Stage-1: Intermediate (Part-1) [completed by E.A] Flashcards
Pleasure (n)
-Memnuniyet- Zevk-Keyif-haz
-> Give pleasure: zevk vermek
-> take pleasure: zevk almak
[to have a particular, good feeling about something that you do] bir şeyi yapmaktan dolayı zevk almak
– I take great pleasure in cooking.
Get old (v)
Vanish (v)
1) [to disappear suddenly and/or in a way that you cannot explain]
Tarihe karışmak-Kaybolmak
-> He vanished without a trace.
2) to stop existing
-> the vanishing woodlands of California
-> All hopes of a peaceful settlement had now vanished.
Reveal (v)
1) Açıklamak-İfşa etmek (açığa çıkarmak) [kendiliğinden söylenirse iyi anlamda, başkası ortaya çıkarırsa ifşa etmek anlamında]
- > It was revealed in this morning’s papers that the couple intend to marry.
Mourn (v)
Yas-Matem tutmak
[to feel very sad because someone has died]
Pale (adj)
1) Soluk-Solgun [you are sick or frightened.]
Purchase (v/n)
Satın alma-Alım /// Satın almak
Delicate (adj)
1) Narin [fragile] -Hassas-Kırılgan
- > The eye is one of the most delicate organs of the body.
- > I need to discuss a very delicate matter with you. [hassas konu]
- > a delicate china cup [kırılgan-hassas bardak]
2) (of a person) not strong and easily becoming sick.
[Hassas - Kırılgan]
Hug (n/v)
Sarılmak-Kucakla(ş)mak /// Kucaklama-Sarılma
Efficient (adj)
Efficiency (n)
Familiar (adj-n)
Tanıdık-Aşina-Bilinen-Yakın /// Yakın-samimi dost
Peel (v)
Soymak [bir meyvenin kabuğunu soymak]
Cooperate (v)
İş birliği yapmak-Birlikte çalışmak-Yardımlaşmak
-> cooperate with
Offend (v)
Gücendirmek-Kırmak-İncitmek [laf ile yaptıklarınla]
Coll-1: Offend somebody/something
Offended (adj): Kırgın - Gücenmiş - Küs
Concise (adj)
1) Özlü-Kısa-Veciz
2) Kısaltılmış-Kapsamı daraltılmış
Rough (adj)
1) Pürüzlü-Engebeli
- > rough hands
- > rough ground
2) Approximately
- a rough estimate
- Can you give me a rough idea of the cost?
4) güç, çetin, sıkıntılı zor, nahoş
- > She’s having a rough time at work.
5) {Violent} not gentle or careful
-> This watch is not designed for rough treatment.
[watch: saat] hor
-> They complained of rough handling by the guards.
[kaba ]
3) (deniz, hava) sert, rüzgarlı, kaba dalgalı, fırtınalı
- > The boat sank in rough seas off the Swedish coast.
Encounter (v/n)
1) =To experience something unpleasant=
[sevimsiz bir şeyi tecrübe etmek=> karşılaşmak]
-> We encountered quite a few problems at the beginning.
2) to meet someone, especially when you do not expect it. [Ansızın birisiyle karşılaşmak-rastgelmek]
(n) : karşılaşmak-şans eseri rast gelme
Knock on (v)
-e vurmak , -i çalmak
Hardly (adv)
Nerdeyse hiç / Zorlukla-Ancak
Familiarize (v)
–to teach someone more about something new, or try to understand more about it yourself.
[tanıtmak, bilgilendirmek, aşina duruma getirmek, alıştırmak]
– familiarize smb with smt
-> The aim of the course was to familiarize students with the uses of the Internet.
-> We spent a few minutes familiarizing ourselves
Widen (v)
-> The road is being WIDENED to two lanes.
Influence (n/v)
Etki-Tesir/Etkilemek-Tesir etmek
Affect vs Influence:
Affect; daha çok bir olay fiziksel olarak etkiliyorsa kullanılır ama Influence ise gözle görülemeyen şeylerin etkilemesi, düşünce gibi, durumlarda kullanılır. Ama büyük çoğunlukla affect, influence’ın yerine kullanılabiliyor.
-> Smoking affects the lungs badly.
-> i don’t want to influence your decision so I’ll keep my opinion for myself.
Interact (v)
[to communicate with somebody, especially while you work, play or spend time with them]
Etkileşmek-Etkileşimde bulunmak
Interact with
Interrupt (v)
to stop someone while they are talking or doing something, by saying or doing something yourself.
[ kesmek-sözünü kesmek-yarıda kesmek ]
Remind (v)
- Remind of: Andırmak
- Remind smb of smt: aklına-hatırına getirmek
- > [ + to do sth ] Will you remind me to buy some eggs?
- > Every time we meet he reminds me about the money he lent me.
Sense (n)
1) Akıl, Zeka, Muhakeme
2) Duyu [sense of smell/sight/hearing/touch/taste], [a sense of humor/loyalty/responsibility/security]
3) Anlam, mana
- make sense: Mantıklı-Akla uygun-Anlamı olmak-gelmek
- > It makes sense to buy now while prices are low.
- make sense: Anlamak-Anlam çıkarmak-Anlamını sökmek
- > I’m trying to make sense of this document.
Sense (v)
Sezmek-Hissetmek [birisi anlatmadan, kendin anlaman]
-> I sensed that you weren’t happy about this.
Shake (v)
1) {MOVE } Sarsmak-Sallamak-Silkelemek [fiziksel anlamda, bir halı gibi mesela]
2) {Shock} sarsmak, perişan etmek, allak bullak etmek
- > Shake smo’s hand: Birinin elini sıkmak
- > Shake smo up : Birini ruhen sarsmak
- > Shake off: Üzerinden atmak
Tip (n)
1) Uç [the thin pointed end of something= sivri ucu]
- > the tips of your fingers
2) Faydalı öğüt-İpucu
- > Emma was giving me some tips on how to grow tomatoes.
3) Bahşiş
- > We left a tip because the waiter was so friendly.
Recent (adj)
Yeni-Son-Geçenlerdeki(son günlerde)
Recently(adv): Son günlerde-geçenlerde-Yakınlarda
Elegant (adj)
Reasonable (adj)
1) Makul-Akla yatkın
- > It’s not reasonable to expect people to work those hours.
- > It is reasonable to assume that he knew beforehand that this would happen.
2) Uygun-Makul
- > He made us a reasonable offer for the car.
Cruel (adj)
- Become cruel: zalimleşmek
Stare (v)
1) Dik dik bakmak-Gözlerini dikmek
2) Gözü dalmak-Boş boş bakmak
- Stare stupidly: aval aval bakmak
- Stare at: gözlerini dikmek
Unconscious (adj)
Kendin geçmiş-Şuursuz-Bilinçsiz
- Be unconscious: bilinci kapalı olmak-kendinde olmamak
Abandon (v)
1) {Leave} bir şeyi, birini geri dönmemek koşuluyla bırakmak. [Terk etmek-Bırakmak]
2) {Stop doing} bir fikri, planı izlemeyi bırakmak ya da bir şeyi bitirmeden vazgeçmek. [vazgeçmek-yüzüstü bırakmak]
- > The match was abandoned because of rain.
Abandoned (adj): terk edilmiş
Abandonment (n): Terk-Vazgeçme
Abuse (v/n)
(v) :
1) {Violence}: Kötü/Vahşi/Kaba davranmak -Kötü muamele etmek
2) {Wrong use}: Kötüye kullanmak-İstismar etmek
(n): Suiistimal/Taciz
Abused (adj)
Abusive (adj)
Benefit (n-v)
(n) :
1) {Advantage}: Fayda-Yarar-Avantaj
- > We bought the piano for the children’s benefit. [çocukların yararı]
(v) : Yararlanmak-Yararı dokunmak-Faydası olmak
Benefactor(n)/Beneficiary (n)
Beneficial (adj)
Debate (v/n)
(n): Tartışma-Müzakere
1) {Discuss} to discuss a subject in a formal way
[Tartışmak-Müzakere etmek]
2) {Decide} to try to make a decision about something
[Bir konuyla ilgili karar vermeye çalışmak=>Düşünüp taşınmak]
-> I’m still debating whether to go out tonight or not.
Debated [Tartışmalı] /Debating[tartışan] / Debatable[tartışılabilir] (adj)
Domesticate (v)
- Domesticated(adj): Evcilleştirilmiş-Evcil
Involve (v)
1) İçermek (ilgilisi olmak) - Kapsamak
–> be involved: ilgisi olmak-içinde yer almak
-> MacDonald is also believed to have been involved in removal the Sacramento split tail from the endangered list
Involvement (n)
Involved (adj)
Treat (v)
1) Davranmak-Muamele etmek
2) Tedavi etmek-İyileştirmek
Treatment (n): Tedavi-Muamele-Davranış
Treatable/Treated (adj)
Be ashamed
Utanmak-Mahçup olmak
Reluctant (adj)
= Unwilling
Reluctantly (adv): İsteksizce-Gönülsüzce
Encourage (v) x Discourage
Teşvik etmek Vazgeçirmek
Destelemek x Cesaretini kırmak
Cesaretlendirmek Yıldırmak
Courage (n): Cesaret-yiğitlik => Bravery
Courageous (adj): Cesur-yürekli-yiğit => Brave-Bold
Particular (adj)
1) specific [belirli-belli]
2) special [özel-hususi]
Testify (v)
İfade vermek / Tanıklık etmek / Kanıt sunmak-vermek
Give evidence
Indicate (v)
1-a) Show {Göstermek}: to show that something exists or is likely to be true. [demonstrate]
-> Recent evidence indicates that the skeleton is about 3 million years old. [recent: son-yeni]
1-b) Say {Göstermek-İşaret etmek-Belirtmek}
-> He has indicated his intention to resign.
2) Point => İşaretle göstermek-Belirtmek
- > He indicated a man in a dark coat.
Anxiety (n)
Anxious (adj)
Victim (n)
Comfort (v-n)
(v) : Rahatlatmak-Avutmak-Teselli etmek
(n) : Konfor-Teselli-Rahat-Rahatlık
Silky (adj)
-> Silky cat-dog
Bunch (n)
Demet-Grup-Salkım-Deste-Takım(a set of/a bunch of … [bir takım])
Receive attention (v) Attract attention (v)
Dikkat çekmek-İlgi görmek-Dikkatleri üzerine çekmek
Sanctuary (n)
1) sesiz huzur dolu bir yer => Korunak-Barınak
- > After a busy day, I like to escape to the sanctuary of my garden
2) Hayvan barınağı-Korunak-Barınak
Dozen (n)
Coll-1: dozens of smt = A lot
Dreadful (adj)
Korkunç [Terrible] -Tüyler ürpertici
-> I’m afraid there’s been a dreadful mistake.
Cough (v/n)
(v) : Öksürmek
(n) : Öksürük
Extinct (adj)
Soyu-nesli tükenmiş
Extinction(n): Yok olma-Nesli tükenme
Roam (v-n)
Dolaşmak-Gezinmek (amaçsızca)
Rural (adj)
Steppe (n)
Livestock (n)
Çiftlik hayvanları
Conflict (n)
Fikir ayrılığı-Çatışma-Anlaşmazlık
- conflict (between A and B)
- conflict (over something)
- > The government has done nothing to resolve the conflict over nurses’ pay.
- > A conflict between the two countries could easily spread across the whole region.
Initial (adj)
İlk [first] -Baş-Baştaki [ happening at the beginning; first]
-> My initial reaction was to decline the offer.
Remote (adj)
Uzak-Ücra-Çok uzak
Puzzling (adj)
Kafa karıştırıcı [confusing]
Substance (n)
- > a dangerous substance
- > illegal substances
Concern (v-n) Be concerned (about)
{involve}: to involve someone or be important to them
[İlgilendirmek-Alakadar etmek]
-> Environmental issues concern us all.
Concern yourself/myself… [bizzat ilgilenmek]
Endişe duymak
(n) : Endişe-Kaygı-Tasa
- > I have concerns about his health.
Rely (v) Rely on(v)
– Rely upon (someone): Bel bağlamak-Güvenmek
Distinct (adj)
1) {different} farklı, ayrı, apayrı
- > This word has three distinct meanings.
2) Belirgin, net Syn: Evident
- > There’s been a distinct improvement in your work.
3) {Hear/See} Belirgin, net, açık
-> The voices gradually became louder and more distinct.
Distinctly: farklı bir biçimde
Migration (n)
Administer (v)
İdare etmek-Yönetmek
-> we don’t administer time.
Depend (v)
Be dependent on (v)
Bağımlı olmak
Tabi olmak - Bağımlı olmak
Needed (adj)
Lazım-Gerek-İhtiyaç duyulan
Spare time (v-n)
Zaman-Vakit ayırmak
Boş zaman-vakit
Desire (n-v)
Collocation 1-> desire for something
Collocation 2-> desire for something
-> There is a strong desire for peace among the people.
-> I have no desire (= I do not want) to discuss the matter further.
–Further: daha fazla
–the Matter: konuyu
(v): Arzu etmek-Dilemek-Arzulamak
Perception (n)
Perceive (v)
- > our perception of reality
- > visual perception [visual(adj): görsel]
- > a campaign to change public perception of the police
perceive (v):
1) {Think} Algılamak (hissetmek) - Düşünmek Syn: Sense
- > The British are often perceived as being very formal.
- > She perceived that all was not well.
2) {See/Notice} Algılamak, Görmek
- > We perceived a faint light in the distance.
- > This discovery was perceived as a major breakthrough.
perceptible: Algılanabilir Imperceptible: Algılanamaz
Impression (n)
Portrayal (n)
stereotypical (adj)
Possession (n)
1) {thing} Eşya-Mal-Mülk -Varlık (bireyin olan) personal possession: kişisel eşya
-> He woke up to discover that all his possessions had been stolen.
-> English: What’s your most prized possession?
Turkish: En değerli varlığın nedir?
{Have}: Sahip olma-Elinde bulundurma
-> The person in possession of the talking stick.
Feature (v)
1) Yer almak Syn: Take place
Coll-1: feature somebody/something as somebody/something
Coll-2: feature somebody/something
Coll-3: be featured in/on something
-> The film features Cary Grant as a professor.
-> The actress was featured on the cover of Time magazine last month.
2) Ön plana çıkarmak
Coll: feature in/on something
-> Olive oil and garlic feature prominently in his recipes.
Prominently-Distinctly: belirgin bir şekilde
Offering (n)
Boarding school (n)
Yatılı okul
Value (n-v)
1) {Money}: Değer-Eder /// Değer biçmek-Fiyat belirlemek
- > The new road has affected the value of these houses.
- > The ring was valued at $1000.
2) {Importance}: Önem, Yarar /// Değer vermek-Önemsemek
- > a document of great(adj) historical(adj) value(n)
- > I always value his opinion.
Stun (v)
1) “stun somebody/something” : to make a person or an animal unconscious for a short time, especially by hitting them on the head. [Sersemletmek-Afallatmak]
- > The fall stunned me for a moment.
- > The animals are stunned before slaughter.
2) “stun somebody” : to surprise or shock someone so much that they cannot think clearly or speak.
-> Her words stunned me—I had no idea she felt that way.
-> They were stunned by the view from the summit.
Growth (n)
a) [(of people, animals, or plants) the process of growing physically, mentally, or emotionally]
b) an increase in economic activity
Büyüme-Gelişme [İnsan, Bitki, Ekonomi gibi alanlarda boyut veya duygusal olarak büyüme gelişme]
Set out (v)
1) to leave a place and begin a journey
to begin a job, task, etc. with a particular aim or goal
English: Ali was able to accomplish everything he’d set out to do.
Turkish: Ali yapmak için başladığı her şeyi başarabildi.
- Set something out:
1) to arrange or display things: Düzenlemek
- Set something out:
- > Her work is always very well set out.
Counter (v)
Karşı koymak-Karşı çıkmak
-> Smith had set out to find films that countered the stereotypical portrayal of Native Americans.
Youth (n)
Worth (n-adj)
=Kullanımı= (used like a preposition, followed by a noun, pronoun, or number, or by the -ing form of a verb)
1) Maddi anlamda
-> Our house is worth about $100,000.
2)-> The museum is certainly worth a visit.
-> This idea is well worth considering.
-> It’s worth making an appointment before you go.
- > Do you think the CBF oyster program is worth the effort?
- > it was evidently worth it.
- -Evidently: besbelli-belli ki- apaçık
conservationist (n)
Korumacı [hayvan, bitki vs.]
loss (n)
1) (Bir şeye öncekinden daha az miktarda sahip olma)
Kayıp, zayiat
-> loss of income/memory
-> weight loss
-> loss of blood
-> job losses
2) Kayıp [ölmek] the death of a person
- > They never got over the loss of their son. (get over: atlatmak)
Cultivate (v)
Yetiştirmek [hayvan, bitki] Syn: Grow
Nonprofit (adj)
Profitless (adj)
- > Kar amacı gütmeyen
- > Karsız-Faydasız-Yararsız
profit: kar-kazanç
Additional (adj)
-> The government provided an additional $25 million to expand the service.
Be intended for (v)
tasarlanmak- …için amaçlanmak/olmak
-> The book is intended for anyone who wants to learn more about the Internet.
Place (v)
Tie (v)
Bağlamak [ip, kravat, tel]
Haul (v)
Çekmek-Taşımak :to pull something somewhere slowly and with difficulty.
- > The car was hauled out of the river.
- > They hauled the piano into the living room.
(n): Vurgun [yasadışı yolla kazanılan para]
Rinse (v-n)
Durulamak-Temiz suyla yıkamak
Keep off (v)
keep something off
1) Belli bir konuyu konuşmaktan kaçınmak [keep off smt]
-> It’s best to keep off politics when my father’s around.
[uzak durmak, konuşmamak]
2) birinin veya bir şeyin yaklaşmasını, dokunmasını vb. önlemek için. [Uzak tutmak-Yaklaştırmamak]
- > They lit a fire to keep off wild animals.
- > Rinsing the spat keeps the muck off and allows the oysters to breathe.
Reef (n)
Consistent (adj)
Tutarlı-İstikrarlı [pozitif anlamlı]
Consistently: Düzenli olarak-Sürekli - Tutarlı olarak
- > The President has consistently denied the rumors.
- —–Rumor: söylenti
Deny (v)
1) İnkar etmek-Yalanmak
2) Refuse => Reddetmek
Instruct (v) Be instructed (v)
Talimat vermek
Talimat almak
Instruction (n): Talimat-Yönerge
Admit (v)
1) İtiraf etmek [to agree that you did something bad, or that something bad is true] Syn: Confess
- > Both men admitted taking illegal drugs.
- > She admitted to stealing the keys.
2) Kabul etmek
a) [to allow someone or something to enter a place/hospital]
b) [to allow someone to become a member of a club, a school, or an organization]
Conclude (v)
Sonuçlandırmak-Karara varmak-Bitirmek Syn: Finalize [meeting, speech, writing, iş anlaşması etc.]
-> An inspector general for the Interior Department concluded the investigation.
Resign (v)
İstifa etmek-Çekilmek
– Resignation (n): istifa
= call on someone to resign: birini istifa etmeye çağırmak
Serve (v)
1) Hizmet sektöründe “garson, lobici, shop assistant falan”
Hizmet etmek-vermek-sunmak, Servis yapmak
2) Görev yapmak [iş anlamında, bir markaya veya resmi bir makama iş yapmak-hizmet vermek]
- > MacDonald had served in her post at the Interior Department since 2004.
Grasp (v)
1) “Kavramak-Kapmak-Tutmak” [fiziksel anlamda]
Syn: Hold on,Grip
grasp somebody/something
-> He grasped my hand and shook it warmly.
2) “Anlamak-Kavramak” [to understand something completely] Syn:Understand
- > She was unable to grasp how to do it.
3) “Yakalamak” (fırsat) [to take an opportunity without hesitating and use it]
Coll-1: grasp a chance/an opportunity
-> I grasped the opportunity to work in Europe.
Attempt (v-n)
(v): Denemek-Girişimde bulunmak-Kalkışmak [to make an effort or try to do something, especially something difficult]
Coll-1: Attempt to do smt
Coll-2: Attempt smt
-> I will attempt to answer all your questions.
-> The prisoners attempted an escape, but failed.
->English: Ali certainly made no attempt to stop the fight.
Turkish: Ali döğüşü durdurmak için kesinlikle hiçbir girişimde bulunmadı.
English: Ali didn’t even attempt to kiss Mary.
Turkish: Ali bile Mary’yi öpme girişiminde bulunmadı.
(n): Deneme-Teşebbüs
Draw (v-v)
1) Çekmek [turist çekmek]
- > Ives was wrong. Each year, the Grand Canyon now draws more than six million tourists.
2) Çizmek
Become clear (v)
Belli olmak- belirginleşmek-Netlik kazanmak [Bir durumun başta ne olacağı belli olmayıp bir süre ne olduğu netlik kazanması/belli olması]
-> it became clear that there was money to be made.
Hatıra-Hatıra eşya
Settlement (n)
1) {Agreement}: Anlaşma
2) {Place}: Yerleşme-Yerleşim yeri-İskan
3) Köy
Preserve (v)
Korumak-Muhafaza etmek
1) {Encourage}: Teşvik etmek-İsteklendirmek
-> A drama teacher at school had inspired Sam to become an actor.
Coll-1: inspire somebody to something
Coll-2: inspire somebody to do something
2) {Feeling}: to give someone an idea for a book, play, painting, etc. [İlham vermek]
3) {Provide idea}: İlham vermek - Esinle(n)mek [genellikle passive yapıdadır cümleler. ] Esinlenmek
- > The choice of decor was inspired by a trip to India.
- > His paintings were clearly inspired by Monet’s work.
Take part (v)
Yer almak-Katılmak [to be involved in an activity with other people]
-> You can take part in our ‘Colorful Chemistry’ Learning Lab
English: Ali doesn’t want to take part in the ceremony.
Turkish: Ali törene katılmak istemiyor.
Employ (v)
Employer (n)
Employment x Unemployment
"”Employ”” (v): Çalıştırmak, İş vermek, İşe almak
- > The company employs 2500 staff.
- > They employ her to look after their children.
{USE (formal)}: Kullanmak
-> Companies employ clever tactics to persuade us to buy their products.
"”Employer””: işveren-patron
““Employee””: Çalışan-İşçi-Eleman
““Employment””: İş-İstihdam
““Unemployment””: İşsizlik
Be amazed (v) Amaze (v)
Şaşırmak-Hayret etmek
Şaşırtmak-Hayrete düşürmek
Thereupon (adv)
Bunun sonucu olarak-Bunun üzerine
Relative (n)
Remove (v)
Kaldırmak-Çıkarmak (take off)
- > He removed the bandage to expose the wound.
- > An operation was needed to remove the bullets from his chest.
-> Are we to remove our shoes before entering the house?
Turkish: Eve girmeden önce ayakkabılarımızı çıkarmalı mıyız?
-> Beekeepers remove the honeycomb to collect the honey.
Turkish: Arıcılar balı toplamak için peteği kaldırdılar.
Untie (v)
[to open a knot or something that has been tied with a knot]
-> I untied my shoelaces and kicked off my shoes.
-> The falconer removes the hood and unties the leash.
Take off (v)
1) Havalanmak [uçak, kuş]
2) Çıkarmak [kıyafet , ayakkabı]
Dedicate (v)
1) [to give a lot of your time and effort to a particular activity or purpose because you think it is important] Adamak Syn: Devote
–Coll-1: dedicate yourself/something to something
> She dedicates herself to her work.
–Coll-2: dedicate yourself/something to doing something
> He dedicated his life to helping the poor.
!!! Kendini bir şeye adamak anlamının dışında Çanakkale anıtı orada şehitlere adandı gibi yani represent anlamında da kullanılabilir
2) İthaf etmek - Adamak (dedicate something to somebody)
> This book is dedicated to my parents.
Root (n)
Kök [bitki-saç-diş-nail-sorunun kökeni-arap müzüğinin kökleri-E.a kökleri(dedeleri)-]
Kaynak-Temel-Köken-Esas neden
Essential (adj)
1) [completely necessary; extremely important in a particular situation or for a particular activity] Syn: vital x Dispensable
-> Money is not essential to happiness.
2) [only before noun] [connected with the most important aspect or basic nature of someone or something]
-> The essential difference between Sara and me is in our attitude to money.
Eager (adj)
-> be eager to: …. istekli olmak
Reward (v-n)
(v) : Ödüllendirmek-Mükafatlandırmak
(n) : Ödül-Mükafat
Intense (adj)
1) very great; very strong [Şiddetli-Kuvvetli-Yoğun (ağrı, acı, sıcaklık)] -> intense heat/cold/pain
Coll-1: become intense: yoğunlaşmak etc.
2) serious and often involving a lot of action in a short period of time. [Yoğun= bir yiyecek veya Rutininin yoğunluğu]
- > It was a period of intense activity.
Deduce (v)
= Mevcut bilgi veya kanıtlara dayanarak bir şey hakkında bir fikir oluşturmak Syn: Infer
[Anlamak- Sonuca/sonucuna varmak]
Coll-1: deduce something (from something)
-> We can deduce a lot from what people choose to buy.
Coll-2: deduce (from something) that, what, how, etc…
-> Can we deduce from your silence that you do not approve?
English: Sherlock Holmes could deduce much out of the smallest details.
Turkish: Sherlock Holmes en küçük detaylardan çok fazla çıkarım yapabilirdi
Budget (n)
Aside (adv)
Bir kenara-Bir tarafa
1) Bir şeyi bir tarafa çekme veya çekilmesini isteme
- > She pulled the curtain aside.
- > He took me aside (= away from a group of people) to give me some advice.
2) [used after nouns to say that except for one thing, something is true.]
- > Money worries aside, things are going well.
- > Aside from saving time, more merchandise can be carried through the Alps
applaud (v)
# 1)Alkışlamak 2) Beğenmek- Takdir etmek [resmi]
Vast (adj)
Çok büyük/geniş-Uçsuz bucaksız [ extremely large in area, size, amount, etc.]
Syn: Huge
Dynasty (n)
[a series of rulers who are all from the same family]
Rival (adj)
Rakip [someone or something that is competing with another person or thing]
-> a rival company/gang/army
Unearth (v)
{FIND BY DIGGING}: to find something in the ground
-> Thousands of dinosaur bones have been unearthed in China. [bulmak-keşfetmek-ortaya çıkarmak]
{Find}: to find something that has been secret or hidden.
-> Reporters unearthed evidence of criminal activity.
[gizli-saklı bir şeyi bulmak]
Overcome (v)
Üstesinden gelmek-Atlatmak [to deal with and control a problem or feeling]
- > He noted that many countries have overcome these challenges.
- > He’s trying to overcome his drug addiction and find a job.
Willing (adj) = Eager (adj)
Willingness (n)
Reluctant (adj)
- > People should have willingness to learn a new language.
- > People should be (willing to)/(eager to) learn a new culture.
- Go through
- Pass through
Başından geçmek-Tecrübe etmek-Başına gelmek-Deneyimlemek-Yaşamak
-> Everyone experiences these problems at some time in their lives.
Olanak tanımak-İzin vermek-Olanak vermek
-> [+ to do sth] This money has enabled me to buy a new computer.
Coll-1: enable somebody to do something [allow]
Notable-Remarkable (adj)
Dikkate-Kayda değer
Allow (v)
1) İzin vermek
Coll-1: allow somebody/something/…self to do something
-> His parents won’t allow him to stay out late.
2) İmkan vermek - Olanak sağlamak [Enable]
Tend (v)
– tend to do something
Eğiliminde / Meyilli / İstekli olmak
- > I tend to wear dark colors.
- > Women tend to live longer than men.
- > When I’m tired, I tend to make mistakes.
Proportion (n)
- > Water covers a large proportion of the earth’s surface.
- > The proportion of regular smokers increases with age.
- > The proportion of men to women in the college has changed dramatically over the years.
in proportion (adv-adj): Orantılı - Orantılı olarak -> You haven't drawn the figures in the foreground in proportion.
Bear (v)
1) Tahammül etmek- Dayanmak - Katlanmak Syn: Stand
- > She couldn’t bear the thought of him suffering.
- > I like her, but I can’t bear her friends.
Glimpse (v-n)
(n) : Anlık bakış- Gözatma
- - get a glimpse of: bir an için görmek
(v): glimpse smt/smo Syn: catch sight of [to see something or someone for a very short time]
Gözüne ilişmek-Göz ucuyla görmek
-> He glimpsed her through the window as he passed.
Core (n)
- > at the core of each chiefdom’s economy.
- > Concern for the environment is at the core of our policies.