Unit 5A: Learning Flashcards
Classical Conditioning
The process of learning by association (associating a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus)
Unconditioned Stimulus
a stimulus that naturally causes a response (unlearned)
Unconditioned Response
A natural, unlearned response to a stimulus
Ex. crying while cutting onions
Conditioned Stimulus
a stimulus that causes a response after an association with the unconditioned stimulus
Ex. The Tuning fork in Pavlov’s experiment
Conditioned Response
The now learned response to the conditioned stimulus
Ex. Dogs salivate after the tuning fork in Pavlov’s experiment
The process in which a behavior is learned
When a conditioned stimulus no longer causes a conditioned response. (The behavior no longer happens)
Spontaneous Recovery
When a behavior comes back after a period of extinction
When two (or more) stimuli cause a conditioned response because they are similar. Ex. Turkey made you sick, but you stop eating chicken
When you can differentiate between similar stimuli
Operant Conditioning
The process of learned through reinforcements or punishments
Law of effect
When there is reinforcement or punishment, people are more likely to respond
Positive Reinforcement
When a person adds a stimulus to increase the likelihood of a behavior
Ex. You receive an allowance for doing chores
Negative Reinforcement
When a (negative) stimulus is removed in order to increase a behavior Ex. Seatbelt buzzer turns off when I buckle my seatbelt
Positive Punishment
When a stimulus is added to decrease a behavior
Ex. You receive a spanking after talking back to your mom
Negative Punishment
When a (positive) stimulus is removed in order to decrease a behavior Ex. You had bad grades, so your parent took your phone away
Fixed Ratio Schedule
When you are reinforced or punished after a predictable NUMBER OF TIMES
Ex. Every 10 TIMES I go to the coffee shop, I receive a free coffee
Variable Ratio Schedule
When you are reinforced or punished after an unpredictable NUMBER OF TIMES
Ex. Sometimes a slot machine rewards me after the FIRST PULL, other times I PULL IT 100 times and receive nothing.
Fixed Interval
When you are reinforced or punished after a predictable AMOUNT OF TIME
Ex. I receive a paycheck every TWO WEEKS
Variable Interval
When you are reinforced or punished after an unpredictable AMOUNT OF TIME
Ex. Fishing. Sometimes a fish bites your hook after 5 MINUTES, other times you wait HOURS
The process of learning a behavior step by step
Ex. I do not teach a dog to roll over, I first teach it to sit, then lay down, then roll over
Watson’s Little Albert Experiment
Watson conditioned a baby to fear white fluffy things by making a loud noise every time the baby was exposed to something whit and fluffy
Pavlov’s Dog Experiment
Pavlov conditioned his dogs to salivate at the sound of a tuning fork.
- Dogs initially salivated due to food
- He rang a tuning fork each time he gave his dogs food
- Dogs salivated to the tuning fork based on association
Skinner’s Operant Box
Skinner used a chamber with knobs and buttons to teach complex skills to animals using reinforcement and operant conditioning
Observational Learning
Mimicking the behavior we see in others. Learning from watching other people do things.
Bandura’s Bobo Doll Experiment
Children watched an adult beat up a clown doll
Children started to beat up the clown doll as well
- Proved Observational Learning