Unit 3 Quiz Flashcards
A program where a child is targeting clapping hands, touching head, or touching a picture of a cow, is likely to fall into which instructional category?
Listener responding
A textual operant has:
Point-to-point correspondence but not formal similarity
A type of verbal behavior in which a written verbal stimulus has point-to-point correspondence and formal similarity with a written verbal response.
Copying a text
Behavior of reading, without any implications that the reader understands what is being read:
Frida makes a request to her therapist. The next day she makes requests to her mother, teacher, and bus aide. What can we say about her manding behavior?
Both A and B:
It is increasing, it is generalizing
Public accompaniment occurs when:
An observable stimulus accompanies a private stimulus
Teaching in a setting that naturally surrounds the child, but still involves contrived and planned exercises and data collection, is referred to as:
Natural environment teaching
The following is an example of what type of response?
Instructor: Puts out three picture cards on the table (bird, cow, and fish), hands a picture of the cow to the student, and says, “Match the cow.”
Student: Puts the picture of the cow on top of the other picture of the cow.
Instructor: “Excellent, those are both cows!”
Match to sample
The following is an example of what type of transfer procedure?
Instructor: “Say fish.”
Student: “Fish.”
Instructor: Holds up a picture of a fish and says, “What is this?”
Student: “Fish.”
Echoic to tact transfer
The following is an example of what type of transfer procedure?
Instructor: “Match fish,” while handing a picture of a fish to the student.
Student: Matches fish.
Instructor: “Touch fish.”
Student: Touches fish.
Match to sample to receptive transfer
When running a discrete trial all of the following should be applied except:
Only use prompting procedures
When running a listener training trial, Marvin did the following: He said, “Clap your hands Alyssa,” then immediately physically prompted Alyssa to clap her hands. He said, “Great. Clap your hands.” Alyssa responded independently by clapping her hands, so Marvin handed her a highly preferred reinforcer: a gummy bear. This is an example of what type of procedure?
Using a transfer trial
When teaching tacting which of the following is the goal that you are ultimately hoping to achieve?
The child is in a car that is driving past a cow grazing in the pasture, and the child says, “I see a cow.”
Which is true regarding stimulus generalization?
All the above:
a. Stimulus generalization is attained when behavior that is learned in one situation or set of circumstances occurs in new situations or when aspects of the current situation change.
b. Behavior continues to occur in the presence of new or different stimuli.
c. Behavior may generalize (occur) across settings, people, materials, antecedent stimuli, activities and tasks, and consequences.
Which of the following is not a communication option for a child that is not progressing with vocal language?
Which of the following is not likely to be part of an early learner’s therapy package?
Which of the following is not likely to be used for recording mands during a session with a client?
An intensity rating scale
Which of the following should not drive the development of potential goals and interventions?
The benefit of others
Which type of prompt in the most intrusive?
Physical prompt
Writing and spelling words that are spoken is: