Unit 5 Flashcards
the growing of plants or raising of animals, to produce, food for subsistence or for sale at the market place
what does contemporary agriculture in mire developed region allow farmers to do what
manipulate the physical conditions to increase the success of crops (such as building irrigation systems)
what physical factors farmers evaluate in analyzing location of farms
soil: because different crops require different soil composition
relief: flatter lands often are better for irrigation, also the degree to which the field gets sunlight is also important
climate: different crops require different amount of water and tempurture
Mediterranean agriculutre
primarily associated with the region near the Medditeranian Sea and places with climates that have hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters
tropical climates
defined by high temperatures all year and high humidity
intensive farming practices
You are working intensely / very hard, involves higher amounts of labor / capital(money invested in land) and higher amounts of yields
smaller areas of farmland
Market gardening
occurs on small scale usually where the farmer grows fresh vegetables, fruits, flowers, fruits, etc.
mixed crop and livestock systems
involve a farm that grows crops and raises animals
Plantation agricultire
involves large scale farming operations (plantations or agricultural estates), specialize in the farming of one or two high-demand crops for export (usually to MDPs)
Extensive Agriculture Practices
involves lower amounts of labor, capital (money invested in land), and crop yield area of farmland often in areas more distant from the market, occurs in areas where the cost of each unit area of farmland is lower.
requires larger amount of land
Ranching/commercial grazing
the raising of animals on a plot of land which they graze
Nomadic Herding
involves the breeding and herding of animals to produce food, shelter, and clothing for survival
the movement of animal herds to cooler highland areas in the summer to warmer lowland areas in the winter
Bid-rent Theory
explains part of intensive and extensive farming
predicts that the cost of land, including farm land, increases as you get closer to the center of the city
because of the increasing cost of rent as farmers get closer to the city they have less land and use intensive farming
farmlands further from the city’s center is less expensive, allowing farmers to use more extensive farming practices
what are flat lands good for agriculturally
flatlands are better for irrigating crops
what are lowlands with river and streams good for agriculturally
often linear in shape, villages near gain access to irrigation as well as trading posts
different survey method are often used for what
rural land use
metes and bounds survey methods
define property (and village/political regions) lines around natural landscacpe features
methods used to to determine property lines
township and range survey method
develop to determine longitude and latitude on land. results in property patterns that are rectangular and linear
long lot survey methods
found in places settled by the French like Louisiana, and created rural property definitions, that are long and narrow and positioned against a waterway
In the Southern Asia hearth
, humans learned how to grow plants through vegetative planting
Fertile Crescent Hearth
humans learned vegetative planting and seed agriculture and the domestication of herd animals
Indus River Valley hearth
people discovered crop farming and domesticated animals
Central American Hearth
people independantly discovered agricultural practices and crops such as squash and maze
First Agricultural Revolution
a shift from nomadic lifestyles (hunters and gatherers) to a sedentary lifestyle
in fertile crescent
the Columbian exchange
the diffusion of animals, plants, technology, diseases, and aspects of culture and power in areas of the world during the era of Christopher Columbus.
A negative impact of the Columbian exchange was monoculture, what was it?
develops when a farm area produces the same crop over and over again with little crop diversity: this makes crops more easily susceptible to infestations
the green revolution
The green revolution transformed the world’s production of food,
this revolution created higher yield plants by utilizing GMOs
this on top of advancements made in fertilizers pesticides and herbicides allowed for a boom and food production around the world
higher yielding
capabled of producing more food at a paster pace
what did the green revolution accoplish and do bad
its global diffusions of higher yielding varaites of wheat, and maize crops
it reduced the need for human labor which cut off peoples jobs
Subsistence farming is
when a farmer can grow only enough food to feed their family, and many less developed regions of the world people are subsistence farmers
what kind of society may heavily depend on subsistence agriculture
a society with farmers who do not have the tech. needed for commercial farming or their education levels do not allow them to get jobs nonagriculturally
Commerical Farming
Commercial farming refers to Farmers who grow food to be sold in groceries and markets not just to be eaten by Farmers themselves
what kind of society may heavily depend on commercial agriculture
more developed regions
the modern system of food production, which combines all the pieces of food production industry
commodity chain
is a process used by companies to gather resources and transform them into a good or commodity and then distribute them to the consumer for sale
Von Thunen Formulated a Model explaing what? what was this model
Von thunen made the Von thune model explaining and predicting rural land use, specifically where and why different agricultural activities would take place around the city’s Marketplace
what did von thunen assume when making the model
Thunen assumed there’s only one city with one Central Marketplace for all Farmers could sell their products and try to make their most money they can he also assumed that Farmland is all equally farmable and productive.
talk about the structure of the nmodel and what it means
the center was the market place: where the crops and products were sold to consumers.
the first ring outside the market we find Dairy farming and Horticulture which is located next to the market because the goods are perishable remember (remember this is before the green revolution so no refrigeration. they also have a higher transportation cost because of the speed needed to get to the market.
The next ring is the forests, lumber is very difficult to transport because it bulky and heavy so Transportation cost if located too far away would be too high so the forest was located in that next ring to allow for it to be able to get quickly to the city and reduce those costs
Field crops and grain is the third ring, these crops are lightweight they don’t perish and are easy to transport this makes them cheaper to transport so they don’t need to be close to the market these crops also require more land so by locating them further from the market we can reduce our costs since land is cheaper
the last ring is livestock and ranching it’s located here because of the amount of land needed in order for the livestock to graze it would be difficult to acquire so much land near the market due to the cost of the land
what could von thunen not predict; why doesnt this model fiully work in life today
Thunen could not have predictedThat in the future large corporations could own land, processing centers, transportation companies, and etc. because of this committee chain Transportation costs can vary among different businesses even if the distance is the same
How does relationships between affect food distribution networks
the more positive a relationship between two countries the more likely they will develop positive trade relationships and more interconnected food distribution Networks.
negative consequence of humans overuse of earth, the loss habitable land due to the expansion of deserts
land cover
the physical characteristic of a lands surface
soil saliniztion
the buildup of salt and oil that leads to land degradation and decreases soil fertility overtime
shifting cultiviation
subsistence farmers rotate the fields they cultivate (farm) in order to allow the soil to replenish its nutrients, (not farming on same plot over and over)
crop rotation
farmer change their crops type in order to keep soil healthy
a common way for farmers to prepare a new plot of land it through slash and burn agriculture what is that
a form of subsistence agriculture where the land is cleared by cutting the existing plants on the land and then burning the rest to create a clear plt
using a large amount of land to farm food for the farmer’s family to eat
a loss of forested areas, cause by humans chopping down forest area at rates so fast they cannot regenerate
terrace farming
built in the sides of hills, like steps on the side of mountain and hill, rains water runs down the steps and irrigates the crops
systems that bring water to plants, or one place to another
Draining wetlands
destroys ecosystems allowing more pollution to get into our bodies of water
Genetic Modification
Genetic modification is a form of biotechnology that uses scientific genetic manipulation of crops and animals products to improve agricultural productivity and products, creating genetically modified organisms GMOS
havesting of fish, aquatic plants, and shellfish through breeding and raising on water baised farms
Community supported agriculture
where local farmers grow crops directly for their consumer base this allows local farmers to farm with security that they will be able to sell their local crops and allow customers to have fresh food
organic farming
rejects GMO farming in farms organically
gender gap
men typically are listed as producing higher levels of farm output than women
describe womens roles in LDCS
less developed countries traditionally have more women in the field of Agriculture they’re more likely to have traditional gender roles that have been formed throughout history
periphery country
second agricultural revolution
Great Brittian then diffused to world
more people moved from rural to urban locations in hopes for economic oppurtunies in newly formed factories
allowed for a population boom to happen
innovation from industiral revoultion in this