Matching Quiz Developmental Psych Flashcards
fertilized egg
from 2 weeks to 2 months
From 9 weeks after conception. May survive if born early.
biological growth patterns relatively uninfluenced by experience
sensorimotor stage
the first of Piaget’s cognitive states
preoperational stage
Piaget’s 2nd stage. Cannot comprehend concrete logic.
constancy of properties such as mass, number, and volume, despite changes in form
theory of mind
people’s ideas about their own and others’ mental states
concrete operational stage
Piagetian stage characterized by the ability to think logically
formal operational stage
Piagetian stage characterized by hypothetical thought & awareness of consequences
studied by the Harlows using monkeys and wire monkey mothers
cultural definitions of male and female
gender role
sets of expected behaviors for males and females
expectations for the behavior associated with a social position
gender typing
acquiring a traditional masculine or feminine role
establishing this was what Erikson believed was the major task of adolescence
gender identity
one’s sense of being male or female
social identity
the part of our self-concept that comes from the groups to which we belong
secondary sex characteristics
female breasts and hips, male body hair and voice quality, for example