UNIT 8 CHOOSING HOW TO COMPETE - Strategic posiotionning Flashcards
strategic positioning
refers to how bs percieved relative to others in industry/market
once strategic direction of bs is decided what must managers decide
where to position bs relative to its comp
give example of question related to strategic postiioning
how will bs compete relevant to comp in markets bs is targetting
give a rwal life consideration of strategic posititoninng
how does sport direct want to be thought of by customers relative to Decathalon
Managers will decide wehre in the market they want bs to compete compared to
it rivals
give example of maangers deciding wehre in te mkt they want to compete relative to other bs in industry
Premier Inn is more of a budget hotel chain than Hilton
What is crucial about wehre a bs would like to poitiosn itself/percieves itself
where bs would liek to position itself v where it actually sits in custoemrs minds
diff things