U2 Main Turbine Cooling/SS/LO Flashcards
What are the U2 MT Trips?
- Condenser Vacuum ≤ 20.3” Hg (Manual trip: P8 & , 24.8” Hg
- Overspeed 107%
- Oil # (Bearing) < 14.7# for > 5 sec ***
- Low EHC # 1100#
- Low trip header pressure 2/3 < 800#
Hardwire Trips:
- AMSAC (activated at > 40% pwr, auctates at < 25% FW flow 3/4)
- SI
- SG Hi Hi Lvl at 67% 2/3 on 1 SG (P14)
- Manual
- Overall HEA
- IOPS 110%
- Stator Water (10 second delay)
- Low Pressure 28 #
- Low Flow 666 gpm
- High Temp 95°C (+ 5 second delay) - Thrust Bearing Wear Abnormal +/-32 mils (axial)
- Unit HEA
- Reactor Trip
- Emergency Trip
When does the U2 Turning gear auto start?
- 1 min after Main Turbine Trip.
- Engages when Main Turbine speed < 40 rpm.
What are the U2 Turning Gear interlocks?
- Seal Oil ΔP > 7# One of three bearing oil pumps on: - Auxiliary Lube Oil Pump - East DC Lube Oil Pump - West DC Lube Oil Pump - Lift pump inlet # > 5 # - All Lift Pumps operating (If they are the Bypass Interlock Available for Lift Pumps, must be held)
When does 2-CMO-40 (Exhaust hood spray) open?
- Generator Load < 7.5%
- Turbine Speed > 900 rpm
- Manual
What does the Main Turbine Thrust Bearing do?
- Limits Axial Movement to prevent stationary and rotating blade contact
When does the AC Lube Oil pump auto start for the U2 Main Turbine?
- Turbine Trip
- Low Lube Oil # at 16#
When do the 2 DC Lube Oil pumps auto start for the U2 Main Turbine?
- Turbine Trip
- Low Lube Oil # at 16#
What does LRV-32, LO supply header # Reg Valve, do?
- Maintains U2 turbine supply header # at 24.5# by dumping excess pressure back to the lube oil tank
What do the reheat stop and intercept valves do?
- Both Close on Main Turbine Trip to minimize the potential for overspeed of Main Turbine
- Intercept valves throttle to limit overspeed on a load rejection to prevent a turbine trip
How do the SRV-26/27, aux steam supply valves fail on U2?
- Fail as is
What does SRV-12 (U2 MS Bypass Header supply to steam seals) do?
- keeps HPT Inner Steam Seals 10# > HPT exhaust during normal operation. SRV-12 feeds into a separator tank prior to entering HPT inner seals
What supplies LPT Steam Seals during normal operation?
- HP inner seals supply most of steam for seal stm header after it exits the HPT
- Can receive some steam from HP and LP Stop and Ctrl valve leakoff,
- and some aux steam as necessary when HP and LP stop and ctrl valves are backseated
What supplies Steam Seals during startup, shutdown and low power operation?
- 50# aux steam supplies steam seals through SRV-22 and SRV-26/27
When do the U2 bearing lift pumps auto start?
- Turbine Trip
Where in the Lube Oil Flowstream does the DC Emergency Lube Oil Pump discharge?
- Discharge after the Lube Oil Coolers (bypasses them)
What effect will long term operation on the DC Emergency Lube Oil pump have?
- Long term operation will cause higher LO temps
How do we prevent the MT from tripping on a Rx trip?
- Knife switches are opened to allow turbine to stay on grid when Rx is tripped (prevents turbine overspeed)
How do you adjust the Gland Steam Condenser fan?
- adjust blower suction inlet orifice plate (sliding damper) position to 10” vacuum on the Gland Steam Condenser
If you lose the glad steam condenser fan, what will happen?
- Steam will leak out turbine and MPF to atmosphere