Never Let Me Go Flashcards
Coll: Smile
– Smile at smb
Coll: Accept
- Accept smt to smt
- > I accept your invitation to the party.
Mix up == Confuse
==== MIX smb/smt UP (with smb/smt) -> I think you must be mixing me up with someone else. ==== - Confuse A and B - Confuse A with B - Confuse A for B
Take a joke
Şaka kaldırmak
-> She can’t take a joke.
Look out (of smt)
Dışarı bakmak
— Look out of the window: pencereden dışarı bakmak
Come into / Enter smt
Girmek (odaya)
Self-Confident (adj) == Self-Reliant
Kendine güvenen
Spread rumors (v) Spread the message
Dedikodu çıkarmak/yaymak
- Attach importance to
- Put emphasis on
- Önem vermek
- Önem vermek // Vurgulamak
Slip out (v)
(Dikkati çekmeden) sıvışmak/kaçmak
Fulfill (v)
Yerine getirmek / Yapmak - Tamamlamak
Take a look (at/round)
Göz atmak - Bir bakmak
Hold conversation
sohbet sürdürmek
Be likely (… olası)
1) It is likely that SVO
- > It is likely that she wins the race
2) S + is likely to + VO
- > She is likely to win the race
Ongoing (adj)
Süregelen - Devam eden
Be relevant to smt
… ile ilgili
(just) in case
- Keep these papers together in case they are lost.
- Fire-brigades are standing by in case of an explosion.
- The hospital has a backup generator in case there is a power failure.
Even if
As if/though
What if
A) Olsa bile
B) mış gibi / sanki
- > The little girl is talking as if / as though she has seen the movie before. (Küçük kız filmi daha önce izlemiş gibi konuşuyor.)
- > They are looking at us as if / as though they have committed a crime. (Bize sanki suç işlemiş gibi bakıyorlar.)
C) Farzedelim - Ne olur? -> 1. What if I don’t call my parents? (anne ve babamı aramazsam ne olur?) -> 2. What if this boy steals money? (bu çocuk para çalarsa ne olur?)
Get there
1) [to achieve your aim or complete a task]
- > I’m sure you’ll get there in the end.
- > It’s not perfect but we’re getting there (= making progress).
2) Varmak - Ulaşmak
Unveil == Reveal
- Reveal a lie/ a secret
- - Unveil a scandal
Be endowed with
… ile donanımlı - sahip
Shake smb Up
Birini ruhen sarsmak
Eligible (adj)
[for something or to do something, is able to have or do it because they have the right qualifications, are the right age, etc.] (Qualified - Acceptable - Appropriate)
-> Only people over 18 are eligible to vote.
Be superior to
Be inferior to
-dan üstün olmak
-dan aşağı
Set (smt) up
[to get all the necessary equipment ready for an activity]
Kurmak - Oluşturmak
-> Ali set the class up for the game.
Take smt Up (v)
Yapmaya başlamak (started to learn to play)
-> We taken up football
Willpower (n)
Be fed up with == Be sick of
Usanmak - Bezmek
Boast (n/v)
(n) : övünme - iftihar
(v) : Övünmek
- - boast about smt
- > She is always boasting about how wonderful her children are.
- - boast of smt
- > He openly boasted of his skill as a burglar.
Start off (with) (v)
-> She started off the meeting with the monthly sales report.
Make an exception (for smt/smb)
İstisna yapmak
Conspire (v)
Conspiracy (n)
- Komplo kurmak
- conspire (with somebody) (against somebody)
- conspire (with somebody) (to do something)
- Komplo
Proponent (n)
Yanlı - Destekleyici
Offspring (n)
[the child of a person or animal]
Evlat - Yavru
Hereditary (adj)
Heredity (n)
Lucrative (adj)
[If something is lucrative, it makes a lot of money.]
Profitable - Gainful
Kazançlı - Karlı
Curative (adj)
İyileştirici - Şifalı
-> curative medicine
Heated Debate
Hararetli - Ateşli tartışma
Have monopoly on smt
Bir şeyde tek/tekel olmak
Carry on
Carry out
1) [to continue doing something]
- — carry on (with something)
- — carry on doing smt
2) [to do or complete something, especially something that you have said you would do or that you have been told to do]
Prevalence (n)
Yaygın(lık) - Hakim (olan)
Lack of == Shortage of == Scarcity of
Bir şeyin az/kıt olması
Have in common
Have in common with smb/smt
1) Ortak yönleri olmak
- > Sue and I don’t have much in common.
2) gibi; … de yaygın/görüldüğü gibi
- > In common with many working mothers, she feels guilty towards her children.
Go through (v)
1) (kanun, plan, anlaşma vb.) resmen kabul edilmek, onaylanmak
2) Sınavı / sınıfı geçmek
3) Zor bir zaman geçirmek/atlatmak
Violate (v)
Violence (n)
Violent (adj)
İhlal etmek
Arise - Arose - Arisen
Arise == Occur
[(especially of a problem or a difficult situation) to happen; to start to exist] Kaynaklanmak
-> The whole problem arose from a lack of communication.
Compassion (n)
Şefkat - Merhamet
- compassion (for somebody)
- – to feel/show compassion (for smb)
Undergo (v)
[experience unpleasant things]
[to experience something, especially a change or medical treatment]
Degrading (adj)
Insulting == Humiliating
Onur kırıcı - Aşağılayıcı
Meet the need(s) / expectation(s)
İhtiyaçları/ beklentileri karşılamak
Proceed from
- den kaynaklanmak
- > Many diseases proceed from negligence of hygiene.
In a nutshell
In few words
- Birkaç sözle - Özetle - Kısaca
Act one’s age
Yaşına göre davranmak
Play a crucial role
Önemli rol oynamak
Insert (v)
[to put something into something else or between two things]
- insert something (in/into something)
- > They inserted a tube in his mouth to help him breathe.
- insert something between A and B
- > She picked up a knife and inserted it between the top of the drawer and the desk.
Be home to
Ev sahipliği yapmak
Designate (v)
[to choose someone or something for a particular purpose or duty] Atamak - Tahin etmek - Görevlendirmek
- be designated (as) something
- > The area has been designated as a nature reserve.
Rush (v/n)
– rush to do smt
– rush smt
Acele etmek
(n): Acele - Telaş
Solution (n)
- solution to (the problem/smt)
- come to a solution: çözüme ulaşmak
- find a solution: çözüm bulmak
How nice of [you] to [V1]
- How nice of you: çok kibarsınız
- - How nice of you to come: ne iyi ettin de geldin
Relaxation (n)
Rahatlama - Gevşeme
Assertive (adj)
Kendine aşırı güvenen - İddialı
Outlive (v)
[…nın/nin ölümünden/yok olmasından sonra yaşamaya/var olmaya devam etmek]
- > She outlived both her children.
- > He outlived his wife by three years. [ to live longer than somebody]
Shed/cast light on [smt/matter]
[to help people understand a situation] Konuyu aydınlatmak
- > We were hoping you might be able to shed some light on the matter.
- > Recent research has cast new light on the causes of the disease.
Distant (adj)
Distance (n)
Distant == Remote == Far == Faraway
Adhere to …
Bağlı kalmak
- adhere to one’s decision: birinin kararına bağlı kalmak
- adhere to the instructions: talimatlara bağlı kalmak
Opposed to …
Aleyhtar - -e karşı olan
Stagnate (v)
to stay the same and not grow or develop
-> He expects the economy to stagnate and unemployment to rise.
In return
karşılık olarak; mukabilinde, karşılığında
-> I’d like to give them something in return for everything they’ve done for us.
As part of smt
Birşeyin gereği
- > As part of the treatment, he attended 15 weeks of after-care.
- > The vehicle was impounded as part of the police investigation.
By the time VS By
- By the time == When / Until
- > I will have been writing an essay for two hours by the time you come home.
- By == Until
- > I will have done my homework by tomorrow/ the end of the day
Undermine (v)
[to make someone less confident or make something weaker]
Ürkütmek - Zayıflatmak - Sarsmak
Make smb/smt ADJ
You can use ‘Render’ instead of ‘make’
Yield (v)
[ to produce or provide something, for example a profit, result or crop]
- > Yield good outcomes
- > Yield a profit
- > Yield some unexpected results
Self-assured (adj)
Self-confident == Self reliant
Make a difference in smt
Birşeyde fark yaratmak
Beneficial (adj)
Yararlı - Faydalı - Hayırlı - Kazançlı
Apart from smt,
Dışında - Haricinde - den ayrı olarak
With respect to smt
Bir şey hususunda - nazaran - konusunda
Complain [about] (v)
Complaint (n)
Şikayet etmek
Would Rather
Come out of smt
Bir yerden çıkmak - ortaya çıkmak
== Appear == Emerge
Meet (smt/smb) by chance/accident
Biriyle-Bir şeye rast gelmek - rastlaşmak
One way or another
Öyle ya da böyle - Bir şekilde
These bill will pay one way or another