UnLock Unit 6-7-8-9-10 Wordlist Flashcards
Ban (v)
Coll-1: ban smt
Coll-2: ban smb from smt
ban smb from doing smt
(resmen) Yasaklamak - Men etmek
Coll-1: be banned from doing smt
-> Jack’s been banned from driving for 2 years.
Block (v)
1) [birinin veya bir şeyin bir yerden geçişini engellemek]
Engel olmak - Geçmesine izin vermemek - Bloke etmek
-> The sink is blocked up.
2) [to stop something from happening or making progress]
Tıkamak - Engellemek - Durdurmak
-> The government has blocked plans for a new wind farm.
3) Görüntüyü engellemek
-> A pillar was blocking my view.
Value (n-v) == Esteem
Be valued at
1) {Money}: Değer-Eder /// Değer biçmek-Fiyat belirlemek
- > The new road has affected the value of these houses.
- > The ring was valued at $1000.
2) {Importance}: Önem, Yarar /// Değer vermek-Önemsemek
- > a document of great(adj) historical(adj) value(n)
- > I always value his opinion.
Participate in (v) == Attend == Tale part in
[to be involved with other people in an activity]
Katılmak - İçinde bulunmak
Coll-1: participate (in something)
-> She rarely participates in any of the discussions.
-> We encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college.
——participation (n):
Widespread (adj) == Common
[existing or happening over a large area or among many people]
Yaygın - Büyük/Geniş çapta
Confident (adj)
Emin - Kendine güvenen
Bold (adj)
Cesur - Gözüpek
Distant (adj) == Remote (adj)
1) Uzak - Irak
2) [not friendly] Mesafeli - Soğuk (never before noun)
- > She seemed cold and distant.
Ridiculous (adj)
Gülünç - Aptalca - Saçma
- > I’ve never heard anything so ridiculous.
- —-Ridiculously: Gülünç derece
Burst (v)
[Bir şeyin patlaması ve içindekilerin açığa çıkması]
patla(t)mak, yar(ıl)mak
-> The pipes had burst and the house was under two feet of water. [Boru patladı ve 2 ev su altında kaldı.]
-> That balloon will burst if you blow it up any more.
-> Don’t burst that balloon!
Assess (v)
[to make a judgment about the quality, size, value, etc of something] Değerlendirmek - Belirlemek
- > The tests are designed to assess a child’s reading skills.
- > The young men were assessed as either safe or unsafe drivers. [Genç erkekler güvenli veya emniyetsiz sürücüler olarak değerlendirildi.]
Assign (v)
[to give someone a particular job or responsibility]
Görevlendirmek (görev vermek)
Coll-1: assign smb to smt: birini bir şeye görevlendirmek
-> Which police officer has been assigned to this case?
Assume (v)
[to think that something is likely to be true, although you have no proof] Farz etmek (varsaymak)
-> [ + (that) ] Everything was quiet when I got home so I assumed that you had gone out.
Digest (v)
Digestion (n)
1) Hazmetmek (sindirmek) [besinleri]
2) {Information}: Anlamak(akıl erdirmek) - Sindirmek [bilgi]
(n): Sindirim
Disable (v)
1) {person}: Sakatlamak (sakat bırakmak)
- > [ often passive ] Some children were permanently disabled by the bomb.
2) {equipment}: Etkisiz hale getirmek (devre dışı bırakmak) - Bozmak
- > The thieves must have disabled the alarm system.
Fasten (v) == Do up x Unfasten
Bağlamak (tutturmak; bağlanmak, tutturulmak)
Syn : Do up
-> This dress fastens at the side. [Fasten sea belt: emniyet kemerini bağla!!]
-> She fastened up her coat and hurried out.
Float (v)
{Liquid - Air} Yüzmek - Suyun-Havanın üstünde kalmak
- > I like floating on my back in the pool.
- > A balloon floated across the sky.
Inject (v)
1) {Drug}: İğne yapmak - Şırınga etmek
Coll-1: inject something (into yourself/somebody/something)
Coll-2: inject yourself/somebody/something (with something)
2) {Improve}: [to add a good quality to something]
Değer-Kalite katmak (katmak)
Coll-1: inject something (into something)
- > The new teacher has injected a bit of enthusiasm into the school.
- —–enthusiasm (n): Coşku - Heves
- > His comments injected a note of humor into the proceedings.
- > They are hoping a change of leader will inject new energy into the movement.
Pour (v)
[to make a liquid flow from or into a container]
(bir şeyin içine dökmek veya bir şeyden dışarıya dökmek)
1) Dökmek (boşaltmak)
-> I poured the milk into a jug.
-> Pour the sauce over the pasta. [Sosu makarnanın üzerine dökün.]
2) Doldurmak (dökmek, koymak)
-> Will you pour the coffee?
-> I poured a cup of tea for you. [Koymak]
Wave (v)
Wave (n): Dalga - El sallama
El sallamak [dikkatini çekmek için veya vedalaşmak için]
Coll-1: Wave smb in/on/through etc. [elini o yöne doğru hareket ettirerek birinin hangi yöne gitmesini istediğini göstermek için ]
2) {move side to side} Sallamak / Sallanmak
-> The long grass waved in the breeze.
-> He started waving his arms about wildly.
[wave about/around]
Exact == Precise == Accurate (adj)
[completely correct in every detail]
Mortal (adj) x Immortal
Ölümlü (fani) - Ölümcül -
Lack (n)
Eksiklik - Yoksunluk - Noksan
——- lack of smt: bir şeyin eksikliği
-> a lack of food/money
[parasızlık ]
Coincidence (n)
-> What a coincidence! I wasn’t expecting to see you here.
Tesadüf - Rastlantı
Flavour (n-v)
{Taste}: Tat - Lezzet
-> Add some salt to give the soup more flavour.
-> The tomatoes give extra flavor to the sauce.
(V): Tat-Lezzet vermek
Leaf (n)
Yaprak [leaves: yapraklar]
Pot (n)
Tencere - Kap
Rhythm (n)
Slip (v-n)
[the movement of sliding by accident and falling or almost falling]
Kayma - Sendeleme - Düşüverme
-> She slipped over on the ice and broke her leg.
-> As I ran up the stairs, my foot slipped and I fell.
Suicide (n)
Soap (n)
Soup : Çorba
Van (n)
Kamyonet [tırdan küçük]
Minibüs - Karavan
Yard (n)
Avlu [evin önünde veya arkasındaki bahçe gibi bir alan]
Manner (n)
1) {Personality} [the way in which a person talks and behaves with other people] Tavır - Hal -Tutum - Davranış
2) {Way} [the way something happens or something is done] Biçim - Şekil - Usül - Tarz
- > They dealt with the problem in a very efficient manner.
- > He dealt with this case in a completely professional and ethical manner.
Contain (v)
1) İçermek - Kapsamak
- > This drink doesn’t contain any alcohol.
2) [to keep your feelings under control] Dizginlemek - Kontrol altına almak.
-> She was unable to contain her excitement.
Syn: Restrain
Involve (v)
1) İcap ettirmek (gerektirmek) (İçermek)
-> The trips often involve a lot of walking. [geziler çok fazla yürüyüş içiriyor-gerektiriyor]
-> There are a lot of risks involved. [çok fazla risk içeriyor]
2) Karışmak (bulaşmak)
-> There was a serious incident involving a group of youths. [bir grup gencin karıştığı ciddi bir olay oldu]
-> How many vehicles were involved in the crash?
3) Dahil etmek [to make someone take part in something]
Coll-1: involve somebody (in something/in doing something)
Coll-2: involve yourself (in something)
-> Parents should involve themselves in their child’s education. [Ebeveynler, çocuklarının eğitimine kendilerini dahil etmelidir.]
-> We want to involve as many people as possible in the celebrations. [Kutlamalara mümkün olduğunca çok insanı dahil etmek istiyoruz.]
Electricity (n)
Electric (adj)
Electrify (v)
Electrically (adv)
Web (n)
1) Örümcek ağı
2) Ağ [internet]
Factory (n)
Fabrika - İmalathane
Imagination (n)
Hayal Gücü - Hayal
Ink (n)
Presentation (n)
Sunum - Tanıtım (gösterim)
Tap (n)
Musluk - Çeşme
Tendency (n)
Eğilim - Meyil
Coll-1: a tendency to do something
-> The drug is effective but has a tendency to cause headaches.
Coll-2: tendency to/towards
-> Some people may inherit a tendency to alcoholism.
Inherit (v): Miras almak (kalıtımla kazanmak)