Unit 1- Lesson 7: Sexual relationships & contraception Flashcards
Christian views on the purpose of sex- The gift of sex should only be enjoyed by a what?
A married man and women
Christian views on the purpose of sex- What are the three main purposes of sex?
.Procreation- to have children
.Partnership- unites a married couple spiritually and physically
.Pleasure- for enjoyment between a husband and wife
Christian views on the purpose of sex- Some Christians will allow sex outside of marriage but only for 2 reasons, Name them.
.If the couple is committed and loving
.If the couple is monogamous (having only one sexual partner)
Muslim views on the purpose on sex- What is sex according to the Quran?
Its seen as a gift from god and for the pleasure of the couple.
Muslim views on the purpose of sex- Why is procreation (having children) the main purpose of sex?
This is because its an act of worship as it’s the only way humans can contribute to Allah’s creation.
Muslim views on the purpose on sex- What is unlawful sex called as a sin?
Zina, this includes sex before marriage, casual sex and adultery
Muslim views on the purpose of sex- Find a quote that warns Muslims to stray from unlawful sex (Zina)
‘Do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse (adultery)’ Quran 17:32
What is the meaning of Chasity/chaste?
To not have sexual intercourse
.Christians are encouraged to practice Chasity until marriage
.Muslim are also encouraged to practice this until marriage- men and women should not be left alone together as it can lead to Zina.
What is the meaning of Celibacy/celibate
remaining unmarried and not having sexual intercourse
.In Catholic Christianity, nuns and priests take vows or celibacy- meaning they will never have children (other Christians don’t support this as it goes against God’s plan for family)
.In Islam marriage is a religious obligation so celibacy is not supported
What is contraception?
Methods to prevent a women from becoming pregnant during or following sexual intercourse.
What are the two types of contraception?
. Artificial contraception- Preventing pregnancy through the use of a device, drugs or surgery.
. Natural contraception- preventing pregnancy through natural means by not using devices, drugs or surgery.
Who is St Thomas Aquinas? and what does he argue about the 5 primary precepts?
- St Thomas Aquinas was a catholic monk who wrote the theory of Natural law.
- He argues that there are 5 primary precepts laid by god on how to live our lives if you go against these you are going against God’s plan.
.preserve life
.Educate children
.Order society
.Worship god
Christian views on contraception- Do catholic Christians accept contraception?
They don’t accept artificial contraception as it goes against God’s plan in Natural law (reproduce)
They will accept natural contraception because it allows Christians to plan their families and doesn’t make it impossible for God to create new life.
Christian views on contraception- Do protestant Christians accept contraception?
Yes. They accept the use of contraception but only in a marriage as they believe Christians get to enjoy the gift of sex without concerns of unwanted pregnancies. However they do still believe in reproduction.
Muslim views on contraception- Is contraception accepted?
Yes but temporarily (like a condom). but only within a marriage and only for the following reasons:
.To protect the women’s health
.Limit family size
.Space out children
Muslim views on contraception- Other Muslims don’t accept contraception and abortion because of a quote from the Quran. Name this quote.
‘Do not kill your children for fear of poverty - we shall provide for them’ Quran 17:31