typical development from 15 months to 5 years Flashcards
When can a baby stand with assistance
7.6 months
When can a baby independent stand
10-11 months
when can a baby independent walk
12+/- months
When does walk upstairs with a railing occur
18 months
When does a heel strike and push off occur
2 years
When does walking on toes occur
1.5-2.5 years
When does running(fast walking occur?
when does running occur?
when does jumping occur?
- 2 years
- 2.5-3.5 years
- 2.5-3.5 years
Walking/failling with dipers
- walking is impaired by constraints
- diapers constrain walking
15 months gross motor
- walks everywhere, arms in mid-guard (often stopped by falling or bumping into obstacles
- gets self from sitting to standing through plantigrade
- creeps upstairs, sometimes down backward
- pushes large wheeled toys – can practice walking and increase BOS
- squats in play
- consistent anticipatory postural control in standing (80% of the time)
- beginning of staggering balance reactions not well coordinated until 6
15 months: fine motor
- manipulates cubes, builds tower of 2
- palmar grasp of crayon and scribbles (pronated grasp)
- looks at picture books and pats page
- points index finger at desired object
18 months social
- hold spoon and gets food to mouth, chews well; self feeds
- holds cup with 2 hands drinks without spilling much
- takes off shoes/socks, cannot put them on
- enjoys putting small objects into and taking them out of containers
18 months: current motor development theory of development of gross motor skills up to walking is:
- driven by expression of genetic species-specific program (cannot compare to other species)
- skills beyond walking are learned and therefore must be part of the child’s environment for him or her to acquire and develop that skill
18 months: vision
- considered dominant sense during transitional points in development when first learned new motor task
- such as sit to stand to squat
18 months: muscular system:
- gait becoming more efficient with increase stability as COG continues to move downward toward LE
- child overcorrects to perturbation
- use of slow-twitch fibers become more apparent
- not as much co-contracting
18 months skeletal system
- postural sway still very oscillatory because of high COG
- growth from now to adolescence occurs primarily in the legs
- tibiofemoral angle is not neutral – loss of varus
two years old: Gross motor
- runs safely, able to stop, start, avoid obstacles
- squats to play, rises to feet without using hands
- sits on small tricycle, unable to pedal but will propel self with feet on ground
- kicks ball by walking into it
- throws ball overhand 5 feet
- catches ball by trapping against chest
- jumps off low step with one foot leading
- ascends stairs with rail, step-to pattern
two years: fine motor
- holds pencil near point with primitive tripod grasp (near the tip)
- imitates vertical and horizontal lines (do the motion after they see it)
- turns pages one at a time
- builds tower of 6-7 cubes (1 inch cubes)
- turns doorknobs
- pulls pants up and down
2 years: social
- asks for food or drink and develops politeness
- washes and dries hands
- imitates domestic activities in play
- parallel play (playing next to a partner)
- tantrums when frustrated trying to be understood (communication)
2 years: vision
- will lose balance when presented with conflict visual and surface inputs
- ability to weigh proprioceptive input I snot yet developed
- need to learn heigh of surfaces
2 years: Nervous system
- sensory processing areas of brain almost fully myelinated (no finite movement)
- cerebellar development complete
- previously rapid increase in cortical thickness begins to slow, steady increase but at a slower rate until adult
2 years: skeletal system
- long bones are growing
- child now weighs around 27 pounds
- about 35 inches tall
- heavier babies have trouble walking and with balance
2 years: Gait
- heel strike is now present
- decreased co-contraction in antagonistic muscle groups due to increased muscle control (can come back when needed)
2.5 years: Gross motor
- walks up stairs and down holding railing with step to pattern
- stands on tip toe after demonstration
- jumps off surfaces
- jumps on floor a few inches in height
- can run about 30 feet in 6 seconds
2.5 years: fine motor
- imitates horizontal line and circle sometimes also T and V
- pours liquid from one glass into another