the pattern of people across the earth’s surface
the number of people in a particular land area
highly density populated
low density population`
Arithmetic Denstiy
the total number of people divided by the total land area
FOR EXAMPLE, If 4.4 million people live in Minnesota, the area of which is 84000 square miles, this means Minnesota has an arithmetic density of…
52 people per square mile
Physiological density
Population divided by arable (farmable) land
An example of physiological density is if the physiological population density of the u.s. is 340 people per square mile in Japan’s is 7000 people per square mile, this indicates the arable land in Japan is scarce, given the country’s population and land resources.
just read it lol
carrying capacity
the number of people the area can sustain/support
The higher the population density…
the more CC is needed
support systems: housing, police force, road system, education. food supplies and health care
Governments and societies constantly try to develop their ______ to expand their carrying capacity
EXAMPLE OF CC: Despite Israel’s dry climate, it has developed advanced irrigation methods to create more arable land to increase its farming output. This innovation has increased its carrying capacity despite the land area.
just read
Example of population distribution impacting on society and politics… in areas of high population density, politicians and policymakers are likely focused on issues such as maintaining sustainable growth, fixing infrastructural stains: like traffic, and improving efficiency of services to meet the needs of Highly dense areas.
just read
Example of population distribution impacting on its Society economically … The type of economic activity in less than fully populated areas are more likely to have more farming activities because with more dispersed population
Elements of population composition:
age structure: distribution of ages in a population
sex ratio: the proportion of males and females
Read page 41 and 42 highlighted examples
On a population pyramid cohort is a group of people of the same age.
Each Cohort is split male and female
The ______ the base of a population pyramid, the higher percentage of young people there are.
What age range is considered adolescents/children?
What age range is considered the working age?
What age range is considered the elderly?
The ______ a pyramid is, the higher the percentage of elderly there is in the population.
more top-heavy
Page 45-47
Natural Increase (NIR)
the growth rate of the population
CBR - Crude Birth Rate
of births per 1,000 ppl
CDR - Crude Death Rate
of deaths per 1,000 ppl
Less developed countries have a _____ NIR while developed countries have a ______ NIR
high, low
STAGE 1 of DTM and Epidemiological Transition Model
low population grow, and CBR and CDR are both VERY HIGH
this creates a low NIR because the CBR and CDR cancel one another out
Ex. a few remote groups
Because of lots of disease, famine, war and poor medical knowledge so many children die.
Since so many children die a lot or born : also for farming/work/supporting family/cultural tradition
STAGE 2 of DTM and Epidemiological Transition Model
- High Population Growth
- CBR Remains High b/c they still need children for farming and supporting family and cultural tradition.
- CDR declines b/c of new medicine and medical supplies arrive / and increase in medical knowledge
-The NIR increases because the CBR is high and CDR is decreasing
STAGE 3 of DTM and Epidemiological Transition Model
CBR is falling b/c families begin to lower their birth rates/have less children b/c there is not a need to have as many, or moving to cities to work or b/c of improved health conditions
Women have more opportunities, so NIR is becoming reduced but because of the population size still growing, the NIR is greater than 0.
improved medical care and diet so fewer children are needed / die
STAGE 4 of DTM and Epidemiological Transition Model
-the CBR falls and meets the CDR equally low levels
- A lot less children are being born b/c of job opportunities and such women are held in much higher role.
-this means stable, no population growth: NIR is about 0
STAGE 5 of DTM and Epidemiological Transition Model
NIR is negative:
population is declining:
this can be a sign to longer life expectancy causes a higher proportion of population to be elderly
when compared to the population of children
CBR is lower than the death rate is a result of above
Malthusian Theory
that populations is growing exponentially (quickly) while food supply is only growing arithmetically. Basically population was growing at a faster rate than food supply
What did Malthus argue for?
checks on population growth positive: such as birth control. education programs to reduce birth rate, and celibacy.
negative: starvation, a widespread disease
government policies that promote reproduction, and increase in population.
Government policies that discourage reproduction and try to reduce population growth
What can happen if there is rapid population growth in poor countries?
they could exhaust food supplies and natural resources
What is the core thing of woman’s society placement?
___, ____, and _____ roles for females have influenced patterns of fertility, mortality, and migration
social, economic, and political
Age 15-64 are what?
Non-dependent, they usually support themselves through work
Age 14 and under and 65 and older are known as what?
dependents, they depend on the workers for survival.
Potential Benefits of an Aging Populations
Medical Care can advance given the pressure to meet the growing demands related to chronic diseases associated with old age, and lead to Medical Innovations that will last Generations .
Challenges of an Aging Populations
Workforces may not be able to fill the jobs needed given their lower Workforce population.
Push factors
the negative influences that makes a person want to move away
Pull factors
the positive influences that pulls a person towards a certain place
people who have fled their country of origin to escape persecutions, violation of human rights, or armed conflict.
Refugees _____ their countries while IDP’s are _______ to leave their country.
flee, forced