types of bias Flashcards
culture bias
when a research and theories conducted developed in one culture are applied perhaps inappropriately to another
gender bias
- alpha bias is where the difference betwrrn males and females are exaggerated or over emphasised
- beta bias is where differences betwern males and femlaes are minimised or ignored
how to control acquiescence bias ?
reword the question, avoid yes/ no or true/false answers
how to control interviewer bias ?
standardilisation of questions
double blund procedure
inter-interview reliability
how to control observer bias ?
behaviour checklists
inter-observer reliability
double blind procedure
how to control publication bias ?
journals ensure they publish all types of psychological reseawith different findings
how to control researcher bias ?
random allocation
change sampling technique
how to control response bias ?
avoid jargon
double baralled questions
double negative questions
how to control sample bias ?
use a more representative technique e.g random or stratified
how to control social desirability bias ?
use a single blind technique
ensure anonymity, conformity and privacy
how to control volunteer bias ?
use different sampling technique, anonymity, confidentiality
how to control extraneous or confounding variables ?
standardised procedurs, controlled lab environment
how to control participant variables ?
random allocation
how to control order effects ?
counter balancing
how to control demand characteristics?
single blind procedure
how to control investigator effects ?
double blind procedure
how to control participant reactivity ?
single blind procedure
acquiescence bias - define
individuals are likely to agree with something regardless of how they actually feel
interviewer bias - define
distortion of response related to the person questioning informants in research
observer bias - define
when a researcher’s expectations, perspectives, opinions, or prejudices impact the results of an experiment
publication bias - define
selective publication of research studies based on their results
researcher bias - define
systematic error or deviation from the truth that can affect the results and conclusions of a research study
response bias - define
where ppl do no not answer questions truthfully for some reason
sample bias - define
when some members of a population are systematically more likely to be selected in a sample than others
social desirability bias - define
when survey respondents answer questions in a manner that will be viewed favourably by others
volunteer bias - define
when participants choose if they want to part of a study
extraneous variables/ confounding variables - define
affects the outcomes of your answers
participant variables - define
when the participants involved in research respond in a manner that suggests they are trying to match up with the desired results of the researcher
order effects - define
where a respondent may react differently to questions based on the order
demand characteristics - define
cues that might indicate the research objectives to participants
investigator effects - define
when a researcher unintentionally influences the outcome of any research they are conducting
participant reactivity - define
which the responses and/ or behaviours of study participants are affected by their awareness that they are a part of the study