Unit 6, Chapter 40 Flashcards
Democratic leadership council (DLC)
- nonprofit organization of Centris Democrats founded in the mid-1980s
- attempted to push the party toward progrowth, strong defense, and anti crime policies
Don’t ask, don’t tell (1993-2010)
- policy affected homosexuals in the military
- emerged as a compromise between the standing prohibition against homosexuals in the Armed Forces and President Clinton’s push to allow all citizens to serve regardless of sexual orientation
Oklahoma City bombing (1995)
-truck bomb explosion that killed 169 people in a federal office building on April 19, 1955-perpetrated by right wing and antigovernment militant Timothy mcveigh
Contract with America (1944)
- Multi point program offered by republican candidates and sitting politicians in the 1994 midterm election
- significant blow to the Clinton administration
- Led to the Republican Party’s takeover of both houses of Congress for the first time in half a century
welfare reform bill (1996)
-legislation that made deep cuts in welfare grants and required able bodied welfare recipients to find employment
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
- past despite opposition from protectionists and labor leaders
- lower tariffs and easier trade
World trade organization(WTO) (1995)
-International body to promote and supervise liberal trade among nations
-A series of scandals during the Clinton administration that stemmed from a failed real-estate investment from which the Clintons were allegedly to have illicitly profited
Lewinsky affair (1998-1999)
- political sex scandal in Bill Clinton’s impeachment and trial by Congress
- Clinton lied under oath about an affair with Monica Lewinsky