Unit 1 - Methodological Issues Flashcards
What is generalisability?
= results can be applied to settings other than that in which they were originally tested.
What is representativeness?
= the sample is similar in make up to the characteristics of target population.
What is reliability?
= consistency of research. whether it can be repeated and produce consistent results.
What is internal reliability?
= consistency of results of a test across items within that test.
What is external reliability?
= the extent to which a test score varies from one to the other.
What is inter rater reliability?
= two observers consistently rate/observe the same behaviour and two sets of ratings are correlated.
What is test retest?
= can be used to see if the same results are achieved.
What is split half?
= a way to test internal reliability by comparing the results of one half of a test with the results from the other half.
What is validity?
= how accurate a piece of research/test is at measuring what it aims to measure.
What is internal validity?
= whether extraneous variables affect behaviour meaning there is not an accurate measure of the independent variables influence. (Participant variables + Order Effects)
What is external validity?
= if results can be generalised or have a representative sample. ECOLOGICAL + POPULATION VALIDITY
What is face validity?
= how good the test or research looks to be at testing what it is meant to.
What is construct validity?
= where a test or study measures the actual behaviour it sets out to measure. The results of a test could be correlated with other tests of the same construct.
What is concurrent validity?
= where a test or piece of research gives the same results as another test or study which claims to measure the same behaviour.
What is criterion validity?
= refers to how much one measure predicts the value of another measure.