UNIT 8 ANSOFF MATRIX - market penetration Flashcards
Market Pentration involves
developing strategies
to boost sales of
existing products in existing marekts
through market penetration the bs is aiming to boost
market share
Give 2 EXAMPLES of how a bs might sell more through mkt penetration
invest more in promotional activity
change its pricing approach
how much risk does mkt pentration involve in terms of decision makign
relativley little risk
Why does mkt penetration involve relativley little risk in terms of descision making
products and markets are familair to managers - so little to no marekt research or r&d is needed
Essentially we’ve saved cost
Give scenario when bs wouldnt want to focus solely on market penetration as a strategy
existing Mkt has little growth potential E.G as its mature in PLC , saturated , lots of comp
mkt is saturated , lots of comp , not much chance for growth , in PLC maybe in maturity stage
market penetration may not be rewarding in terms of
what may mkt pen involve to increase more sales
more marketing activity- can be costly and maybe not worth it in terms of profit/roi?
mkt penetration will only work if
demand is there
mkt penetration can be limiting if a business is trying to
grow and increase