UNIT 3: The Human Reproductive System Flashcards
muscular organ through which urine and semen travel. It can also fill with blood, becoming erect. This occurs during sexual arousal, enabling the penis to be inserted into the vagina.
sperm ducts
there are 2 sperm ducts that carry sperm from the testes to the urethra.
prostate gland
exocrine gland located just underneath the bladder. It secretes fluid contributing to semen.
cowper’s gland
pair of exocrine glands that also secrete fluid contributing to semen.
seminal vesicles
pair of exocrine glands that also secrete fluid contributing to semen.
sperm storage organs that are located on top of each testis. Sperm mature in the epididymis before being released during sexual intercourse. If sperm is not released, it is broken down and absorbed by the cells of the epididymis.
pair of exocrine and endocrine glands located outside of the body in a sac called the scrotum. They are responsible for producing sperm (exocrine secretion) and the hormone testosterone (endocrine secretion). Testosterone is produced by the testes in response to luteinising hormone (LH), which is secreted by the pituitary.
pouch in which each testis are located. They hold the testes outside the body as sperm production required a temperature of 35
sperm production
The testes produce sperm in response to the hormone follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH, which is secreted by the pituitary).
Sperm are produced by meiosis.
Sperm are highly specialised cells containing three parts: head, midpiece and tail
Sperm: head
contains the nucleus with 23 chromosomes (human haploid number) and an acrosome - needed to penetrate the egg cell at fertilisation.
Sperm: midpiece
contains many mitochondria that produce energy needed for movement of the sperm cell towards the egg cell.
Sperm: tail
responsible for propelling the sperm cell
consists of a number of external genital organs, forming the entrance to the vagina and function in sexual arousal.
muscular organ approximately 7cm long. It is also known as the birth canal and receives the penis during sexual intercourse.
located at the top of the vagina - it is the junction between the vagina and uterus.
uterus (womb)
muscular organ responsible for holding the developing embryo/foetus/baby during pregnancy. The internal lining of the uterus is called the endometrium and undergoes a series of changes throughout the female’s 28 day menstrual cycle.
fallopian tubes
also known as the oviducts, they form the tubes that carry the egg / fertilised egg from the ovaries to the uterus.
2 exocrine and endocrine organs located within the abdomen at the end of the fallopian tubes. They release 1 egg (exocrine secretion) per menstrual cycle and hormones progesterone and oestrogen (endocrine secretion) directly into the bloodstream.
egg cell development
- eggs are present in the female ovaries at birth.
- eggs begin to be ovulated (released from the ovary) at puberty in the female (about the age of 13).
- usually only 1 egg is released (ovulated) per 28 days (the length of the female menstrual cycle).
a nuclear division leading to 4 daughter cells each with half the chromosomes as the parent cell.
role of meiosis in gamete formation
Meiosis is required for gamete formation so that following fertilisation, the new individual will have the correct number of chromosomes in its cells. Meiosis also created variation in the gametes, so that no 2 gametes are the same genetically, and therefore, no two offspring are the same (unless they resulted from the same zygote).
secondary sexual characteristics
those features that distinguish males from females, but are not part of the reproductive system.
male secondary sexual characteristics
- facial hair
- pubic hair
- enlarged larynx
- broad shoulders and chest
- large musulature
female secondary sexual characteristics
- pubic hair
- breasts
- wide hips
role of testosterone
Produced in the male body by the testes in response to the pituitary hormone luteinising hormone (LH). It functions in maintaining male secondary sexual characteristics and plays a role in the production of sperm
role of oestrogen
Produced in the female body by the ovaries in response to follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). It functions in the formation and maintenance of female secondary sexual characteristics and the repair of the endometrium during the menstrual cycle.
role of progesterone
Produced in the female body by the ovaries (corpus luteum) following ovulation. It functions in maintaining the endometrium during the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy. Inhibits FSH / LH and prolactin
menstrual cycle
a series of changes that occur in the female reproductive tract over the period of 28 days.
It begins in the female at puberty and continues every 28 days until menopause (approx. age 45).
It can be divided into 3 separate phases:
- follicular phase and menses
- ovulation
- luteal phase
follicular phase and menses
- this phase begins with menses - which is the shedding of the lining of the uterus (endometrium) - usually occurring over the first 5 days of the cycle.
- it is caused by low levels of estrogen and progesterone.
- low levels of the female sex hormones removes the inhibition of these hormones on the pituitary and therefore, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels begin to increase once again.
- As FSH increases, new follicles begin to form within the ovaries and they start secreting estrogen.
- Eventually, one of these follicles becomes dominant and is called the Graafian follicle.
- The Graafian follicle continues to grow from days 6-13, increasing in size and secreting increasing amounts of estrogen.
- Increasing amounts of estrogen helps to repair the lining of the uterus.
- Increasing amounts of oestrogen also inhibits FSH secretion from the pituitary, ensuring no further follicles develop during the cycle.
- oestrogen levels reach a critical level in the blood stream just before ovulation (approx. day 14).
- this critical level of oestrogen stimulates the pituitary to secrete a burst or surge of luteinising hormone (LH).
- the surge of LH levels causes ovulation - the release of an egg cell from the ovary into the fallopian tube.
luteal phase
- once the graafian follicle has released its egg, it becomes the corpus luteum or yellow body and oestrogen levels drop.
- the corpus luteum secretes increasing amounts of progesterone.
- progesterone maintains the endometrium and thickens it further in readiness for a potential pregnancy.
- towards the end of the luteal phase, progesterone and oestrogen levels drop.
where the cells lining the uterus (endometrium) move and grow outside the uterus.
symptoms of endometriosis
pain in the pelvic area and infertility
treatment of endometriosis
pain medication, hormonal drugs to treat any hormonal imbalance, or surgery in severe cases.
stages of sexual intercourse: sexual arousal
- in males, blood flows into the penis, which becomes erect so that it can be inserted into the vagina.
- in females, secretions from the vagina and blood flowing into the vagina causing it to elongate.
- increases in heart rate and breathing occur in both sexes.
stages of sexual intercourse: copulation
copulation is the insertion of the erect penis into the vagina
stages of sexual intercourse: orgasm
orgasm occurs when sexual arousal reaches a maximum (climax).
Orgasm in males is accompanied by ejaculation.
Ejaculation is the release of semen from the penis during sexual intercourse.
the fusion of a sperm cell with an egg cell to form a diploid zygote
survival time of sperm and egg cells
Sperm survive anywhere from 0-7 days in the female reproductive tract.
Egg cells survive up to 48 hours after ovulation.
location of fertilisation
always occurs in the fallopian tubes
fertile period
the time at which the female is most likely to become pregnant.
implantation is the embedding of the embryo into the lining of the uterus.
placenta formation
- formed from the trophoblast of the blastocyst
- composed of uterine and embryonic tissue.
- fully formed and functional after 3 months.
- attached to the foetus via the umbilical cord.
functions of the placenta:
- secretes progesterone, taking over from the corpus luteum.
- allows nutrients, water, oxygen, antibodies, drugs and hormones to pass from the mother’s bloodstream into the baby’s bloodstream.
- allows waste produced by the baby such as carbon dioxide and urea, to pass to the mother’s bloodstream for excretion.
- keeps mother’s blood separate from baby’s blood
development of the embryo
- at fertilisation, the zygote starts to divide by mitosis.
- a ball of cells called a morula is formed.
- the morula moves down the fallopian tube towards the uterus.
- mitosis continues in the morula which then becomes a blastocyst around day 7.
- mitosis continues in the blastocyst producing an inner cell mass with 3 layers:
1. ectoderm
2. mesoderm
3. endoderm - a protective sac, called the amnion, forms around the developing embryo.
- amniotic fluid fills the sac and acts as a shock absorber to protect the developing embryo.
- at the end of the 8th week of pregnancy, all the major internal organs have been formed and the embryo is known as a foetus.
- at the 12th week, the placenta is fully formed and functional.
- as pregnancy progresses, the foetus increases in size and the internal organs mature in readiness for life outside the uterus.
a ball of undifferentiated cells that forms as a result of mitosis.
a fluid-filled sac containing an inner cell mass that gives rise to the embryo
gives rise to the skin and nervous system
gives rise to the musculoskeletal system, kidneys, lungs and heart
gives rise to the liver, pancreas and inner linings of the breathing, digestive and excretory systems.
divided into 3 stages:
- labour
- parturition
- afterbirth
- ranges from 1-72hours.
- walls of the uterus begin to contract caused by secretion of the hormone oxytocin from the pituitary.
- the amniotic sac breaks
- the process of the baby being born (passing through the birth canal).
- the baby is usually delivered through the birth canal head first.
- the umbilical cord is clamped, cut and sealed to prevent excess blood loss.
involves the passing of the placenta from the uterus,
the production and secretion of milk by the breasts of the female.
- the production of milk by the breasts is controlled by a pituitary hormone, prolactin.
- in the days after childbirth, the breasts secrete a thick yellow substance called colostrum - a nutritious and concentrated form of milk that contains antibodies that protect the baby in the first few weeks and months of life.
advantages of breastfeeding
- contains all the correct nutrients in the correct proportions.
- contains antibodies.
- correct temperature.
- sterile - contain no bacteria or viruses.
- promotes a strong bond between mother and baby.
- helps the mother’s body recover quicker after pregnancy.
- thought to reduce the chances of developing breast cancer in later life.
birth control
procedures taken to limit the number of offspring produced
the physical removal of a foetus from the uterus.
the intentional prevention of pregnancy by stopping fertilisation or implantation from occurring.
natural contraception
the couple avoid sexual intercourse during the female’s fertile period (rhythm method).
mechanical contraception
a barrier is used to prevent the sperm from reaching and fertilising the egg cell e.g. the use of a condom, diaphragms and domes.
chemical contraception
using spermicides or hormones. Condoms, domes and diaphragms are often coated in a spermicide that kills the sperm as soon as they come into contact with it. Hormones are used as contraceptives in the form of the ‘contraceptive pill’ - the woman takes one pill per day - which prevents her ovulating
surgical contraception
involves the ligation (tying and cutting) of the fallopian tubes in females (tubal ligation) and of the sperm ducts in males (vasectomy).
the inability to contribute to conception
male infertility causes
- low sperm count
- low sperm mobility
- endocrine gland failure
female infertility causes
- fallopian tube blockage
- endocrine gland failure
corrective measures for infertility
- hormonal treatment
- surgery
- IVF (in-vitro fertilisation)
An organ that produces sex cells in animals
Fluid containing sperm and seminal fluid
The discharge of the lining of the uterus and the unfertilised egg
The release of semen into the vagina just outside the cervix
In-vitro fertilisation
Removing eggs from an ovary and fertilising them outside the body
Germ layer
Basic layers of cells in the blastocyst from which all adult tissues and organs will form
The length of time spent in the uterus from fertilisation to birth