Unit 5, Chapter 31 Flashcards
Adkins vs children’s hospital (1923)
- landmark suprme court decision reversing the ruling of muller vs oregon
- muller vs oregon- declared women to be deserving of special protection in the workplace
Nine-power treaty (1922)
-agreement coming out of the washington “disarmament”conference
Kellog-briand pact (1928)
- sentimental triumph of the 1920’s peace movement
- linked 62 nations in the “outlawry of war”
Fordney-mccumber tariff law (1922)
- comprehensive bill passed to protect domestic production from foreign competitors
- as a direct result, many european nations were spurred to increase their own trade barriers
Teapot dome act (1921)
-Towdry affair invading the illegal lease or priceless naval oil reserves in Teapot Dome, wyoming and Elk Hills, California
McNary-Haugen bill (1924-1928)
- farm-relief bill that was championed throughout the 1920s and aimed to keep agricultural prices high by authorizing the government to sell them abroad
- bill was passed twice by congress, but vetoed it by president coolidge in 1927 and 1928
Dawes plan (1924)
- an arrangement negotated in 1924to reschedule German repartions payments
- stabalized the german curency and opened the way for further american private loans to germany
Agricultural marketing board (1929)
- established the federal farm board, lending a bureau for hard-pressed farmers
- aimed to hlwp farmers help themselves through new producers cooporatives
Hawley-smoot tariff (1930)
- The highest protective tariff in the peacetime history of the US
- past as a result of good old-fashioned horse trading
Black Tuesday (1929)
- dark panicky day of October 29, 1929 when over 16,410,000 shares of stock were sold on Wall Street
- trigger that helped bring on the Great Depression
-shantytowns were victims of the great depression under newspapers and in makeshift tents
Reconstruction finance corporation (rfc) (1932)
- Government lending agency is Nablus under the Hoover administration insurance companies, banks, cultural organization, railroad, and local governments
- precurser to later agencies that grew out of the new deal
- symbolized a recognition by the Republicans that some federal action was required to address the great depression
Norris-La Guardia anti-injunction act (1932)
- bandit yellow dog or antiunion, work contracts and forbade federal courts from issuing injunctions to quash strikes and boycotts
- early piece of labor friendly federal legislation
Bonus army (1932)
- officially known as the bonus expeditionary force
- rag tag group of 20,000 vetrans marched on washington to demand immediate payment of bonuses earned during WWI