glucose (reducing sugar):
- chemicals / instrument,
- positive result / function.
- benedicts solution & 37˚C water bath
2. sky blue to brick red
protein (biuret)
- chemicals / instrument,
- positive result / function.
- Biuret solution (sodium hydroxide & copper sulphate)
2. sky blue to lilac
- chemicals / instrument,
- positive result / function.
- iodine
2. brown to blue/black
- chemicals / instrument,
- positive result / function.
- brown paper
2. translucent spot
animal cell (cheek cell)
- chemicals / instrument,
- positive result / function.
- stain: methylene blue
2. highlight cell organelles under microscope
plant cell (onion cell)
- chemicals / instrument,
- positive result / function.
- stain: iodine
2. highlight cell organelles under microscope
- chemicals / instrument, (3)
- positive result / function. (3)
- cover slip at 45˚ angle - 2. to prevent air bubbles
- mounted needle - 2. helps lower cover slip slowly at 45˚ angle
- drops of water on slide - 2. to prevent cells drying out
- chemicals / instrument, (2)
- positive result / function. (2)
- objective lense - 2. magnifies object to be observed
1. coarse focus wheels - 2. roughly focuses image
enzyme activity
- chemicals / instrument,
- positive result / function.
- hydrogen peroxide (substrate), catalase (enzyme in celery)
- oxygen in the form of foam (volume of foam per unit time)
temperature variation (enzymes)
- chemicals / instrument,
- positive result / function.
- thermostatically controlled waterbath at different temperatures
- changing temerature will vary the amount of foam produced (eg enzyme activity will change)
pH variation (emzymes)
- chemicals / instrument,
- positive result / function.
- pH buffer solutions of various pH
2. change buffer pH will effect enzyme activity (i.e. change amount of oxygen in the form of foam produced)
- washing up liquid (enzymes)
2. positive result / function
- traps oxygen in the form of foam and allows oxyen production (enzyme activity )to be measured
enzyme immobilisation (enzymes)
- chemicals / instrument, (3)
- positive result / function. (3)
- sodium alginate -2. inert material that traps enzyme
- calcium chloride -2. material that makes enzyme insoluble
- yeast -2. sourse of enzyme sucrase
- chemicals / instrument,
- positive result / function.
- elodea (aquatic plant)
2. easier to see and count oxygen bubbles given off
CO2 variation (photosynthesis)
- chemicals / instrument,
- positive result / function.
- sodium hydrogen carbonate
2. varying the amount will vary the CO2 concentration and change the number of bubbles of O2produced
light intensity variation (photosynthesis)
- chemicals / instrument,
- positive result / function.
- lamp
2. moving the light source different distances from experiment will vary O2 bubbles produced
temperature maintainence (photosynthesis)
- chemicals / instrument,
- positive result / function.
- thermostatically controlled waterbath at a fixed temperature
- keeps temperature constant
ethanol test (respiration)
- chemicals / instrument,
- positive result / function.
- potassium iodide / sodium hypochlorite, heat gently in a water bath
- yellow crystals
carbon dioxide test (respiration)
- chemicals / instrument,
- positive result / function.
- limewater
2. clear to milky
abiotic factor (ecology)
- chemicals / instrument, (4)
- positive result / function. (4)
- pH metre -2. meaure pH of soil
- thermometre -2. measure soil and air temperature
- anemometre -2. measure wind speed
- secchi disc / turbidity metre -2. measure water turbidity
qualitative analysis
- chemicals / instrument, (7)
- positive result / function. (7)
- identification key -2. series of questions used to identify animals and plants
- pooter -2. collects insects and spiders
- beating tray -2. collects insects, spiders, caterpillars
- pitfall trap -2. crawing insects, snails
- sweep net -2. hedgerow insects
- tullggren funnell -2. centipedes, millipedes
- quadrat -2. record the number of times a plant appears
- chemicals / instrument,
- positive result / function.
- visking tubing
2. acts as a semi-permeable membrane
dicot stem analysis
- chemicals / instrument, (2)
- positive result / function. (2)
- blade / scalpel -2. cut a thin slice of celery
1. forcep -2. transfer stem to glass slide
leaf yeasts (fungi)
- chemicals / instrument,(4)
- positive result / function. (4)
- petroleum jelly -2. sticks leaf to lid of agar plate
- nutrient agar -2. medium with all the food microorganisms need to grow
- methylates spirits -2. kills any microorganisms present
- incubator at 35˚C -2. temperature at which enzymes in yeast work best.
DNA isolation
- chemicals / instrument, (8)
- positive result / function. (8)
- washing up liquid -2. cell membrane breaks down
- table salt -2. DNA molecules clump together
- water bath at 60˚C (no longer than 15 minutes) -2. speeds up reaction and denatures enzyme DNase that breaks down DNA (or DNA will start to break down )
- icebath -2. prevents complete denaturation and DNA destruction
- food blender -2. breaks down cell wall
- filter paper -2. collects cell fragments
- protease -2. breaks down protein surrounding DNA
- ice cold ethanol -2. causes the DNA to come out of solution
- chemicals / instrument, (2)
- positive result / function. (2)
- boiled water -2. to remove oxygen from water
1. layer of oil -2. eliminate oxygen (creates anaerobic conditions)
growth regulators
- chemicals / instrument,
- positive result / function.
- IAA (indole acetic acid)
- affects the length of the root and shoot growth - at low concentration promotes root growth, at hight concentration promotes shoot growth