Chapter 6 CH Flashcards
What do indulgences do
Reduce time spent in purgatory due to sins committed
Who was Martin Luther
German Augustinian friar, catholic university professor and priest
What other factors added to controversy
Feelings of nationalism arose because money was being taken from Germany to Europe
- this was perceived as giving $ to leaders in Rome corrupt
- printing press helped Luther’s charges spred through Europe
What sacrament were indulgences given with
what pope threatened Luther with excoummunication unless he recanted
pope lea 10
wht were the 3 key issues of reormation
sola scriptura
sola fide
sola gratia
what did sola scriptura mean
only scriptyre, nothing about indulgences written in scripture
what did sola fide mean
only faith, only faith can get you to heaen
what did sola gratia mean
only grace, Only by Gods grace we can be saved
what was the edict of worms
it declared Luther a heretic and sentenced him to death
where did luther hide and who hid him
duke frederik. wartburg, germany
what was the peasants revolt
when the peasants revolted against German princes. ispired by Luther’s stand up against Catholic Church
who did luther back in peasants revolt
princes bc too much violence
how many peasants klled in peasant revolt
what did the survivor peasants do
rejoin Church or radical protestant groups
what did the diet of speyer do
said taht each prince of Holy Roman Empire which was basically Germany could determine teh religion of his own terittory
what was the second diet of speyer
some reversals of first diet. luther called to be tried heretic
what did portesnatnts do
protested developments
what was the peace of augsburg
prince or king of each satte could, choose catholicism or lutheranism as religion of terittory people could move to territory where religion existed
what was the situtation in 1500s-1600s france
very ylittle protesantism. the avignon paacy where french leaders maintened strong control over internal Church matters. catholic scholars at french universities negate protesnat teachings
what were huguenots
french protesnats
why did henry 6thn not support protesntismj for french
remained catholic to support lower clases
what was the edict of nantes
huguenots could practice their religio in specified villages