Unit 4 matching quiz Flashcards
bottom up processing
sensory details are received then analyzed by the brain
top down processing
higher level mental processes start the perceptual analysis
Inattentional blindness
not noticing visual stimuli due to attention being focused elsewhere
transformation of neural impulses into neural inputs
signal detection theory
theory that assumes there is no absolute threshold
Webers law
to be perceived as different, 2 stimuli must vary by a constant %
sensory adaptation
constant sensory stimulation leads to reduced sensitivity
perceptual set
mental predisposition to perceive one thing and not another
protective covering of the pupil and iris
colored ring of muscles, open and closes pupil
determines brightness or loudness
adjustable opening in the center of the eye
part that contains the rods and cones in the eye
lens in the eye changes shape to focus
retinal receptors that provide peripheral and night vision
retinal receptors that detect fine detail and color
optic nerve
carries neural impulses from the eye to the brain
central focal point in the retina, contains many cones
feature detectors
eye nerve cells that respond to shape, angle, or movement
perception of an organized whole
binocular cues
depth cues, such as retinal disparity
monocular cues
depth cues such as interposition and linear perspective
perceptual constancy
familiar objects perceived as the same, even in different light
sensorineural hearing loss
caused by damage to the cochlea or to auditory nerves
conduction hearing loss
hearing loss from damage to the mechanical systems of your ear