Unit 3 Lesson 4 word meaning Flashcards
The governor may veto, or overrule, the bill at any time prior to the end of the legislative session. What is the phrase an example of?
a synonym/restatement
“When the polls close, we will see whether the resolution was ratified or rejected.” What is this pharase an example of?
“The appropriations bill currently under review authorizes funding for all projects.” What is the pharse an example of?
definition / explanation
A quorum of senators is required before a vote. The official number in the Senate is 51 members, or a simple majority. What is this an example of?
example / illustration
What does appositive mean?
a noun or noun phrase that precedes or follows a noun to define or give information about the noun
whaere is a appostiive usaully located in a sentence?
The appositive is often set off from the rest of the sentence with a comma or commas
The appositive is often set off from the rest of the sentence with a comma or commas, as in this example:
Without a constitution and strict enforcement of its parameters, a nation may descend into anarchy, a state of lawlessness and disorder.
If context does not provide enough of a clue, the reader can consider the word’s function in the sentence, or its part of speech. What is a morpheme?
the smallest meaningful units in a language
What can a morpheme be?
a base word, an affix; either a prefix or suffix
What does a prefix do to a word?
A prefix adds meaning to the base word
What does a suffix do to a word?
a suffix changes its part of speech.
Insecure is an adjective. What new word and part of speech would you form if you added the suffix -ity
Insecurity; it is a noun.
how does the morpheme -ing change the part of speech of invigorate?
It changes it from a verb to an adjective.
What is the base word in secretions?
What is the meaning of secrete?
to release or send out
The suffix -ion means “state of” or “result of.” In your own words, what is a logical definition of secretions in the sentence?
something released from the salivary gland
What are diacritical marks
symbols that tell readers how to pronounce letters
What is a schwa
an unstressed vowel in the middle of a word, or the symbol Ó™ that represents that vowel sound
What is a thsearus
a book or online resource that lists words with their synonyms and antonyms
Word orgin meaning
the historical development of a word’s meaning