Unit 1 Flashcards
Christian Persecution
- Became scapegoats for many situations including the Great Fire and natural disasters
- Property confiscated from them (sacred books, churches)
- Forced into hard labor
- Killing displayed in public
- Forced to practice their faith in secret
Why were Christians Persecuted
- Threat to Jewish Faith (Had separate religious identity)
- Threat to the Roman Empire:
- Refused to worship the Emperor (treason) and Roman gods
- Refused to offer sacrifices to these gods
Martyrs for the Faith
- Martyrdom= Witness to the saving message of Christ through the sacrifice of a person’s life
- People who die for a cause (faith) they believe in
- Ex:Saints Peter, Paul, Felicity, Perpetua, Irenaeus
Early Christian Worship
- Christian communities gathered in homes to avoid attention
- Greek word for Church=ekklesia–> German/ Old English kirche
- Often met in secret and wore signs like Chi-Rho to identify themselves as Christian to other followers
Liturgy of the Word
- Reading from the Old Testament
- Letters from Paul or another Apostle
- Talk given by a presider- reminding people to act on what they have heard
- Offer prayers for each other and exchange peace
Liturgy of the Eucharist
-Presider takes the bread and wine and offers praise/glory and gives thanks
Early Christianity before the Edict of Milan (Before 313 AD)
- Authority: Apostles, Bishops, Presbyters (Priests),Deacons
- Structure: In homes, No structure, Limited organization
- Worship: Worshipped in secret in houses
Christianity after the Edict of Milan (After 313 AD)
Authority: Pope, More Bishops
-Hierarchy of Pope, bishop, presbyters, and deacons (ordained) that have specialized roles
-East/ West split
-Large gatherings in Churches
-Became much more organized on paper with a hierarchy
-Worship: Could worship publicly, not in secret
- One who speaks or writes in defense of the Church
- Church moves from what (what is Jesus Christ) to why (Why people want to follow him, what is Christianity)
St. Ignatius of Antioch
- Second bishop of Antioch in 69 AD
- Refused to renounce Christian faith and was taken to Rome to be executed
- Wrote letters of encouragement and instruction to Christians
- Was ready to give up his life to be with God
St. Justin Martyr
- Gentile who converted to Christianity
- Philosopher who wrote many documents (Apology 1, Apology 2, Dialogue)
- Martyred for refusing to offer sacrifices to pagan gods
St. Iranaeus
- Born in Asia Minor and studied in Rome
- Became a bishop in Lyons
- Argued against heresies that were spreading
- Gnosticism: knowledge would earn salvation, but only a few would receive that mysterious knowledge
- Denied the human nature of Christ
- Helped settle spiritual controversies
Reasons for Incarnation
- Save us
- Know Gods love
- Imitate him
- Share Jesus’ divine nature
Episcopate (Bishop)
- Highest authority in the Church
- This is the highest form of the Priesthood. They have the grace to guide, shepherd and sanctify the Church
Presbyterate (Priest)
- 2nd highest authority in the Church
- Serve the Bishop by proclaiming the word and offering sacrifices. They are able to celebrate the mysteries of the Sacraments.