from a sinking ship.
Motionless (adj)
Ditch (n)
[a long, narrow hole in the ground next to a road or field, which water can flow through]
Hendek - Su yolu
Vague (adj)
[not clear or certain]
Prosperous (adj)
Zengin (başarılı)
[successful, usually by earning a lot of money]
Sophisticated (adj)
- Kültürlü - Görmüş geçirmiş
- Karmaşık
Identical (adj)
[similar in every detail]
- identical to somebody/something
- > Her dress is almost identical to mine.
- identical with somebody/something
- > The name on the ticket should be identical with the one in the passport.
Prompt (adj-v)
(adj) : hemen - çabuk - ivedi
(v) : == Cause
- - prompt smb to do smt: teşvik etmek
Straw (n)
Saman // Pipet (kamış)
Sow (v)
[to put seeds into the ground]
Dikmek - Ekmek
Capture (v)
Esir etmek // Bir yerin kontrolünü ele geçirmek
Infrastructure (n)
Mild (adj)
- (weather): (hava) yumuşak, ılıman
- > a mild winter
- (illness): (hastalık) hafif, sarsmayan, ciddi olmayan
- zayıf - fazla etkili olmayan
Reverse (v-adj)
(v) :
1) Arabayı geri sürmek
2) Tersine-Aksine çevirmek [to change a situation or change the order of things so that it becomes the opposite]
(adj) : ters -zıt - aksi
Precede (v)
Preceding (adj)
[to happen before something or come before something/somebody in order]
- > The formal ceremony was preceded by a parade.
- > She preceded me in the job.
Inordinate (adj)
Aşırı - Gereğinden çok
Inhibit (v)
Engellemek - Kısıtlamak
Immense (adj)
Extremely big
Soil (v)
[Make smt dirty]
Soiled == Dirty
Publicity (n)
Tanıtım - reklam
Dispute (n-v)
(n) : Uyuşmazlık - Anlaşmazlık
(v) : [to disagree with something someone says]
Revenue (n)
Toplanan vergi gelirleri
Ambiguity (n)
[the state of having more than one possible meaning]
Anlam kargaşası
Creation (n)
Appoint (v)
Atamak - Görevlerndirmek
Drag (v)
Sürüklemek - Çekmek - Sürümek
Dissimilar (adj)
Farklı - Benzemez
- dissimilar to smt
- > Her hair is not dissimilar to yours (= is similar to yours).
Isolate (v)
[to separate somebody/something physically or socially from other people or things]
- isolate somebody/yourself/something
- > Patients with the disease should be isolated.
- isolate somebody/yourself/something from somebody/something
- > He was immediately isolated from the other prisoners.
Privilege (n-v)
(n) : Ayrıcalık - İmtiyaz
(v) : Ayrıcalık tanımak
Dissolve (v)
[If a solid dissolves, it becomes part of a liquid, and if you dissolve it, you make it become part of a liquid.]
Erimek - Eritmek
Çözmek - Çözülmek
-> These tablets dissolve in water.
Veil (n)
Stocking (n)
İnce çorap
Allowance (n)
Ödenek - Tahsisat
Contest (n-v)
(n) : Yarışma // İtiraz
(v) : Yarışmak // İtiraz etmek
Relate (v)
[show or make a connection between two or more things] == Connect -- relate smt -- relate a to b -- relate something to somebody
Deviate (v)
[to do something in a different way from what is usual or expected]
- The aircraft deviated from its original flight plan.
- He never deviated from his original plan.
Contradict (v)
[to say that something that somebody else has said is wrong, and that the opposite is true]
Terrify (v)
Terrifying (adj)
[ödünü patlatmak, dehşete düşürmek; çok korkutmak; yüreğini ağzına getirmek]
-> The idea of parachuting out of an aircraft terrifies me.
Fade (v/v)
(v) : [to become or to make something become paler or less bright]
- - fade something
- > The sun had faded the curtains.i
(v) : [to slowly disappear, lose importance, or become weaker]
- > With time, memories of that painful summer would fade away.
Discriminate (v//v)
(v) : Distinguish == Differentiate
(v) : [to treat someone unfairly because of their sex, race, religion, etc]
- > discriminate (against somebody) | discriminate (in favour of somebody)
Cliff (n)
Uçurum - Kayalık
Waist (n)
Bulk (n)
Patriotic (adj)
Distort (v)
1) [to change the shape, sound, or appearance of something so that it seems strange] Bozmak - Saptırmak - Çarpıtmak - Biçimini bozmak
-> It’s a bad recording - the microphone distorted our voices.
2) [to change information so that it is not true or realistic]
Bilgiyi çarpıtmak
-> Newspapers distorted the truth about their marriage.
Smt POSE a danger/threat/problem to smt
-> A lot of these chemicals pose very real threats to our health.
Commerce (n)
Breadth (N)
Worship (n/v)
İbadet // ibadet etmek
Refute (V)
Yalanmak - çürütmek
Intervene (v)
– Intervene (in smt) / (to do smt)
: araya girmek - Müdahale etmek
-> Government officials refused to intervene in the recent disputes.
-> The forces intervened to stop the attack.
Assert (v)
Assertive (adj)
Assertion (n)
İddia etmek - İleri sürmek
Seek (v/v)
1) [Look for/get/find]
2) [Try to do smt]
Integral (adj)
[Necessary andimportant as port of smt]
-> The Internet has become an integral part of modern life.
Stem (v)
[to stop something from continuing or increasing]
- > The new procedures are intended to stem the flow of drugs into the country.
- Stem from: -den kaynaklanmak
Accompany (v)
Birine eşlik etmek
-> We accompanied her back to her hotel.
Vessel (n)
Kap (for liquid)
Disguise (n/v)
(v): [to change your appearance/voice, etc so that people cannot recognize you]
– disguise yourself/your voice …
-> He managed to escape by disguising himself as a woman.
(v): [to hide something such as a feeling or opinion]
-> She couldn’t disguise her disappointment.
Unconditional (adj)
-> unconditional love
Just so you know
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