Unit 2 part 2 Flashcards
Cell Types
Branch of bio that studies all facets of the cell
The increase in an objects image size compared to its actual size
Minimal distance between two objects at which they can still be distinguished as two
Magnification + actual length formula
Magnification = Measured Length/ Actual Length
Actual Length = Measured Length/ Magnification
How do light microscopes work?
Uses light passing through living or dead spicemen to form an image
How do electron microscopes work?
Use electrons passing through spicemen to form an image
Qualities of light microscopes
- inexpensive to purchase and operate
- Simple and easy spicemen preparation
- Magnifies up to 2000x
- Spicemens may be living or dead
Qualities of electron microscopes
- Expensive to purchase and operate
- Complex and lengthy spicemen preparation
- Magnifies up to 500,000x
- Spicemen are dead, and must be fixed in a plastic material
Field of vision/ view
Total area visible when looking through a microscopes eye or ocular
How can a diameter be calculated?
Using special micrometers
Qualitative data?
- Non-numerical but descriptive data
ex. colours, presence of structure/ feature, sex, etc
Quantitative data?
Numerical values collected by a specific type of instrument
ex. mass by lab balance, length by ruler, etc
What are the two types of electron microscopes (EM)?
- Scanning electron microscope 9=(SEM)
- Transmission electron microscope (TEM)
Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
- Uses a beam of electrons to scan the surface of a spicemen
Transmission electron microscopes (TEM)
- Aims a beam of electrons through a very thin section of a spicemen that allows its inner structure to be viewed
What are the techniques employed when working with electron microscopes (EM)?
- Freeze fracture
- Cryogenic electron microscopy
Freeze fracture?
Process of preparing for observation with an EM
- Involves the rapid freezing of a biological spicemen followed by physically breaking it apart
Cryogenic electron microscopy?
Uses computer enhancement that shows 3D framework of protein involved in function of cell
- Utilizes low temps to freeze Spicemens in ice
Preparation techniques for using light microscope
- Fluorescent stains
- Immunofluorescence
Fluorescent stains
Substances/ dyes that combine with specific cellular components allowing scientist to study location, distribution, and quantity of specific biomolecules
- When fluorescence occurs assorted colours are produced
Involves antibodies that have dyes already combined w/ them
- Allows the target, usually a protein, to be detected
- Often used to detect viral proteins that have infected cells
- Located between stage + light source and possesses a lens that directs light rays from light source to spicemen
3 types of light microscopes?
- Brightfield
- Darkfield
- Phase-contrast
Brightfield LM?
Most common and easy to use light microscope
- Visible light is used
- Spicemen is viewed against a light background
Darkfield LM?
Spicemen appears light against a dark background
- Special opaque lens is used in the condenser that blocks direct light from entering spicemen
Special condenser with a circular diaphragm
- Modified objective lenses are used to reveal detailed images of spicemen w/out staining
All cells posses what common structures?
- As genetic material
- composed mainly of water
Plasma membrane
- Composed of lipids that surrounds the cytoplasm